I Contracted Myself

【403】The crossing is at the end

The nameless sea.

Bai Yating was lying on the sea, with Wuming and Lin Renmei on both sides of her, studying the runes on her body.

"It's a bit complicated."

Wuming looked at it for a while, couldn't help but rub his temples, and said with emotion.

It has to be said that the Dark King's methods are indeed powerful. These runes have been linked to Bai Yating's life, and he cannot decipher these runes.

"Is there any way to save the divine hidden space?" Lin Renmei looked at Wuming and asked.

Wuming frowned and said: "I don't know, but the knowledge stored in the divine treasure space comes from all the heavens and all the worlds. Maybe there is a way, but not necessarily."

"Well, if there is really no other way, then let Yating be reincarnated." Lin Renmei said.

Bai Yating looked at the two of them and felt like she wanted to cry. She knew that Wuming and Lin Renmei would not give up on her, but now she could not move at all without the control of the Lord of Darkness, so she could only stare at the two of them blankly.

After the discussion, Wuming smiled at Bai Yating and said, "Yating, don't worry, we will cure you. Now you can take a nap for now. When you wake up, the problem will be solved."

After saying that, he slowly sank Bai Yating into the unknown sea.

"Don't go to the whistle-blowing universe for the time being. The King of Darkness was set up by me and he is probably going crazy. If you appear in the whistle-blowing universe, you will probably be targeted." Wuming then looked at Lin Renmei and said seriously.

Lin Renmei nodded and said, "Yes, I understand."

Although she couldn't bear it, countless living beings in the world would die as a result, but she knew better that if something happened to her, that would be the real disaster. After all, she and Wuming were one entity now. If something happened to her, she would be very likely to die. It may implicate the entire system that is dominated by namelessness.

Especially people in the bubble world are very likely to get into trouble.

One side is innocent, the other side is also innocent, she can only choose the more important side.

Divine hidden space.

In just one week, several nameless fan organizations appeared in Xinding City.

In fact, it is not accurate to call them an organization. They are not that united. They just gradually split into several small groups because they like the nameless and different shining points.

Some fans like Wuming’s strength, some fans like Wuming’s kindness, and some fans like Wuming’s kindness.

Famously handsome.

These fans often go to the Akita hut in groups, leave in disappointment after learning that Wuming is still in retreat, and then show up again a few days later.

At first, Dahuang and Zhang Shouzhong were quite optimistic about the situation, but several times these people only asked various questions about Wuming without buying anything, and their enthusiasm began to fade away.

"When will Master Wuming come back?" Dahuang asked weakly, lying on the counter.

Zhang Shouzhong was eating cookies while watching various videos on Oracle Network. When he heard Dahuang's question, he replied calmly: "I don't know, but it should be soon. After all, so many days have passed."

"Why have so many days passed?" Wuming happened to land in the Shenzang space and asked after hearing this.

Dahuang suddenly got excited, got up from the counter and jumped to the ground, ran to Wuming, wagging his tail, and said to please: "Master Wuming, I miss you so much!"

"A sycophant." Zhang Shouzhong couldn't help laughing when he saw Dahuang's slutty behavior.

Wuming rubbed Dahuang's dog's head and said with a smile: "There haven't been any big problems recently, right?"

"No, Same Yue Tianzun said hello. There will be patrols passing by outside our store every hour. No one dares to cause trouble for us." Dahuang shook his head.

As the controller of the blue area, Sameyue Tianzun can naturally order the Law Enforcement Bureau to take more care of a certain city or street.

As a result, many practitioners with malicious intentions would not dare to cause trouble in the Akita hut even if they had any ideas.

Of course, this can only stop those with malicious intentions, but it cannot stop Wuming fans from coming to pilgrimage. Dahuang told Wuming about the fans, and Wuming said in disbelief: "Don't they practice? If you have time to chase stars, you might as well practice hard. ?”

The lifespan of a practitioner is not endless like him. Although the vast majority of practitioners are immortals and can live for thousands or tens of thousands of years, isn't time more precious as you go up?

Even for masters above two hundred levels, not all of them can ignore their lifespan, and some of them need to fight for their lifespan.

The system of practice, the techniques of practice, the nature of one's own life, etc. will all affect the lifespan of the practitioner. The vast majority of practitioners cannot be truly immortal, but can only be regarded as immortal.

"Sir, actually the composition of fans is very complex.

Miscellaneous, there are indeed some strong second-generation people who don’t have to worry about food and drink, and don’t worry about lifespan, but there are also people who really want to follow you and get stronger power or a better future through you. There are many people who admire Qiang. Mentality, thinking that adults are wise masters who can be followed. "Dahuang explained.

It is one of them.

In its eyes, Wuming is powerful and reliable. If it hugs Wuming's thigh tightly, its future will be bright.

"But I don't know how to practice at all, so I'm afraid I can't help them." Wuming sat on the chair, spread his hands, and said helplessly.

He has never really practiced any martial arts. This strength comes from superpowers and opportunities.

Asking him to teach others how to practice cultivation is like asking an illiterate person to teach at a university. Isn't this misleading people?

Besides, he is very busy and has no time to teach people how to practice.

Now he has to find a way to relieve the control of the Lord of Darkness and save Bai Yating, who was transformed by the Lord of Darkness.

In addition, his current strength is far inferior to that of the Dark King. Although he is confident that he can protect himself in front of the Dark King, he still cannot beat the Dark King.

He is very sure of this.

Because when he rescued Bai Yating, he took a look at the Dark King's level.

After leaving the Shenzang Road, he organized all his strength. His current level is 222, which is two levels higher than the 220 level after using the Dragon Snake Anti-Heaven Soup Fight.

Although it is only a two-level difference, in fact, the strength is already a world of difference. He can beat several of himself.

But the Dark King's level is 279!

The gap between the two is too big. If there is no reward such as the Eye of Ignorance, he will definitely not have the courage to appear in front of the Dark King, because once the Dark King gets serious, he will definitely be killed instantly.

At the same time, he also realized one thing, there seems to be no strong man in the Shenzang space who is stronger than the Dark King!

Currently, the controllers of all regions are around level 200. The highest level he knows is only level 239. The Dark King can kill them with one hand.

I thought the Dark King was a small BOSS in the Novice Village, but who knew that he came to the final level as soon as he crossed over, and the Dark King was the final BOSS.

Is there anything more despairing than this?

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