I Contracted Myself

【400】Two mice

When Wuming concentrates on breaking through the level, the Lashao Universe does not pause time.

The Great Destruction is still in progress, the world is being destroyed every moment, and countless living beings die under the collapse of the sky and the earth.

Even if you are lucky enough to survive, you still need to face a more terrifying and cruel world of despair.

In addition to resting during this period, Lin Renmei actually spent most of her time on rescue. She kept traveling to and from the Lashao Universe, packing planets inhabited by living things and bringing them back to the Nameless Sea, wrapping them in bubbles. These planets form bubble worlds.

Nowadays, there are realm masters in many worlds, and they are a force that cannot be ignored.

If Wuming can defeat the King of Darkness, then these world masters can relieve the pressure on rescue, and Lin Renmei does not need to fight alone.

While Wuming was sorting out his gains, a man in white robes and a man in black robes suddenly appeared at the edge of the whistle-stop universe. Both of their clothes were a little tattered and they were holding a white ticket in their hands.

"You've really come in, are you sure Wuming is here?" the man in black robe said excitedly.

The man in white robe nodded and said: "Sure, 100% sure."

He took out a compass and injected it with divine power. The pointer of the compass immediately pointed to the distance. A large number of space fragments were flying in the void. After passing through these fragments, one could see worlds similar to discs.

"Wuming is in one of the worlds over there!" the man in white robe said.

The black robe changed his clothes and said with a smile: "Then let's rest for a few days and wait until the condition is perfect before we go to Wuming to trouble him. He must hand over the cheating method for the sixth level!"

"Yeah, good!" Baipao also changed his clothes and nodded in agreement.

The next moment, the two people turned into two lights, one white and one black, and quickly flew towards a piece of space debris. Obviously, they were not affected by the void and could still move freely in the void.

They fell into a large piece of space debris and rested directly on one of the mountains. Everything in the space was frozen, and only the two of them had the ability to move.

Far far away in the Infinite Pearl City, the King of Darkness suddenly opened his eyes, and the corners of his mouth gradually turned upward. He liked accidents and the uncertain future.

"Oh, two little mice ran in.

The white body is a lion, and the black body is a tiger. Are white lions and black tigers? "The King of Darkness observed the man in white robe and man in black robe with great interest, and was curious about what they were doing when they came in.

At this time, the man in white robe had already rested, so he opened his eyes and looked at the man in black robe, and it happened that the man in black robe had also recovered.

"Wu Ming is very strong. Remember it later. As soon as we meet, we will use all our strength to catch him off guard. After subduing him, we will force him to ask him how he cheated in the sixth level." The man in white robe said.

The man in black robe nodded and said: "I know, you have said it several times, don't worry, I, Black Tiger, can't do anything bad."

"I'm afraid that you will use too much force and kill Wuming directly." The man in white robe said while looking at Black Tiger.

They have carefully studied Wuming's abilities, and have prepared measures to target all Wuming's abilities that are currently exposed, such as spells that prevent Wuming's eyes from blinking, formation flags that prohibit telekinesis, etc.

As long as you know enough about a person's abilities and have enough time to prepare, it is not difficult to defeat the weak against the strong.

The black tiger and the white-robed man have done this kind of business several times, and each time they made their powerful enemies die in frustration. This time they targeted Wuming, and in their opinion, the result would not change much.

"Indeed, the human body is too fragile, just like bean sprouts, they break when pinched." Heihu heard the words of the man in white robes. He was not dissatisfied at all and just sighed.

When it was born, it was abandoned by its mother because its fur was the wrong color. Fortunately, it was gifted and survived thanks to rain, dew and spiritual energy.

But the fur of ordinary tigers is more yellow than black. It is more black than yellow. The proportions are completely reversed, so other tigers look down on it.

It had no choice but to communicate with the ghosts, and gradually learned the things of humans, and even its thinking was biased towards humans.

It's just that humans are too weak, and they will die in one slap.

On the one hand, it envied the wisdom of human beings, but on the other hand, it looked down upon the weakness of human beings. As a result, it died in the hands of humans.

But death is not the end. After becoming a ghost tiger, for some reason it became more powerful. After he killed the humans who killed him, he gradually came into contact with spiritual practice and embarked on the road to becoming a god.

white robe

The man glanced at Heihu helplessly, interrupted Heihu's recollection of bitterness and sweetness, and said calmly: "Wuming is not an ordinary human being. Don't compare the ordinary people you killed before with Wuming."

"Then should I use all my strength or a few percent of my strength?" Black Tiger blinked and asked directly.

The man in white robe said angrily: "You have to take care of yourself. Have you rested?"

"Get some rest." Black Tiger nodded.

Then the two of them left the space fragments and flew towards the Infinite Pearl City.

With the speed of the two of them, there was no such thing as running to death in Wangshan. In just a few days, they had already approached the world where Infinite Pearl City was located.


The Dark King originally planned to watch a good show, but when he saw that Black Tiger and Bai Pao did not look for Wuming, but came straight towards him, he immediately realized that there was something wrong with the opponent's compass, and even more realized that Wuming was not calling the whistle in the universe.

In an instant, the veins on the Dark King's forehead bulged, and there seemed to be flames burning in his eyes.

He is still in jail in the Whistle Universe, why did Wuming get out?



The Dark King even thought of killing Wuming at all costs.

But he soon calmed down. After all, he had endured for so many years, and it didn't matter if he had a little time. Wuming would definitely come back, and he still had a chance.

However, the most urgent thing was to entertain the two "guests" who came from afar.

The Dark King sneered, but he didn't plan to do it himself. After all, it would be meaningless if he did it.

"Come out!"

The Dark King clapped his hands, and a pale woman walked out slowly.

This woman was not someone else, but Bai Yating, who was abducted by the Dark King when he invaded the mysterious sewer.

Bai Yating's prediction was indeed correct. Not only did she not die, but she became stronger. The problem was that this way of becoming stronger was not the way she wanted at all.

At this time, her body was injected with a lot of spells by the Dark King, like a puppet of the Dark King. Under the control of the Dark King, she had killed many innocent people, and her heart was full of pain and self-blame.

There is no doubt that the Dark King is going to control her to kill again.

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