I Contracted Myself

【404】Luo Xiang's request for help

At this time, two hundred meters away from Akita's hut, Luo Xiang was cheering himself up.

Sometimes the world is really magical. When Wuming felt a little desperate about the power of the Dark King, Luo Xiang regarded him as the only hope to save his world.

He was the boy who stood at the door of Akita's hut before and was scared away by Wuming in the end.

In fact, when he came back to his senses, he felt extremely regretful. When he mustered up the courage to visit the Akita hut again, he found that Wuming was no longer there.

After that, he would secretly come to the Akita hut every day to observe, waiting for Wuming to appear.

"Xiangzi, come on, you can do it!"

Luo Xiang cheered secretly in his heart, and then walked towards the Akita hut without hesitation like a soldier about to go to the battlefield.

He walked faster and faster, and reached the maximum speed when he approached the Akita hut. He was like a passerby in a hurry, walking past the door of the Akita hut, looking quietly into the store from the corner of his eye.

Suddenly, his eyes widened suddenly and his heart beat violently.

Wuming was rubbing Rhubarb's dog's head while talking to Zhang Shouzhong in the shop. He noticed Luo Xiang's gaze and turned around instinctively. He was startled when he saw Luo Xiang.

Luo Xiang, on the other hand, mustered up the courage and entered the store as if he were generously serving charity. He knelt down in front of Wuming and said excitedly: "Master Wuming, please save my world!"


Both Wuming and Zhang Shouzhong fell silent.

If he told the other person that he couldn't even save his own world, would the other person be as desperate as him?

He found Luo Xiang's information from his memory. Although it was just a quick glance, Luo Xiang was very similar to Wang Jieming at that time, so it left a little impression on him.

But now Luo Xiang is not like Wang Jieming, but more like him before.

This feeling is unmistakable.

If he is not an infinite-level ability user, if he is unable to awaken more superpowers, the situation in Pearl City will definitely have a very dark start.

In despair, he would not be much better than Luo Xiang.

The reason why people are human is because they can compare their feelings with each other and have compassion.

Wuming sighed and said, "Get up first and talk properly."

"Yes, sir!"

Luo Xiang immediately got up from the ground, like a soldier

Standing upright in front of Wuming.

"Sit down, let's talk about the situation in your world first." Wuming took out a chair and gave it to Luo Xiang, and then said.

Luo Xiang sat down obediently, and after a moment of silence he said: "Sir, my world has been ruled by the mechanical gods for countless years. Human beings are enslaved, killed, and controlled like animals. I thought that in the divine hidden space You can become stronger quickly and have powerful power quickly, but... it's too difficult. I have been working very hard, but my strength has always been hovering between the fourth and fifth levels. I have also thought about saving money to hire strong people. I wanted to help, but I was defrauded of money again and again, and I really couldn’t think of a way out.”

At the end of his speech, he burst into tears.

Wuming looked at Luo Xiang, empathizing with him at this moment. He felt the powerless despair from Luo Xiang's biological force field, like a drowning person, struggling in the water, but in vain.

"I want to help you, but I'm afraid I can't go to your world." Wuming looked at Luo Xiang and said with some embarrassment.

Luo Xiang immediately took out a piece of crystal and said, "Sir, this is the sub-crystal produced by the space I discovered. You can use it to come directly to my world."

"Aren't you afraid that I will kill you and seize your space crystal?" Wuming glanced at the crystal in Luo Xiang's hand and asked.

Luo Xiang looked at Wuming firmly and replied, "I believe you, sir!"

In the past, he had always been wary of people and would not really trust those who accepted employment, so he only lost money every time, not his life.

The reason why he chose to put all his money on Wuming was because of what Wuming did in the Shenzang Trial.

Every level in the Shenzang Trial is unknown. It really takes a lot of courage and kindness for Wuming to let other trialists go in the sixth level, because if he does so, he may die in the next level. In the hands of a certain trialist who was let go.

If Wuming's performance in the Shenzang Trial was all acting, then Luo Xiang would admit defeat.

After all, Wuming was acting with his own life.

Wuming smiled and said: "Then what benefits can I get? You can't let me help in vain, right?"

"As long as you can save my world, my spatial crystal will belong to you." Luo Xiang took a deep breath, and then said his bargaining chip.

The divine space is so wonderful,

He doesn't want to give up space crystals if he can, but he loves his own world more and wants to change that dark world.

He still has a sister to take care of. He doesn't want his sister to struggle in the quagmire all her life and live in pain like him, so he must resist the mechanical gods and make the world a better place.

Although he does not have such power, he can achieve his goals with the help of nameless powers.

"Okay, deal!"

After hearing Luo Xiang's bargaining chip, Wuming nodded in agreement.

One more space crystal means that he can let Lin Renmei enter the divine space without smuggling. In this way, Lin Renmei can also challenge the resource tower.

Zhang Shouzhong and Cheng Xuejie came in smuggled in. They were unable to participate in the challenge of the Resource Tower. Even to the Divine Tibetan Space, Zhang Shouzhong and Cheng Xuejie were not considered human beings, they could only be regarded as nameless summoned beasts.

Now that there is a chance to add one person, Wuming will naturally not let it go. After all, the resources of him and Lin Renmei combined are doubled.

After understanding the level of the Dark King, Wuming is very clear about how big the gap is between him and the Dark King. He needs more resources and stronger power.

Although this is cruel to Luo Xiang, Wuming's rescue operation this time will definitely not be free.

Although Luo Xiang felt sorry for the space crystal, after hearing Wuming's deal, his heart suddenly beat violently. He immediately knelt on the ground and said excitedly: "Thank you, sir, thank you, sir, thank you..."

"Okay, okay, you get ready, without further ado, we will go to your world now!" Wuming quickly helped Luo Xiang up and said straightforwardly.

Wuming has always been serious about rescue. After all, the sooner the action is taken, the better it is for those who need rescue.

However, listening to both sides will make you wise, and believing in one side will make you dark.

Now it's all Luo Xiang's one-sided words, which are completely from Luo Xiang's own perspective. There are too many uncertain things.

Although Wuming didn't think Luo Xiang lied, he would definitely investigate it himself when he got to that world. He would take action only after he confirmed that the Mechanical Gods were indeed evil.

Afterwards, after Luo Xiang "went offline", Wuming explained to Zhang Shouzhong, Cheng Xuejie, and Da Huang, and then returned to the Wuming Sea. Then he used the sub-crystal given by Luo Xiang to go directly to the world where Luo Xiang was.

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