I Contracted Myself

【402】Take the opportunity to save people

Lin Renmei and Bai Yating have a very good relationship. The two often performed tasks together in the past. Not only do they share a love for each other as sisters, but they are also life-and-death friends.

They have both saved each other's lives.

After Bai Yating was captured by the King of Darkness, Lin Renmei had been waiting for an opportunity to find a way to save Bai Yating. However, Bai Yating had always been under the control of the King of Darkness, and she basically had no chance to take action.

But now the opportunity has come.

Those two unknown strong men are holding the King of Darkness in check, and they can take the opportunity to rescue Bai Yating!


After Wuming understood the situation, he immediately stood up and said.

The two of them instantly appeared in the Lashao Universe, but they were very far away from Bai Yating's location. They could only feel the fluctuations caused by the fight between the Dark King and the Black Tiger and the White King.

"That's not like the power of the universe that pulls the whistle." Wuming felt the fluctuation and said with a frown.

If it were before, he would not be able to tell the difference between the power system of Lashao Universe and the power system of the outside world, but after fighting against various trialists in the Shenzang Trial, he can already distinguish the two.

For example, the power of the Lashao universe is like an apple. No matter how different varieties such as Red Fuji, Gala, Sansa, Ruby, Snake Fruit, etc. change, you will know after taking one bite that this is an apple.

No matter how many superpowers change, the fundamental thing will never change, and that is the rune of the will of the Lord of Darkness.

But the external forces are different. Some are bananas, some are mangoes, and some are oranges. When these fruits are put together with apples, even if you are blind and take a bite, you will know that they are different fruits.

Wuming's current feeling is probably similar to the above. He can easily distinguish the difference between the two through the power fluctuations of the Dark King's fight with the White King and the Black Tiger.

Intruders from the outside.

Wuming narrowed his eyes and immediately thought of the possibility that the other party was not looking for the King of Darkness, but was looking for him.

After all, apart from Baodi Bodhisattva and Fat Cat, Wuming has never seen other power systems in the Lashao Universe, which means that no outsiders have invaded the Lashao Universe in the past.

Now that he has just completed the Shenzang Trial and has become famous in all the worlds, different power systems happen to appear in the Lashao Universe. It is difficult for people not to think about it. Is this related?

But now it seems

Yes, let the King of Darkness fight with his opponent, and he will find an opportunity to fish Bai Yating out and run away.

He closed his eyes, feeling the fluctuations coming from the distance, and gradually simulated the battle scene between the King of Darkness and his opponent through the fluctuations in his mind.

The King of Darkness stood in the void, raised his hand and punched out. The black cross flashed past, just in time to collide with the liger's lightsaber.

The liger immediately leaned back, and then the black tiger and the white king roared at the same time. The liger got up again, and the power that followed directly slashed out the second sword.


The Dark King raised his hand and punched out. The Liger's lightsaber collided with the Black Cross again. The Liger fell in pain, and the lightsaber in his hand was full of cracks.

The injury to the liger will also affect Black Tiger and White King. Both of them spit out a mouthful of blood with expressions of disbelief on their faces.

Mainly because the Dark King received their attacks too easily.

The two looked at each other, and then immediately let out a hysterical roar. The falling liger immediately transformed into a beast shape and pounced on the King of Darkness desperately.

"There is indeed something about Shinto's Dharma. It's pretty good that you can cooperate to this extent. Are you interested in being my dog?" The King of Darkness watched the liger attack, but instead lowered his eyes slightly, looking at the black tiger and the white tiger. Wang said.

This was the only way he gave Black Tiger and White King to survive. After all, the strength of the two of them was indeed pretty good, much stronger than the losers in his Infinite Organization.

However, it is obvious that neither Black Tiger nor White King likes to be other people's lackeys. When the two heard the Dark King's words, their anger increased sharply. The liger beast that pounced on the Dark King immediately expanded and became even bigger.

Seeing this, the Dark King chuckled, raised his hand and punched out.


The black cross shone brightly, and the liger's head was directly hit by the attack, but at the next moment an unknown power was injected into its body, and its eyes instantly glowed red.

"not good!"

The King of Darkness immediately sensed that something was wrong, raised his hand to defend, and then collided with the Liger's huge claws. Under the pressure of the huge force, his body suddenly dwarfed, and actually dropped half a meter from his original position.

However, he didn't care about the change in his position and turned around sharply.


An unknown one

He hugged Bai Yating and waved to the King of Darkness.


The Dark King's veins bulged and he roared angrily.

But Wuming had already disappeared in an instant with Bai Yating. He was holding the liger's claws on his upper body and was shaking with anger.

This was an accident that he hadn't calculated, and his carefully crafted toy was snatched away by Wuming.

On the other side, Black Tiger and White King looked at each other and immediately realized that the Dark King and Nameless seemed to be enemies, and the enemies of enemies could be friends.

What a mistake!

The two men immediately withdrew their strength, and the liger jumped back behind them easily. King Bai said, "Fellow Taoist, I'm very sorry. We thought you and Wuming were allies, so we acted rashly, which offended us a lot."


The Dark Lord suddenly let out a deep laugh.

Instantly, with him as the center, the power darker than the void spread instantly, forming an absolutely dark world.

When Black Tiger and White King fell into this world, they felt a creepy breath. Black Tiger quickly said: "Daoyou, misunderstanding, misunderstanding, we can join forces!"

"Join forces? Are you worthy?"

The Dark King suddenly appeared in front of the two, roaring with murderous intent in his eyes.


Black Tiger and White King didn't say anything else, but roared at the same time.

The lion-tiger beast behind them immediately burst into a brilliant white light, and only the stripes on its body were as black as ink in the white light.

A huge claw grabbed the Dark King, but the next second the Dharma was attacked by an unknown attack and exploded in an instant. Black Tiger and White King's eyes widened and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

"Senior, we are willing to be your dogs!"

Black Tiger felt that a disaster was coming, and he quickly spit out blood and roared.

But it was too late.

The Dark King flicked his finger lightly, and the two were immediately engulfed by the pure darkness. After screaming more than ten times in the darkness, everything returned to silence.

"Wuming has jumped out of control. It seems that this round must be over."

The Dark King stood in the darkness, his mood gradually calmed down, and he said to himself.

Next time, he will go all out and will not give Wuming any chance.

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