I Contracted Myself


When the Akita cabin business was in full swing, Wuming returned to the Wuming Sea, and his body instantly merged into the sea.

He is the sea, and the sea is him. They are indistinguishable from each other. In this state, he will lose all human emotions and all senses and become the purest consciousness. He can easily do many things that cannot be done in human form. .

For example, if he concentrates on studying a certain ability, he will not feel distracted or mentally exhausted. At the same time, countless spirits in the sea will provide him with various intelligence bonuses. He can learn a complex ability in the shortest time. , and even cultivated to a state of great success.

When he was learning the formation, he even had extra time to organize the prizes he got from the Divine Treasure Trial.

In the first level, he got the Dragon-Snake Fighting Against Heaven, in the second level he got the Apostle Orb, in the third level he got the Infinite Seed, in the fourth level he got the Perfect Shield, in the fifth level he got the Nameless Book, and in the sixth level he got the Eternal Martial Arts. In the seventh level, you get the Eye of Ignorance, in the eighth level, you get the Orb of Infinite Light, and in the ninth level, you get the Special Zone Order.

Among these rewards, the Dragon Snake Anti-Tian Gendou was of great help to him, otherwise his level would not be as good as Ye Qin, and he could only be regarded as an upper-middle grade among all the trialists.

Because the dragon and the snake fought against each other, he immediately became the highest-level existence among all the trialists.

The Apostle Orb in the second level is also extremely useful. After creating the Deep Sea Apostle, he has an additional subordinate who is happy with his wishes, and because this subordinate was born from the shadow of the Nameless Sea, it has a very abnormal characteristic. Even the spirit in the nameless sea also blesses it.

It was only now that Wuming had merged into the Nameless Sea that he discovered that the Deep Sea Apostle's combat skills, cooking methods, and acting abilities all came from various spirits in the Nameless Sea.

Some of these spirits are beasts and some are human beings. Although they have died, the most professional things in their lives remain in their auras.

For example, the acting skills of actors, the hunting skills of wild beasts, and the fighting skills of warriors.

This knowledge was perfectly absorbed by the Deep Sea Apostles and became nutrients for their own growth. The result was that the nameless apostles were completely different from the apostles of other trialists in the past.

In fact, many trialists have received Apostle Orbs in the past. This is not the only reward, but the apostles created by other trialists are not only stupid but also weak. Even if there are lucky trialists who use the sun or moon to create apostles, The result is just a powerful puppet.

Combat skills can only be said to be average, not special.

Others are powerful, but not particularly weak. They are far less perverted than the Deep Sea Apostles.

As for other abilities, I'm sorry to say that apostles don't have them.

Another point worth noting is that the reason why the nameless Deep Sea Apostle has the characteristics of immortality is because the entire shadow of the Nameless Sea is part of the Deep Sea Apostle.

The Nameless Sea is infinite, and the shadows are naturally infinite, so the Deep Sea Apostle will not die.

Other apostles do not have this quality. Often the defeat of the body is equivalent to complete death, and there is no possibility of resurrection.

To put it simply, the Apostle Orb is a treasure with extremely high lower and upper limits. How far it can reach depends on what the recipient can use to give birth to apostles.

After having a comprehensive understanding of the Deep Sea Apostle, Wuming couldn't help laughing, feeling like he had made a lot of money.

An hour later, Wuming collected his emotions and continued to study his third level reward.

Unlimited seeds!

This was the second time he came into contact with the concept of infinity, the first was Lin Renmei.

He thought that integrating infinite seeds into luck would bring him overwhelming luck, but he found that the luck was still the same, but he couldn't use it up.

This is equivalent to having unlimited money in the bank, but the amount you can receive every month is only one million.

Although there are ways to continuously increase the amount of money you can receive, there is still a huge gap compared to the unlimited money in the bank.

Wuming can only think of three ways to improve his luck, but the luck they can provide is still quite limited. Besides, he is not urgent about improving his luck at the moment, so he can only let nature take its course.

After confirming that there was nothing wrong with luck, Wuming turned his attention to the perfect shield in the fourth level.

To be honest, it's useless.

His defense isn't very strong, but in most cases no one can kill him.

If it comes to a time when he needs a perfect shield to protect himself, Wuming feels that he might as well close his eyes and use the eyes of ignorance...

"You can really give it a try!"

Wuming was halfway through sorting out his thoughts when he suddenly realized something.

He can integrate the Perfect Shield into his eyelids, making it difficult for enemies to target his eyelids.

"Try it!"

Wuming immediately grew a head in the sea, and then integrated the perfect shield into his eyelids.

But next

The Perfect Shield quickly spread out, and a golden wave spread towards his entire head, and finally merged into the sea. The sea immediately turned golden and began to extend towards the Dream River.


This effect is probably too exaggerated.

Wuming touched his skin and felt no increase in hardness. He took out a knife and stabbed his skin. The knife penetrated into his skin instantly.

"The defense doesn't seem to have been strengthened either." Wuming muttered.

He pulled out the knife, and his blood immediately flowed to the sea, and in an instant he was assimilated into the nameless sea.

Because this time he was going to sort out the rewards and the power he had gained from the Shenzang Trial, he did not give up, but started to conduct various experiments.

For example, burning with fire, lightning, blasting with huge shock waves, and smashing with light cannons...

After a series of tests, Wuming found that the Perfect Shield did not seem to work.

He did not doubt the Perfect Shield, but began to speculate whether he had made a mistake in the fusion, which led to a significant reduction in the effect of the Perfect Shield, so that it seemed to have no effect.

After a week of testing, he found that he still did not understand the Perfect Shield.

So he went to fight Lin Renmei, and he really found something in this fight. He was not protected from self-harm. Only when he fought with others would the effect of the Perfect Shield be reflected.

After figuring it out, Wuming merged into the sea again and continued to sort out what he had gained.

To be honest, he did not know what level of defense the Perfect Shield had, and how large the defense range was. He needed to test it slowly.

But the test required an evenly matched object to be effective, and even Lin Renmei was not a qualified tester.

Wuming felt that he had to go fight the Dark King. With the existence of the Eye of Ignorance, he felt that even if he couldn't beat the Dark King, it shouldn't be difficult for him to escape unscathed.

But there was no rush for this matter. He should first organize all his strength and then think about it.

After all, it was very dangerous to fight the Dark King. Wuming was not sure if he had the ability to close his eyes when the other party attacked.

But Wuming felt uncomfortable if he didn't go to the Dark King.

He had become much stronger and might not be unable to beat the Dark King. As long as he could kill the Dark King, the rescue mission of the Lashao Universe would be much easier, and the burden would not be placed on Lin Renmei alone.

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