I Contracted Myself

[405] Permission

Wuming opened his eyes and found himself in a sewer that exuded a foul smell.

"Sir, you are here!"

Luo Xiang immediately rushed over from a short distance away. His clothes had been changed into tattered beggar clothes that exuded a rancid smell.

"Your legs?" Wuming looked at Luo Xiang's legs and asked with a frown.

In the Shenzang space, Luo Xiang's legs are normal legs, but in the real world, Luo Xiang's legs are completely mechanical. And judging from the mottled rust, this mechanical leg may not only have the owner Luo Xiang.

"It's all for living. If you don't wear it, you won't be able to find a job here." Luo Xiang said with a bitter smile.

Then he turned around and said: "Sir, please follow me. I will take you to the palace of the Mechanical Gods. As long as you kill all the Mechanical Gods, you can save this world."

"No need to bother, just go home and wait for news from me." Wuming refused.

He doesn't need Luo Xiang to lead the way, nor is he going to kill all the mechanical gods immediately. Instead, he plans to understand the situation first. If Luo Xiang leads the way, it will probably be difficult to see the true face of the world. He prefers to understand it himself. .

"grown ups……?"

When Luo Xiang heard Wuming's words, he immediately realized that Wuming did not believe him 100%, so he probably went to investigate personally.

He was about to tell Wuming some information, but when he turned around, he found that Wuming was already gone.

"Well, I hope you have a good time."

Luo Xiang was not worried about Wuming going to investigate because he did not deceive Wuming.

But thinking about the situation in this world, he felt that Wuming's investigation would be interesting. Unfortunately, this was not the Shenzang Trial, and he couldn't see Wuming's live broadcast.

At this time, Wuming appeared in an unmonitored alley.

If someone could see his level, he would see his level drop rapidly from level 222 to level 1 in the blink of an eye.

He changed into tattered clothes and walked out of the alley in a swagger.

There were not many passers-by on the sidewalk, and most of them looked numb, not caring about anything around them. When Wuming walked out of the alley, he discovered that no eyes were on him.

At his level, even without extraordinary power, his senses are extremely sharp. If someone's eyes fall on him, he will immediately follow them.

Look over.

But no one is looking at him now, and everyone around him is walking numbly, like a zombie.


Wuming looked around, feeling a little silent at this moment.

There are no billboards, no snack bars, or even clothing stores in this world. There are only two shops on both sides of the street, one is a loan shark, and the other is a mechanical modification shop.

"I forgot to ask, does this world accept gold?" Wuming said to himself.

He did not enter those two shops, but chose a direction at random and walked forward aimlessly.

The surrounding high-rise buildings gave people a lifeless feeling. From time to time, eye-shaped aircraft flew through the sky, and it was unclear what their purpose was.

However, Wuming quietly observed it and found that these aircraft have different eye shapes. Some have red eyes, some have blue eyes, and some have gold eyes. As for whether there are more colors, I don’t know. .

After walking for about fifteen minutes, Wuming finally saw the third shop at the fork in the road. He turned the corner and walked over, discovering that it was a pawn shop.

With curiosity, he walked into the store. The employee in the store was a robot.

The robot raised its head and made a mechanical voice: "Welcome to Five Hundred Pawn Shop."

"Excuse me……"

Wuming was about to ask when suddenly two lasers appeared in the robot's eyes, and his body was scanned in an instant.

Then the robot said: "Found the infringer, found the infringer, found the infringer..."

At the same time, its eyes continued to scan Wuming's head.

Even though he was a fool, Wuming sensed something was wrong and turned around and ran away without saying a word.

Sure enough, as soon as he ran out of the shop, a large number of aircraft appeared in the sky to his left. These aircraft flew towards him like bats, their eyes flashing red and making a sound similar to a siren.

"What's wrong with me? I didn't do anything, did I?"

Wuming felt confused, but in order to experience the world more realistically, he decided to run away.

He turned around and entered an alley, running wildly in the alley, but before he could run five hundred meters, densely packed eye aircraft appeared in front of him. He had to turn around again, but there were also densely packed aircraft like this behind him.

"Wait, I surrender!"

Wuming quickly raised his hand, and then he saw the eyes on the aircraft begin to glow with a penetrating red light.

In desperation, he had no choice but to teleport again and disappear directly from the alley. The aircraft suddenly stopped for a moment, and then dispersed to expand the search area.

In a dark alley, a nameless person appeared out of thin air.

He took a breath, then sat on the ground and reflected, what went wrong with him?

"Infringer? You mean I violated some kind of permission?"

Wuming suspected that there might be three, six or nine levels of human beings in this world. Different humans had different permissions. He didn't have that permission, so he was regarded as an infringer.

For example, what level nine permissions can and cannot do, and what level eight permissions can and cannot do.

Perhaps humans in this world must reach certain permissions to enter stores to buy things, so when he entered the store, he was identified as an infringer by the robot and was chased by the mechanical police.

"Next, don't go into the store, go to the residential area first." Wuming figured it out and got up and walked out of the alley.

In fact, he had come from one city to another. The buildings in the previous city were all white and flawless, looking like a world of snow.

But because it was too white, it gave people a cold feeling.

The city he was in now was blue, and the buildings were either dark blue or light blue, and the shape was completely different from the previous city.

Finally, he saw the first billboard in this world.

It was an oversized aquarium with mechanical fish in the water forming a line of words: "Wave Fisheries."

"It's a pity that I don't know the problem of this world." Wuming looked at the words pieced together by the mechanical fish in the aquarium and sighed helplessly.

Although the city was different, the passers-by around were still lifeless.


Wuming walked to a young man and waved his hand to say hello.

In an instant, the young man's face changed slightly, and he immediately walked past Wuming quickly, his pace getting faster and faster.

Wuming was a little confused, and then he saw a lot of eyes flying out of the windows of the building not far away, and all the red eyes looked at him.

"Damn it!"

Wuming cursed and turned around and ran.

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