I Contracted Myself

【413】Anonymous opinion

Wuming looks at people from a different perspective than ordinary people.

He can observe a person from a more unique dimension through the biological force field.

If Luo Xiang is a desperate man trapped in a quagmire from the perspective of biological force field, then Gong Xiang's biological force field is even more unique.

It is difficult to describe what Gong Xiang's biological force field looks like in just a few words. If Wuming were to describe it, Wuming could only describe his general feeling.

It was like riding my old motorcycle in the desolate Gobi desert before dawn. The feeling of vastness and loneliness came from my bones.

But soon the gentle wind will blow away this loneliness. The sun is about to appear in the direction he is driving. Even if he has not seen the sun yet, he has already felt the warmth of the sun in the wind.

But he was also afraid, afraid that the sun would come too early, and that the loneliness in the Gobi would be contagious to the sun.

"Do you have a child? Your child is about to be born?" Wuming looked at Gong Xiang and asked confusedly.

Gong Xiang was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said: "Well, he is a special child. I know he must be a good child."

Obviously, the reason why his space crystal couldn't be given to Wuming was because he wanted to leave it to his 'child'.

"I agreed to your request, give me the crystal, and I will go to your world tomorrow." Wuming looked at Gong Xiang deeply, and then said.

He didn't mention remuneration this time. Anyway, in Gong Xiang's world, maybe Gong Xiang could make a small profit, but he would definitely not lose.

After seeing Gong Xiang off, Zhang Shouzhong asked: "Is he okay?"

During this time, he did a lot of investigations into the Divine Tibetan Space and learned that there are many evil sects that are also eyeing the Divine Tibetan Space, especially practitioners who are qualified to enter it. They are their targets.

"It's not a big problem, but it's hard to say whether we can get back to our roots by then." Wuming said with a smile.

One of the reasons why he agreed to Gong Xiang was that Zhang Shouzhong was interested in the fusion of Gong Xiang's world.

Although it is difficult for Zhang Shouzhong to die after becoming the World Master, his strength outside his own world is still the same, and he must become stronger through practice or other methods.

For this reason alone, Wuming would not reject Gong Xiang. However, after noticing the abnormality in Gong Xiang's biological force field, Wuming became more interested in that world.

Next, Wuming used the oracle stone to surf the Internet in the store, and got a rough understanding of what happened in the past month, and also went to his own fan section.


Because of Luo Xiang's post, his fan forum was very lively, but there were also a lot of requests for help.

Wuming watched for half an hour and found that some powerful fans seemed to want to imitate him and help those seeking help. He smelled a conspiracy, so he simply turned on the video function and said: "Everyone Ankang, I have all these help requests. I see it, but I’m only one person, so I can’t help everyone solve their problems instantly. Besides, there are many requests for help and they have no value in themselves.

I have observed that some enthusiastic Taoist friends want to lighten my burden and take the initiative to help those who ask for help, but I do not recommend that you do this. After all, people’s hearts are at odds with each other. Who knows whether the people behind these help posts have anything to do with evil gods.

If you really want to help, you can come to Akita Cabin and let me judge whether the mission can be accepted.

Thank you all for your love. My name is Wuming. "

After recording the video, he then posted it to his fan section.

In the blink of an eye, his post was pinned to the top, and the number of replies quickly increased.

First floor: The unknown master, the living unknown master! ! !

Second floor: Get a seat first, then watch the video.

Third floor: Master Wuming saw us.

The above meaningless replies continued until page 500, when finally some meaningful replies began to appear.

World No. 1 Xu Lie: "Master Wuming is right. It is a good thing to want to help those seeking help, but you must also pay attention to your own safety. Evil gods like the Sweet Potato God are always watching in the dark, so you have to be on guard."

Half-hearted Green Grass: "If there is an unknown person making the judgment, even I want to help those in need. Ahhhhh, what should I do if I get a little excited?"

The big water monster who loves diving: "If it's a marine world, I can help. The premise is that Mr. Wuming can help me judge whether the other party is trustworthy. I don't believe what others say, but I definitely believe Mr. Wuming's judgment."

Yan Jingyang: "Who is that? Didn't we agree to go to your world before? Wait a moment, let's go to Mr. Wuming first, and wait for Mr. Wuming to make a judgment before going. If you don't dare to come, it means you There is something wrong in my heart, I will kill you next time!”

Xi Xueroshuang: "Mr. Wuming really cares about us, I cry to death."

Originally known as Zero: "Among the strong men, Mr. Wuming is indeed one of the best in character. I am convinced, and my fans count me among them."

Wuming read a lot of replies and felt relieved when he saw that everyone listened to what he said.

Although he is not interested in becoming a star or celebrity, since he is so famous and can influence so many people, he must take responsibility and not harm these people who trust and like him.

Besides, he also made a lot of movies during the Dragon Shell period, and he doesn't hate being a star or anything like that.

After closing the oracle network, he stood up and said, "Fat man, I'm going to Xundao Pavilion. If anyone is looking for me, please contact me directly."

"Go ahead, go ahead." Zhang Shouzhong said while surfing the Internet.

Wuming left the shop and his body instantly entered the invisible state. The main reason was that most people in the Shenzang Space knew him. It was easy for everyone to recognize him when he walked outside. Once fans came to bother him, it would be troublesome.

He didn't hate being bothered by fans, but he didn't like being bothered either.

It was probably like the wind. It was okay if it blew or not. Wuming could accept it.

A few minutes later, he came to Xundao Pavilion. The clerk who had just appeared before him said excitedly: "Master Wuming, you are here again!"

"Hello, this time I want to see the knowledge of formations, and please give me a copy of the information of the heavens and the worlds. For other things... myths and legends of various worlds, celebrity allusions, the origins of the strong, etc., uh... do you have them?" Wuming nodded and then stated his request.

But after he finished speaking, he doubted whether Xundao Pavilion had these things.

The clerk nodded quickly and said: "Yes, we have everything you want. Please follow me."

After speaking, he immediately walked in front to lead the way, and Wuming followed behind.

This time, Wuming did not pick and choose, but went shopping lavishly, buying all the information he needed. Although many of these materials were outdated, they could broaden Wuming's horizons and let him understand the ecology of the heavens and the worlds.

In addition, after selling a lot of information and formation techniques and formations, he bought a lot of props related to superpowers, and bought more than 20 energy stones at a time, ready to go back to study or give them to Zhang Shouzhong and others.

After leaving Xundao Pavilion, he went to a store specializing in selling technological products.

Before in the Shenzang Trial, he felt that he was not well prepared. Although he had the Bubble World as his back, his technological props were not bad, but compared with some technological worlds that had been developed for countless years, they were really not of the same level.

If there are shortcomings, they must be made up. Besides, these technological products can be taken to the Bubble World, so that Chen Weihua's men can study them and finally create a version belonging to the Bubble World.

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