I Contracted Myself

【398】Greeting gift

"Am I that scary?"

Wuming blinked, looked at Zhang Shouzhong and Cheng Xuejie with an innocent look, and asked.

Then Zhang Shouzhong suppressed a smile and nodded: "Your method of turning Ovelia into a flower scared many people."

"I read the news. In many zoos around the world, it is said that tigers cannot be touched casually after they are raised to one year old. This is not because tigers will change their temperaments drastically, but because compared to tigers, humans are really too fragile." Cheng Xuejie sighed.

Zhang Shouzhong smiled and said: "For people who are not familiar with you, you are no different from a tiger. You are dangerous and powerful and can easily take their lives. So, do you think you are scary or not?"

"By the way, we shouldn't catch up now and ask the other party what's wrong?" Dahuang interjected.

Wuming couldn't laugh or cry and said, "Forget it, if I chase him out and people misunderstand that I want to chase him, wouldn't it cause even greater trouble?"

"Mr. Anonymous is indeed a good man." Suddenly, a woman's voice came from outside the store door.

Then a woman wearing a blue dress slowly walked into the store. Her dress was very special. It was made entirely of scales. When she walked, it made a sound like running water, and the whole dress came to life. Like a stream.

"Same Yue Tianzun!" Dahuang looked at the woman and shouted in shock.

Same Moon Tianzun glanced at Dahuang in surprise, and then seemed to have figured it out, and looked at Wuming with a more friendly look.

She said with a smile: "This is the first time we meet, I am Qinqin's sister Jiaoyue."

"Where is Ye Qin? Is she okay?" Wuming nodded and then asked.

Jiaoyue smiled and said: "Qinqin is very good, but it will probably take a long time to digest the rewards from the Shenzang Trial, so I'm afraid I won't be able to come over in person to say thank you in a short time."


Wuming smiled and nodded, without saying anything more, but took a sip of tea, and then looked at the bright moon curiously.

"I came here mainly for two things. One is to thank my sister, and the other is to make friends with Mr. Wuming. At this time, since Wuming is obviously busy with something, Jiaoyue will not disturb him." Yue waited for a long time, but when Wuming refused to answer the question, she had no choice but to explain the purpose of her visit in a sensible way, which was also a farewell.

Wuming smiled and said: "Miss Jiaoyue is too polite, Dahuang, see you off!"


Jiao Yue couldn't help but roll her eyes at Wuming, turned around and left directly.

After Jiao Yue left, Zhang Shouzhong said with a smile: "Sure enough, it's good to be famous. Someone will give you gifts while sitting at home."

"This is not a good thing. People are afraid of being famous but pigs are afraid of being strong. Greater fame also means more right and wrong." Wuming picked up the gift from Jiaoyue and said as he opened it.

Jiaoyue's meeting gift was very small, and the gift box was a small square box.

After opening it, there was a piece of jade in the box.

Wuming picked up the jade and smiled after a moment: "She is really interested."

"What's recorded here?" Zhang Shouzhong asked curiously.

Cheng Xuejie guessed: "Could it be knowledge about formations or something like that?"

Because Wuming complained during the Shenzang Trial that he needed to learn formations to make up for his shortcomings.

"It's indeed about formations, and it's quite interesting." Wuming nodded, then he stopped talking and immersed himself in the jade.

There are two parts in the jade stone. The first part is a detailed explanation of the formation, and the second part is a secret book of formation practice.

According to the introduction of the detailed explanation of the formation, the so-called formation is actually flow and potential, and everything that flows can be regarded as a part of the formation.

For example, flowing wind can form a tornado, flowing magma can erupt with terrifying power, and flowing water can form a terrifying torrent.

In the eyes of the formation master, these are all part of the formation. As long as the formation forms a flowing momentum, then the formation is considered completed.

Everything in the heaven, earth and universe is a formation. As long as it is moving, it will inevitably form a potential, and the potential is also a formation.

"I see, it's really interesting."

Wuming looked at the various examples in the detailed explanation of the formation, such as how powerful the impact of the water in a waterfall is, and how powerful a tornado becomes when it reaches a certain rotational speed.

After understanding the underlying logic of the formation, Wuming found that he really understood a little bit of the formation.

Sometimes, the more complex something is, the simpler the underlying logic is.

Just like the society where Wuming lived in his previous life, it seems that technology has become quite advanced, but in essence it is still a civilization based on boiling water.

Formation is actually the same thing, but the methods of creating flow and potential are becoming more and more advanced, more advanced, and more complex.

For example, production can imitate mountains

The formation flag of Sichuan Dashu is made to form formation eyes that can form energy exchanges.

In fact, the magician's magic circle is similar, but the energy used by both parties is different and the effects produced are different.

Wuming directly learned one of the most basic formations through detailed explanations of the formations: the Spirit Gathering Formation.

This is a formation that can condense spiritual energy in a world with spiritual energy. According to the explanation in the detailed explanation of the formation, there were actually spiritual gathering formations in ancient times. However, when countless civilizations were destroyed and inheritance disappeared, the formation masters The first thing to recover is often the spirit gathering array.

Because generally where a spirit stone mine is found, there must be a natural spirit gathering array.

As long as you observe the terrain of the mine, the height of the mountains and rivers, and the dynamics of the aura of heaven and earth, you will figure out the secret of the Spirit Gathering Array sooner or later.

"Huh, it's so interesting." After reading the detailed explanation of the formation, Wuming's mind came out of the jade and couldn't help but sigh.

Zhang Shouzhong did not speak, but pointed outside the store, and Wuming subconsciously looked outside the store.

There were passers-by outside the store from time to time, but those passers-by looked inside the store, which did not look like passers-by at all.

Zhang Shouzhong complained: "There were not so many people at the beginning, but in just a few minutes, there were more and more people. My senior sister and I have lived here for a long time, and we have never seen such a large flow of people."

Although he did not say the reason, Wuming knew that these people were all here to see him.

"I am going to return to the Nameless Sea and sort out my recent gains. Do you want to stay here or go with me?" Wuming scratched the hair on the back of his head and asked a little uncomfortably.

Zhang Shouzhong looked at Da Huang and said calmly: "I'd better stay. After you leave, the store will be 100% busy."

"Okay, then you stay." Wuming nodded in agreement.

The next moment, he returned directly to the Nameless Sea. Many passers-by saw this scene and subconsciously stopped for a moment.

"I am Wuming's good brother Zhang Shouzhong. You should know me. After all, Wuming used my name at the beginning. Wuming has gone back to sort out the proceeds. If you are curious, you can come in and have a seat." Zhang Shouzhong immediately looked at the passers-by outside the store with a smile and shouted directly.

Sure enough, a passer-by came in to ask soon. Zhang Shouzhong gave Da Huang a thumbs up. Da Huang immediately said that he did a good job and would give him a share of the profits later.

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