I Contracted Myself

【395】Top Scorer

A man in a Taoist robe watched the screen dim completely, opened the oracle and entered: "It's over, I still have more to say. It's a pity that Wuming doesn't continue the challenge. I think he has a chance to survive to the nineteenth level."

Countless light-years away, a man wearing glasses and a white coat saw the previous netizen's speech and sighed: "This session is definitely the cruelest one. Only two people survived. It's too bad." It’s so scary that it almost broke my Taoist heart and made me fear the Shenzang Trial.”

In a certain castle, a woman wearing a cute nightgown has covered the room with Wuming's profile picture or life-size photos. She said with rosy cheeks: "I knew Wuming would survive. I like him so much. Do you know which region Wuming comes from? ?”

In the Akita hut, Dahuang saw the comment made by the online name ‘Unknown Little Wife’ and immediately replied: “I know, boss, he is in Xinding City, the blue area of ​​the Zunmeng League!”

In a certain store in the blue area, a netizen immediately trembled and thought: "It turns out that the unknown master is actually a practitioner who went out of our blue area. He is simply the light of our blue area. It must be revealed today!"

Next, more and more people expressed their thoughts.

Leziren: "Is anyone going to Xinding City with you?"

Gu Shuzetian: "Why are you going to Xinding City? Mr. Wuming is not a good person. You don't want to become a flower, right? Although I am very curious about how Mr. Wuming cheated in the sixth level, but after thinking about it carefully, it is okay. Come on, your life is at stake."

Qian Qiongbaosu: "I guess those big shots have to weigh their abilities. Don't forget that Lord Yeqin who is competing with Lord Wuming is the Supreme Lord of the black area of ​​the Zunming Alliance. He is also a real big shot. But compared with Lord Wuming, Who do you think is stronger?"

Yuliu: "That's true. Master Wuming is indeed not weaker than any big shot."

Zen Beibei: "Strength is secondary. What I admire most about Mr. Wuming is his character. If it were you, how many of you could resist killing other testers in the sixth level?"

As soon as these words came out, many practitioners who were a little dissatisfied were speechless.

As Zen Beibei said, if it were them, they would 100% eliminate all competitors first, because if they don't kill these people in this level, they may die in the hands of these people in the next level.

The targeting of Wuming is a good example. Most practitioners would definitely not be able to be so generous anyway. Not only did they let go of those white-eyed wolves who would retaliate for kindness, but in the end, even if Ovelia attacked Wuming, Wuming did not kill her. , just turned her into a flower, and even wanted her to leave alive.

If it weren't for the rules, Ovelia probably wouldn't have died.

Of course, this is a matter of opinion and wisdom. Some people think that turning into a flower that cannot think is more cruel, so they are afraid of Wuming.

Ice Spirit Magic Girl: "Everyone, is there any way to follow Master Wuming? I want to become his follower."

Jian Antan: "Let's go together. I also want to be a follower of Master Wuming. I feel Master Wuming is particularly humane. I must feel particularly safe working under Master Wuming."

Geneva: "Why are you stinky men all talking about Wu Ming? Master Ye Qin is the focus, right?"

Sword of Songlessness: "Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Ye Qin had to hug Lord Wuming's thigh to get out alive. Otherwise, he would have been poisoned to death. What's the point of discussing a guy who hugged Master Wuming's thigh to get through the level?"

Wenhua Tingfeng: "Yes, I have been paying attention to Master Wuming since the third level. Master Wuming is definitely the strongest and the most kind among all the trialists. He has almost no bad intentions towards his teammates and is very kind to his enemies." Be less ruthless. Sometimes I will be a little angry when I take on the role of myself, and I will feel aggrieved and wonder why Master Wuming is not more ruthless. But think about it carefully, if I were asked to choose a teammate, among so many trialists, only Mr. Wu Ming makes me feel at ease the most and allows me to trust him with my back."

Former Ji Chenglong: "Hahahahaha, Tingfeng Taoist friend is right. When making friends, you should make friends with upright people like Wuming. Is it interesting to make friends with a lot of intrigues and deceitful people, just like wallowing in the quagmire all day long? Intrigue and intrigue. How to achieve greatness and transcendence?”

Wu Lingshen: "Yes, yes, I heard from fellow Taoists that the nameless Taoist friend is indeed a person you can make friends with. As the saying goes, those who have gained the Tao will get more help, and the future of the nameless Taoist friend is limitless."

Wuming's little wife: "Yes, yes, everyone is right, Wuming is so handsome. I will leave tomorrow to Zunmeng to find Wuming."

High Priest of the Goddess Empire: "What's so good about men? How dare they steal the spotlight from women? From today on, I declare that

Bu, Wuming violated the crime of stealing the limelight of women, our goddess empire will send a law enforcement team to arrest Wuming, and Wuming will be killed in one month. "

Theresa: "Fellow Taoists, don't listen to the nonsense of the person above. I am a diplomat of the Goddess Empire. We did not arrest Mr. Nameless, and there is no such law."

High Priest of the Goddess Empire: "Bold Theresa, are you going to betray the goddess too? How can a mere man be stronger than Ye Qin? He should be weaker than Ye Qin."

Bei Ming Nan'an: "Pfft, I'm sorry, I couldn't help laughing. I'm not even allowed to have strong strength. How can I start charging like this?"

Mayfly: "It's not surprising. Under the twisted leadership of that 'goddess', it's normal for twisted guys to appear. I have a feeling that sooner or later, they will take their pills. The big shots look down on them, which is why they can dance for so long. "

Teresa: “We really don’t have one, it’s a fake.”

The last light: "Hold on, everyone. Does anyone want to follow Master Wuming? Let me make some statistics. There are many areas to travel, and there are many dangers. How about we form a group and go?"

Freya: "I suggest you don't form a group. You form a group first. There will be a leader by then. Since there is already a leader, who do you listen to, Wuming or that leader?"

Master Pendulum: "That's right. What you said makes sense. It's good for each of us to go our separate ways. It's better not to form cliques."

Lord Quantum God: "As expected, everyone is talking about Wuming. How many people in the entire Shenzang space don't know about Wuming?"

Regrets in this life: "Probably not. I have to say that Mr. Unknown has become a blockbuster even if he doesn't make a sound, and everyone knows it."

Guzi Qingyuansha: "After all, he is the only one who has passed the Shenzang Trial this time. Compared with Miss Yeqin, Mr. Wuming is so brilliant and powerful. It is not enough that everyone is focusing on Mr. Wuming." strange."

Countless people read Gu Zi Qing Yuan Sha's comments and agreed. Every Shen Zang Trial is a must-see program for practitioners. After all, there is no guarantee that it will be their turn to participate next time.

It's like before taking an exam, you must look at previous years' test papers to see other people's answers.

Wuming is equivalent to being the number one scholar in this session. Now only people in the Shenzang space know Wuming. After a while, everyone in the world will probably know Wuming.

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