I Contracted Myself

【397】Just like the old days

In fact, Da Huang was not without anger, but he was no longer angry after the enemy who killed him was killed by Wuming.

Now he is very happy, because the person who helped him to avenge was Wuming, which means that Wuming values ​​him very much. As a dog, he feels that he has finally found the meaning of his life, which is to follow Wuming.

"Will the others come back alive?" Wuming stood up and put forward his own ideas.

If the others come back alive, doesn't that mean that he has many more enemies in the Shenzang space?


The dog also realized this and immediately used telekinesis to pull the oracle in front of him.

After a moment, he looked up at Wuming in disbelief and said, "Master Wuming, the others did not come back to life, so what happened to me?"

"Maybe... you are really cute." Wuming also took out the oracle to check, and there was indeed no discussion about the resurrection of others.

If other trialists really came back to life, it is impossible that no one in the oracle network would discuss it, but now the entire oracle network is discussing his combat effectiveness, and even began to tear up combat effectiveness, comparing him with the rulers of various fields.

"Wuming, look here!" Zhang Shouzhong said at this time.

Wuming raised his head and saw a huge fist coming at him. He rolled his eyes helplessly and had to close his eyes and take the punch.

However, due to the effect of the Ignoring Eye, the punch did zero damage to him.

"Why did you use my name, you could have used Ni Jing or Feng Qiuhuang, or Luo Xi's. Do you know how many people are discussing who you are impersonating as Zhang Shouzhong?" Zhang Shouzhong said excitedly as he threw a punch.

Wuming had to put his hands together and bowed his head, saying, "Sorry, I didn't think straight at the time and only thought of your name."

"Hey, stay away from me. You actually thought of my name first. Are you a pervert? I tell you, I have no interest in men at all!" Zhang Shouzhong immediately moved away from Wuming and showed a look of disgust.

Wuming raised his middle finger and said contemptuously: "Get lost, I have a wife... well, no children yet."

"Okay, Wuming is tired too, everyone come in and sit down first, I'll go make you a pot of tea." Cheng Xuejie smiled at this time.

Zhang Shouzhong saw Cheng Xuejie turn around and walk into the room, and came to Wuming and whispered: "In fact, the senior sister is the one who is most worried about you. When watching the game,

she was scared and her face turned pale several times."

"Yeah, I know." Wuming nodded.

He walked to the chair and sat down, and asked: "How much time has passed now?"

"It's synchronized with your entry into the Shenzang Trial. The longer you are in the Shenzang Trial, the longer you are outside." Zhang Shouzhong replied.

Da Huang said excitedly: "Master Wuming, can I use your image as a signboard? I can give you 70% of the shares!"

"Tsk, Wuming opened his own store, and it's 100% owned by himself. What advantages does your small broken store have?" Zhang Shouzhong directly sprayed.

Indeed, with Wuming's current fame, it is too easy to do anything in the Shenzang space.

As long as the products and services are not a scam, there is almost no reason to fail.

Da Huang quickly said: "Master Wuming is busy with all kinds of things. How can he have extra time and energy to manage such things? I have complete channels and experience in opening stores. How can I not have advantages?"

"Okay, let's discuss this matter later." Wuming interrupted.

He took out the special zone order and asked: "Da Huang, do you know what this thing is for?"

As the most outstanding trialist in the ninth level, he did not believe that his reward was rubbish. This thing must be an incredible good thing.

It's just that the Shenzang Trial is like this. Some props are easy to understand and you know how to use them as soon as you get started, but some rewards don't even have an introduction, and the trialists need to figure it out by themselves.

"I don't know, but this kind of token reward is generally related to authority." Da Huang shook his head first, then said.


Wuming was thoughtful. He picked up the special zone order and injected his divine thoughts into it the next moment.

Both Da Huang and Zhang Shouzhong immediately stared at Wuming, waiting curiously.


A minute later, Wuming put the token on the table and said helplessly.

Zhang Shouzhong picked up the token, turned it over, and guessed: "Will it take control of an area before it can take effect? ​​For example, upgrade the area controlled by Wuming to a special zone?"

"There is something to this guess." Da Huang nodded.

If Wuming can open up an area, it has such a close relationship with Wuming, so can it walk sideways in that area?

It immediately showed a longing expression, and naturally emerged in its mind with a cigar in its mouth, a dog paw holding a cat, and another dog paw holding a dog.

Wuming also felt that Zhang Shouzhong's guess made sense, but opening up an area did not seem to be an easy task, and he needed to think twice before making a decision.

Especially since this Shenzang Trial was conducted in the form of a live broadcast, I am afraid that many people are eyeing the method of practicing the biological force field.

In fact, the biological force field is not difficult to practice, but most practitioners are used to the existence of the biological force field since birth, just like ordinary people, so they cannot perceive the biological force field.

It's like hair, which has existed since childhood, so everyone is accustomed to hair. Only after middle-aged baldness can you feel the importance of hair.

Cultivators have other ways of cultivation since childhood, so they naturally don’t think the bio-force field is that important, especially since the bio-force field is very weak at the beginning, and the effort of cultivation is far less than the gains. With this time, they might as well practice other techniques or exercise other superpowers.

If the difficulty of practicing the bio-force field is 100, then other techniques are at most 10, and in terms of power, the bio-force field is 10, and other techniques are 100.

Anyone with a brain knows how to choose.

Now, in fact, practitioners don’t really value the bio-force field, but because the bio-force field can cheat in the Shenzang Trial, they have the idea.

Wuming must determine whether there are many such people. It is best to use one of them to establish his prestige so that these people dare not pay attention to him again.

Only when he has a firm foothold in the Shenzang Space, will he further consider opening up his own area and operating the Shenzang Space as a long-term business.

At this time, Cheng Xuejie came out with tea. When she poured tea for everyone, a weak voice came from outside the store: "Excuse me, is this Akita Hut?"

Instantly, Wuming had an inexplicable sense of déjà vu. He looked up at the thin and weak boy outside the door and couldn't help but smile.

Wang Jieming also appeared in the Iron Soul in the same way, with the same tone and expression. At that time, he had just crossed over not long ago. Because of the threat of Tianchang Fox, the whole person had no sense of security, and his mind was full of thoughts of becoming stronger.

The first time he fought against Tianchang Fox was with Wang Jieming, so Wang Jieming has always been a comrade in his heart.

However, his smile at this time made the boy outside the store look terrified. He immediately bowed to Wuming and said: "Sorry, I'm bothering you, I'll get out now!"

After that, he turned around and ran, as if he would be turned into a flower by Wuming if he ran slower.

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