I Contracted Myself

【412】Fusion World

Wuming believes in fate.

This picture stone appeared in the right place at the right time, fell into his hands just right, and he happened to be in a good mood to watch it. Then maybe this was the person he should help.

He activated the photo stone, and the picture immediately appeared in front of him. A woman in cool clothes was dancing passionately around the pole...

"this is mine!"

Zhang Shouzhong grabbed the photo stone and closed the screen.

Then he threw a picture stone to Wuming and said angrily: "This is yours."

"Pay attention to your health and exercise moderation!" Wuming said while suppressing a smile.

Then he activated the image stone and the picture appeared again, this time it was finally normal.

There are a large number of high-rise buildings in the picture. It is obvious that this is a modern city. Then a voice sounds: "Sir, this is the truest appearance of my world. Due to the invasion of unknown viruses, most of the human beings have turned into monsters. They can continue to evolve, some are combined with buildings, some are combined with cars, some are combined with trees, and some are combined with beasts. Our survivors call them 'fusions'.

They have great malice towards humans. Once they find surviving humans, they will simply kill them. They even have special fusion bodies, and the object of fusion is humans. Since I got the space crystal, I have traveled through more than ten cities, and one survivor None of the victims have been seen again. If there had not been broadcasts and calls for help, I even suspect that everyone would have died.

Please save my world, I am willing to pay any price! "

At the end of the sentence, the caller was choked with sobs and could not pronounce clearly, and seemed very excited.

"The fusion should not be strong."

Zhang Shouzhong also watched it together. After the scene ended, he spoke.

When the voice just said "fusion", several fusions appeared on the screen. There was a human being who was fused with the motorcycle. The body and the motorcycle were beautifully combined. The speed was very fast. It looked like A bit like Transformers.

There is also a fusion body that is combined with grass. Its body is covered with weeds, most of its body has turned into plants, and its corpse-like eyes are very scary.

Each of these fusions has its own style and food

Things are also different.

The scene also records that the food of a fusion that is combined with a dog is feces, bones, meat, etc. There is also a fusion that is combined with a tree and uses its huge roots to suck up the dirt in the sewer.

If fusions are not instinctively malicious and hostile to humans, they are actually beneficial to protecting the environment.

The tree fusion can spawn plants, the car fusion can absorb carbon dioxide, and the computer fusion can control the network...

Unfortunately, when the fusion body sees humans, it will have some kind of terrifying instinct, and it will hunt down humans at all costs.

Wuming smiled and said: "It's hard to say whether it's strong or not. After all, the photographer's strength is limited. If we encounter a powerful fusion, this image stone may not fall into our hands."

"If you are ready to help in this world, I will go too!" Zhang Shouzhong said at this time.

Wuming asked curiously: "Are you interested in this world?"

"Don't forget my superpower. I'm very curious about what's going on when living things and dead things are combined. If I figure it out, my strength may be even better," Zhang Shouzhong said.

Wuming suddenly said: "It's really possible, then take on this mission."

"What kind of mission? I'm asking for help." Zhang Shouzhong complained.

Wuming smiled and said: "For me, this is a task. If you promise, you must keep your promise. A promise worth a thousand dollars!"

"Okay, you contact him and ask him to come over quickly." Zhang Shouzhong said casually.

The photo stone left contact information, and Wuming quickly contacted the caller. About twenty minutes later, a middle-aged man came over panting.

Although he was neatly dressed, he had a big beard on his face and looked very gloomy. There were obvious wounds on his neck and the back of his hands. It was obvious that he was not living a good life.

"Unknown Master." He stepped forward and shouted restrainedly.

Wuming could tell that the other party was very excited, but due to the influence of his personality and circumstances, he was used to restraining his emotions and everything about himself.

After the introduction, Wuming learned that the man's name was Gong Xiang. He was fifty-six years old and was originally a mechanical repairman. Later, when the disaster broke out, he hid in his home.

The warehouse survived the most dangerous night.

Later, he was driven away by the fusion body, and he traveled through mountains and rivers and experienced countless dangers. His companions died one by one. In the first year after the disaster broke out, he was left alone.

He has been looking for compatriots, and in the following years he met some of them, some died, some parted ways because of differences, and some turned against each other over food.

After about eight years of this, he got a space crystal by chance in a cave, and then entered the divine hidden space.

The next experience was actually somewhat similar to Luo Xiang's. He was too old and most shops were unwilling to hire him. Only practitioners could do the heavy work, so he was always semi-employed.

The reason why he is said to be semi-employed is because occasionally there is some work of distributing leaflets in Shenzang Space, and he can barely survive by distributing leaflets.

But obviously this was too inefficient. It took him several years to gain some supernatural power, but he was still vulnerable to the fusion body.

He had seen many extremely terrifying fusion bodies, and knew that he could never kill all the fusion bodies and save humanity by himself, but he could not find anyone he could trust, so he could only grit his teeth and practice silently, and do what he could silently.

Unlike most people who asked for help, he only saw Luo Xiang's post a week ago.

He was skeptical at the time, but later he saw Wuming's performance in the Shenzang Trial, and then he believed that Wuming was the kind of good person who could be trusted.

Because of this, his photo stone came very late, but it happened to be in Zhang Shouzhong's pocket, which led to the current meeting.

After listening to Gong Xiang's words, Wuming smiled and said, "I understand the general situation. What price can you pay? Don't hold on to the fluke mentality. I don't accept Luo Xiang's space crystal because that world needs him. It may not be the same situation on your side."

"My lord, I don't know what I can give you. In addition to the space crystal, I can agree to anything you want." Gong Xiang was silent for a moment, and then said seriously.

He knew very well that some extraordinary powers could extract people's lifespan, luck, and even souls.

He could agree to all of this, and as for the space crystal, he had his reasons for having to keep it.

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