I Contracted Myself

【394】Rewards and leaving

Wuming put on the oxygen bottle on his back, put on the oxygen mask, and left the sand shell again.

He quickly came to the black hole where the mad lion had transformed, and searched for it but could not find the golden door. Then he entered the black hole to look for it.

A few days later, he emerged from the black hole and quickly returned to the sand shell.

"No, it seems that it is indeed possible because Ovelia is still alive." Wuming lay on the table and said tiredly.

Searching for all matter in the entire black hole is also an extremely tiring job for him.

Although he has the ability to explode the black hole, it will only make the workload greater. The scattered material fragments may move faster than the speed of light. The golden door is attached to a certain fragment. It will take him years and months to find the golden door. Door?

But it is not easy to find things in a black hole. He must use space abilities to ensure that he is not affected by the black hole, and at the same time radiate his telekinesis and biological force fields. These forces also need the protection of space abilities, otherwise they will be Affected by black holes, even swallowed.

The so-called destruction is easy but maintenance is difficult.

Under such circumstances, he could search the entire black hole in a few days, which was already terrifyingly powerful.

"Are you coming or am I coming? If you can't do it, I can help you!" Ye Qin looked at Wuming and said seriously.

Although she thinks Wuming is crazy, she must admit that Wuming is a good person. She knows that Wuming does not want to kill anyone. This is evident from the fact that Ovelia attacked him and he only turned Ovelia into a flower.

However, Ye Qin actually felt that Wuming's behavior could not be said to be kind at all, but more cruel.

Once you die, everything will be over.

It would be really miserable to become a flower.

Wuming looked at Ovelia and said helplessly: "It's up to me to do it. After all, she has a grudge against me. It's only natural for me to kill her. If you kill her, it can only be regarded as an indiscriminate killing of innocent people."

"Sure enough, you are seriously ill." Ye Qin complained.

Wuming shrugged, stood up and walked to Ovelia. The flower Ovelia had transformed into had no self, so she would not be afraid.

He said softly: "Sorry, it seems that this level does not allow trialists who have failed the mission to continue to live. Have a good journey!"

After saying that, he shot out lasers from his eyes, and the flower that Ovelia transformed into exploded in an instant, turning into a pool of blood and falling to the ground.

After Ovelia's death, the Golden Gate appears in front of the Sand Shell.

On the empty golden road, Wuming and Yeqin appeared at the same time.

The two came to the square. They were the only two people left in the originally bustling square. The two looked at each other and felt a little emotional in their hearts. Everyone entered the Shenzang trial happily, but in the end only two people survived.

In fact, the outside world is also discussing this matter, because the mortality rate this time is too high.

Generally, the mortality rate in Shenzang trials is not that high, otherwise the practitioners would not be extremely happy because they were selected, but should feel extremely fearful.

"Are all the Shenzang trials that difficult?" Wuming couldn't help but ask.

Ye Qin shook his head and said: "Normally, so many people don't die. This time it is indeed a bit difficult, but the most important thing is because of you."

"Me?" Wuming was stunned for a moment, then pointed at himself and said in disbelief.

Ye Qin said seriously: "You are very lucky. Generally, people with good luck are surrounded by unlucky people. They bear the bad luck for you."

"Nonsense, if that's true, why are you alive?" Wuming retorted.

He obviously didn't have any ill intentions towards anyone, so how could he harm other trialists just because of his good luck?

Ye Qin really couldn't refute Wuming's words. She did survive because of Wuming, otherwise she would have been affected in the battle between Wuming and the Mad Lion.

Once the planet is destroyed and she is not with Wuming, she will definitely end up suffocating to death like a crazy lion.

From this aspect, Wuming really brought her good luck. She was indeed not affected by Wuming's luck and became even more unlucky.

At this time, two treasure boxes appeared in front of the two people, which were obviously the rewards of the ninth level.

Ye Qin looked at Wu Ming and said calmly: "You choose first. Anyway, I'm sure your choice will be better than mine."

"Shall I choose one for you first?" Wuming immediately suggested a way.

Ye Qin rolled his eyes and complained: "This way you will definitely choose the worse one for me. It's useless. Stop struggling."

"Okay, then I'm welcome."

Wuming was just joking, he would not give up the best reward to anyone, not even Ye Qin. After all, Ye Qin was not familiar with him.

He picked a treasure chest at random, and then said with a smile: "How about we open it at the same time?"

"Forget it, I'm afraid I can't bear the psychological blow, so you can drive first." Ye Qin refused.

Wuming shrugged, and then opened his treasure box. There was only a token in it. He took out the token and frowned: "Special Zone Order, what is this?"

"I don't know, this is the first time I've seen such a prize." Ye Qin shook his head.

She has studied all the prizes in the Shenzang Trial, and she knows all the prizes that have appeared, but this is indeed the first time that the nameless token has appeared.

"Okay, then I'll do the research myself, what about you?" Wuming put the token away and looked at Ye Qin.

Ye Qin sighed, and then opened her treasure box. Wuming showed her the contents of the treasure box. Of course she couldn't be too stingy, so she also showed Wuming her prize.

There was a flag in her treasure chest, and she introduced it to Wuming: "It's a standard reward, the regional promotion flag. Once it is inserted in your own area, the resources of the entire area will be doubled within a month. At the same time, as the owner of the area, I can also get double resources. This is a necessary item for the regional ruler to attract population and increase assets. Moreover, it can be used once a year. If anyone can collect twelve regional promotion flags and synthesize the holy flag, they can enjoy three times the resources throughout the year."

"Good stuff!" After listening to Yeqin's introduction, Wuming must admit that this is very suitable for Yeqin.

Some strong people will not stay in one area all the time, but go to whichever area has good welfare. Attracting strong people means that they can get more benefits, and even drive the economy of the entire area to become more prosperous.

After leaving the Shenzang Trial, it is estimated that the black area of ​​Zunmeng will usher in a surge in population. Wuming is a little bit tempted to move from the new Dingcheng in the blue area to the black area. After all, double resources are really a lot for a strong man like him.

"Okay, I'm out."

Yeqin put away the flag and said goodbye to Wuming.

Then she closed her eyes and said, "I want to quit the trial."

"I'm quitting the trial too!" Wuming immediately imitated Yeqin and said.

In an instant, the two disappeared one after the other.

The square became quiet again, and only the opened treasure chest proved that the two had been there.

The Shenzang Trial was truly over, and the live broadcast outside also showed the words "Thank you for watching", and then the screen completely dimmed.

However, the end of the Shenzang Trial did not mean the end of the discussion. After watching the live broadcast, the audience had countless thoughts and couldn't help but express them. Countless discussion posts suddenly appeared on the forum of the Oracle Network.

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