I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: City of Sky Foxes [080] Part 2

"We must kill that female living corpse first!"

Feng Laixian made a judgment immediately, but the next moment he was punched twice in the face.

On one side was Li Kuida and on the other was Guan Hongying. With the assistance of the female living corpse, the two appeared in front of him almost as if they teleported.

He took a deep breath, and the next moment his body temperature increased sharply, and he roared: "If you are looking for death, I will grant you my wish!"

It was daytime now, and he was not afraid of crossing Guan Hongying and others at all. He was just in the wilderness. If they encountered alienated beasts, they would be able to take advantage of those alienated beasts if they fought.

So he didn't want to cause trouble.

But at this point, if he didn't show his true intentions, it would be equivalent to committing suicide. It would be better to kill the bastards in front of him with real swords and guns.

"The sun is scorching bright, the sun is scorching, I am the Eastern King in the morning, I am the Red Emperor in the evening!"

On the same day, if Feng Laixian has entered the Great Sun Red Emperor state once, then entering the Great Sun Red Emperor state for the second time will be quite smooth.

Reciting the ancient songs of the Pearl City almost once is enough to complete the resonance with the sun.

The next moment, red flames covered Feng Laixian's body. Guan Hongying and Li Kuida happened to punch at the same time, and their fists landed on the red flames.

Guan Hongying grunted and quickly stepped back, but Li Kuida was a living corpse and could not feel pain. Instead, he insisted on attacking, and his fist was melted little by little.

"For the sake of you being a strong man in life, go ahead!" Feng Laixian grabbed Li Kuida's fist with one hand, and then the flames spread to Li Kuida's body.

Zuo Xiangming saw that it was not good and quickly ordered Li Kuida to retreat, but Li Kuida tried his best to move Feng Laixian even one step.

"Zuo Xiangming, you'd better hide in a nook and cranny where I can't find you, otherwise sooner or later I will spread your ashes!" Feng Laixian looked at Zuo Xiangming and said calmly.

Then he shook his hand, and Li Kuida suddenly exploded and turned into countless powders flying.

He looked at Guan Hongying. Guan Hongying quickly retreated as if facing a formidable enemy.

But Feng Laixian's real target was the female living corpse. He instantly appeared in front of the female living corpse, struck down with a condescending blow, and flames spurted out.

"Rest in peace. If there is a next life, remember to seek revenge from Zuo Xiangming!"

After he finished speaking, the corpse of the female living corpse had been reduced to ashes, leaving not even ashes.

"Too strong, too strong, Aunt Hongying, let's withdraw." The female man in black appeared next to Guan Hongying and said fearfully.

Guan Hongying bit her gums tightly, although she was still completely animal

Transformation is the trump card, but with a little comparison in her mind, she knows that even if she transforms into a complete beast, she is no match for Feng Laixian.

"You want to leave, can you?"

Suddenly, Feng Laixian appeared in front of Guan Hongying like a flash of fire, with a stern look in her eyes and a cold voice.

Guan Hongying's pupils shrank sharply and shouted: "Let's go!"

Then a fist with red fire landed on her abdomen, and she flew backwards, just in time to be caught by the female man in black. Then the two of them twisted at the same time and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Spatial ability, this is quite a talent." Feng Laixian was slightly surprised and said to himself.

Then, he looked at Zuo Xiangming. Zuo Xiangming was weak and looked at Feng Laixian hatefully. Finally, he closed his eyes and the living corpse's face quickly changed back to its original appearance.

This time Zuo Xiangming lost three extremely powerful living corpses, which was a big loss.

Feng Laixian waved his hand lightly, and the Great Sun True Fire burned the living corpse to ashes. He then looked in the direction of the woods, thought for a while and did not help Bai De, but quickly exited the Great Sun Red Emperor state.

Although entering the Sun Red Emperor state for the second time will be faster than the first time, it will also consume more physical energy.

In the barren mountains and ridges, he must conserve more physical strength to deal with various emergencies.

As for those men in black, as long as there are no top awakeners, it shouldn't be difficult for Bai De to deal with them.

After all, the woods are Bai De's specialty.

at the same time.

At the extinct volcano, the lake rippled, and then Su Qingbo came out of the water, holding an old wooden box in his hand.

"This is what I got from killing a giant bear with Brother Ye a few years ago. Take a look at what's available." Su Qingbo spoke very slowly, and then handed the wooden box to Zhang Ping.

Zhang Ping thanked him and took the wooden box. After opening the wooden box, he saw a black bear bile inside.

He tried to identify bear bile, but failed several times in a row. He had a vague feeling that this was good stuff!

Then, he continued to use identification techniques on bear bile.

After hundreds of failures, the attributes were finally successfully identified.

[Identification successful]

[Lonely Heroic Bear: The courage of the heroic spirit of the Dark Mist resides in it. It is formed from a certain body organ after the death of the Dark Mist Black Bear. After other creatures swallow it, they will have a 1% chance of gaining the ability to control the 'Midgy Mist'. 】

"It turns out to be a creature from the mist!"

After reading the attributes, Zhang Ping suddenly realized.

He thought for a while

, simply swallowed the bear bile in one gulp, Su Qingbo wanted to stop him, but it was already too late.

"Senior, don't worry, I know what this is, I can eat it without any problem." Zhang Ping smiled at Su Qingbo, and then he heard the hallucination of some kind of creature screaming, and felt that his abilities seemed to have changed in some way.

He immediately used Appraisal on himself.

Other attributes have not changed, but the body of the dark mist has undergone new changes.

[Body of Dark Mist: It can absorb the fear and anger of living creatures and transform it into controllable Dark Mist.

Note: Two of the seven emotions of Mingwu have been obtained. 】

Originally, the Dark Mist Body could only absorb the fear of other creatures, but now he can not only absorb fear, but also anger.

In fact, compared to fear, most creatures are more likely to be angry.

Especially in battle, once the enemy is angry, it will provide him with an endless source of power, which is equivalent to killing himself.

"The seven emotions of Dark Mist, that is, there are seven emotions that can be converted into Dark Mist, and now I only have two." Zhang Ping thought to himself after reading the attributes.

If he can gather these seven emotions, maybe he will never have to worry about not having enough Dark Mist again.

Now that he is away from the crowd in the city, the feeling of fear has become a sourceless water that is used up a little bit, so he used the Wuqi gem that stores fat energy halfway before.

In the end, he just felt sorry for the Dark Mist being consumed too quickly.

If he had an inexhaustible amount of Dark Mist, there would be no such a big deal.

Of course, good and bad are interdependent.

It was because he felt sorry for the Dark Mist being consumed too quickly that he met Little Theron.

Sometimes it is not a bad thing to have good things done over and over again.

"My friend, are you really okay?" Su Qingbo asked worriedly when he saw Zhang Ping's thoughtful look.

Ye Changchun blamed him, "Brother Su, you are really something. Why did you choose that kind of thing as a thank-you gift?"

"Actually, I don't know why, but I feel that the things in the wooden box will benefit you the most, so I subconsciously chose it. If I'm wrong, I will make up for it." Su Qingbo said self-blamingly.

Zhang Ping was still thinking about something. After listening to the conversation between the two, he quickly said, "Senior Su, I'm really okay. Your intuition is right. That thing is very useful to me."

Weak animals are prone to fear, while strong creatures are more likely to be angry.

Zhang Ping's opponents will inevitably become stronger and stronger, so it is indeed very beneficial for him to transform the dark mist from anger.

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