I Contracted Myself

【407】Different perspectives

The Mechanical Gods' enslavement of humans is actually so harsh.

To be honest, although Wuming felt that it was too much to clearly divide people into three, six or nine grades, because there was a similar situation in ancient times on the earth, and even the people next door to his original homeland still used "surname" to divide the grades, so he could still understand it.

But he really didn't expect that even what a person eats is strictly controlled, and there are even special robots to check human feces to determine whether the other person has violated the rules.

I can't understand, and my three views are shattered.

Wuming asked after a while: "Why is this? Are you afraid that you will eat too much and overthrow their rule?"

"Sir, I'm actually not very sure. It seems to have something to do with authority." Luo Xiang scratched the back of his head, not knowing how to answer.

The world was already like this when he was born. There were many rules taught to him by adults, but they did not tell him the reasons. He could only follow the rules taught by adults.

Maybe his parents don't know why, but these rules are passed down from generation to generation.

For example, you cannot talk outside the house, you cannot eat food that does not match your identity, you cannot draw pictures, you cannot hum songs casually, you cannot show more than three teeth when you smile, you cannot wear shoes, and you cannot especially draw a big ear. Mouse, you can't draw a duck wearing only a shirt and no pants...

This world has more rules for humans than you can imagine.

Wuming was curious about the reason, but Luo Xiang didn't know that the knowledge in their minds came from two sources. One was the instillation of the mechanical gods, as if the knowledge appeared in their minds out of thin air, and the other part came from the teachings of their parents.

However, in fact, there are not many teachings from parents, and most of them come from the teachings of grandparents. Some knowledge that is not instilled by the mechanical gods may be passed down from generation to generation through word of mouth.

Wuming watched Luo Xiang feed Luo Luo milk with a spoon, and with a slight thought in his mind, the biological force field spread out in all directions, and gradually one city after another was enveloped by the biological force field.

He originally wanted to observe the world from an ordinary person's perspective, because from an extraordinary perspective, it is actually difficult to empathize with many things, and it is easier to be affected by his own three views that have already been formed.

For example, there are different opinions on wife beating in different eras.

In modern society, if you beat your wife, whether you are justified or unreasonable, you must be unreasonable.

But if it was in ancient times

Woolen cloth?

The other world is even more complicated. Luo Xiang has entered the divine treasure space and been exposed to countless knowledge of the heavens and the world, so he has jumped out of this world and observed the world from a higher height. His words are destined to be impossible to truly of fairness.

This is also the reason why Wuming experienced it as an ordinary person from the beginning. He wanted to know the true feelings of this world, instead of listening to Luo Xiang's words, nor looking at the world from the perspective of God.

Luo Xiang's one-sided words must have a strong personal color and strong personal emotions.

The God's perspective is destined to bring Wuming's own thoughts and concepts, which is unfair.

However, after his personal experience and combined with what Luo Xiang said, he already had a basic impression. Now he wants to see the world from God's perspective and see the overall ecology of the world.

Under the biological force field, Wuming saw the father and son next door hugging each other and talking warmly. Next door, a tired couple is playing a game with their daughter.

They were playing hopscotch, and the cute child jumped to the finish line and immediately smiled happily, but when he was about to make a sound, he covered his mouth.

Suddenly, the door of their house was opened by a robot, and several robots flew in. The male owner did not expect that the search would be so sudden. His expression immediately changed, and he quickly erased the grid drawn by playing hopscotch on the ground with his legs.

"Infringers, please raise your hands. You have violated Article 1245 of the rights. The rights to the hopscotch game belong to the mechanical gods. Those who have not purchased the rights are not allowed to play." One of the eyes made a mechanical voice.

Then the other eye showed the scene where the male host had not yet erased the grid on the ground.

The host and hostess turned pale at this moment, and the little girl who had been smiling happily just now started crying in fear.

"Warning, warning, the sound exceeds 90 decibels. You have violated Article 3545 of the permissions. The 90-decibel crying emotion belongs to the mechanical gods. Those who have not purchased the permission are not allowed to cry more than 90 decibels." Another robot locked on the little girl and then issued warned.

Wuming suddenly realized that this was what the authority meant.

The mechanical gods occupy the entire world and take everything tangible and intangible as their own. Human beings must purchase various permissions to live freely.

But how many people have the ability to purchase these permissions?

It is estimated that there are not many humans in the whole world who are qualified to cry.

Wuming sighed, having no sympathy for the Mechanical God Clan anymore. Seeing that Luo Xiang had almost finished feeding, he lightly tapped the wall behind him with his fingers.

Next door, those floating robots suddenly ran out of power.

The young couple watched in horror as all the robots suddenly fell to the ground. They were at a loss for a moment. The male owner seemed to be quite courageous. He gritted his teeth and said, "Let's run!"

"Where could it possibly go?" the hostess said pessimistically.

For a moment, the family fell into silence again. Their knowledge and abilities had restricted them here. Staying or escaping would have the same result.

Finally, the two knelt on the ground, hugged their daughter, and cried softly.

Wuming's biological force field was still spreading. In a small city separated by several cities, a little boy made a cake with eggs, and the fragrance soon attracted the robot.

"Infringer, please raise your hands. You violated the authority of Article 21478. The authority to make egg cakes belongs to the Mechanical God Clan. Those who have not purchased the authority are not allowed to cook egg cakes." The robot issued a warning.

The little boy raised his hands in horror, and the cake fell from his head and fell to the ground with a snap.

"No wonder Luo Xiang said that he couldn't eat food that didn't fit his identity. That's it." Wuming saw this scene and suddenly realized it in his heart.

At this time, Luo Xiang washed the dishes and stood in front of Wuming, saying excitedly and uneasy: "My lord, I'm ready."

"Brother, I want to go too." Luo Luo grabbed Luo Xiang's sleeve and begged in a low voice.

She seemed to know that Luo Xiang was going to do something big. She was very afraid that Luo Xiang would follow Wuming and never come back, so she wanted to be with Luo Xiang.

Luo Xiang showed an awkward expression, not knowing whether to take Luo Luo with him.

"Take her with you!"

Wuming's heart softened, and he said directly to Luo Xiang.

The power level in this world is not high. With his strength, it is not difficult to protect Luo Xiang and Luo Luo.

"Thank you, sir!"

Even if Luo Xiang did not understand Wuming's strength very well, he knew that he was a crushing existence in their world. He was embarrassed just now because he was afraid that Wuming would find it troublesome.

Now that Wuming took the initiative to speak, he immediately picked up Luo Luo.

"Let's go!"

Wuming smiled slightly.

Then the three of them walked out of the small house.

The time was just right, and countless aircraft in the distance were gathering here.

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