I Contracted Myself

【406】Greatly shocked

Facts have proved once again that what runs on the ground can never escape what flies in the sky.

A minute later, Wuming was surrounded by dense eyes again. He raised his hands and said, "I can surrender, but can I be more civilized?"

The eyes in the sky suddenly glowed red. Wuming was confused and quickly activated his ability to transfer space.

In an instant, he appeared at the beach, looked at the rough sea, and said to himself: "What did I do wrong again?"

This time he observed very carefully. As he spoke, those eyes changed from light red to dark red, which seemed to mean 'upgrading'.

Although he didn't know what these aircraft would do after they were upgraded, it was definitely not a good thing.

"Could it be that...I don't have the authority to speak?"

Wuming kept thinking about it at the beach, and finally realized that he might have been wrong.

Human beings in this world are ruled by mechanical gods. If human beings are divided into several levels, then the lowest human beings may really not have the authority to speak, and will be arrested if they are found to speak.

Of course, whispering shouldn't be a big problem.

As long as you don't violate it in the city or in front of aircraft or robots, you'll be fine.

Wuming had a preliminary experience of the darkness of this world. After standing at the beach for more than ten minutes, he decided to go find Luo Xiang and ask Luo Xiang to take him to destroy the mechanical gods.

But at this moment, a young man brought a girl to the beach. When they saw Wuming, they were both stunned. Then the young man stepped forward and asked, "Who are you? Don't you know that this beach belongs to my Huang family?" "

"Huang family?"

Wuming was stunned for a moment, then asked curiously: "What is the relationship between your Huang family and the Mechanical God Clan?"


The young man's eyes flashed, and he suddenly showed a weird smile and said, "Interesting, how did you do it?"

"What?" Wuming frowned, always feeling that the young man in front of him was weird.

The young man asked: "Sixteen minutes and thirty-eight seconds ago, you were still on the Bai family's territory. Fifteen minutes and twenty-two seconds ago, you appeared on the Lan family's territory. Now you appear on my Huang family's territory. Our three families are thousands of miles apart. I'm curious...how did you do it? Did you develop some kind of technology that can use wormholes to travel?"

"I'm also curious, are you a mechanical god?" Wuming asked after listening to the young man's words.

The young man showed a brighter smile, but

Within a second, a nameless fist fell on his face, and instantly his head exploded, filled with electronic parts.

"It's really a robot!" Wuming said in surprise.

When the young man asked, his strength recovered instantly, and then he discovered that there was no biological force field on the young man.

All living things must have a biological force field. It is obvious that this young man is not human.


After the young man's head was blown, the female companion brought by the young man screamed in terror.

Wuming said helplessly: "Shut up!"

The girl immediately covered her mouth with both hands.

"You are a human, why are you with the Mechanical Gods?" Wuming stepped forward, looked at the girl, and asked curiously.

The girl's face was full of shock, her whole body was shaking, and she couldn't speak at all.

"Forget it, bye!"

Wuming naturally had no interest in bullying a human girl, so he lifted the young man's body and disappeared instantly.

This time he did not land in any corner of the planet, but appeared in outer space. He took apart the young man's body and found that it was full of parts that he did not recognize. However, a certain organ used to reproduce offspring turned out to be genuine. .


Wuming was speechless. In other words, the Mechanical Gods also need some kind of life?

At this moment, he even doubted that the Mechanical Gods were really a race of robots. If so, why would they have such worldly desires?

"Forget it, go back and find Luo Xiang."

Wuming has experienced the situation of this world firsthand.

Human beings in this world are indeed enslaved by the mechanical gods, and are divided into many different levels. Human beings have numb work and numb life, and are limited by authority within a limited range. As long as they step out of this range, it means breaking the law.

There may be darker parts, but Wuming no longer dares to explore further.

In a shabby shed area that smelled of sour water, a nameless person appeared behind Luo Xiang. Luo Xiang was holding a bowl and feeding milk to the little girl in front of him bit by bit.

The little girl seemed to have something wrong with her eyes. She sat on a chair and drank milk one mouthful at a time.

After Wuming appeared, the little girl seemed to be aware of Wuming's presence. She raised her head slightly and wanted to speak but was stuffed with a mouthful of milk.

"Ahem." The little girl suddenly coughed.

Luo Xiang quickly patted the little girl's back.

He said in a self-reproaching tone: "Sorry, I was too fast."

"Later...ahem...there is someone." The little girl said while coughing.

Luo Xiang immediately turned around and breathed a sigh of relief after seeing Wuming, and said, "Sir, you are back."

"Yeah." Wuming nodded.

Luo Xiang thought of something, suppressed a smile and asked, "Did your trip go smoothly, sir?"


Wuming was speechless, Shun Shun was such a ghost.

But Luo Xiang did not lie. The humans in this world need his rescue.

No matter what the nature of the Mechanical Gods is, it doesn't matter. What Wuming has to do now is to blast it and let it go to hell.

"Is this your sister?" Wuming looked at the little girl and asked.

Luo Xiang nodded and said, "Well, her name is Luo Luo."

"What's wrong with her eyes? Can't you treat it?" Wuming glanced at Luo Luo's eyes and asked in a low voice.

Luo Xiang said bitterly: "It can be treated, but Luo Luo was registered as having a blind eye when he was born. If he could suddenly see things, he would be discovered by the eagle dogs of the Mechanical God Clan."

"Is it illegal to watch anything?" Wuming asked in shock.

Luo Xiang shook his head and said: "It's not that you can't see, but you will be suspected of installing electronic mechanical eyes. But since we have no purchase records, we will be suspected of installing black market pirated mechanical eyes."

"The genuine ones are expensive?" Wuming asked.

Luo Xiang nodded and said: "It costs ten million, which is very expensive."

"Let's go, let's go to the palace of the Mechanical God Clan." Wuming stiffened his fist and said directly.

Luo Xiang glanced at the bowl in his hand, gritted his teeth and was about to put it down. Wuming looked at the bowl and softened his fist, and said, "Let Luo Luo finish eating first."

"Thank you, sir." Luo Xiang said gratefully.

Next, Luo Xiang continued to feed Luo Luo, and Wuming took a look at the house. Although this house could not be said to be a house with bare walls, it was not much different.

He asked: "Can't we even bring out and use the things in the divine storage space?"

"Sir, to be precise, it cannot be used openly. Our sewers will be patrolled by cleaning robots. They are not responsible for unblocking the sewers or cleaning them, but they will detect the composition of feces in the sewers. If we eat it, we will not be responsible for our status. What you should eat will be locked," Luo Xiang replied.

Wuming felt that his outlook on life was once again shocked.

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