I Contracted Myself


Although the technology products purchased in Shenzang Space are unlikely to have backdoors embedded in them, the problem is that Wuming really doesn’t understand technology very well. Safety comes first and he will definitely give priority to using the products of Bubble World. After all, they were developed by his own people. Things are definitely more reliable.

"Ahhhhhh, Mr. Wuming."

As soon as Wuming walked into a store called 'Superconducting Technology', a female clerk screamed, then rolled her eyes and fainted in the arms of her companion.

The companion was at a loss as to whether to entertain Wu Ming or take care of his fellow workers first.

At this time, a fat man came out of the room at the back of the store. Seeing that the unconscious female clerk was just too excited and her life was not in danger, he excitedly walked up to Wuming and said, "Master Wuming, what a joke, Xiaowei is so special." I like you, that’s why I’m so excited.”

"She is very cute." Wuming smiled slightly.

The moment the female clerk Xiao Wei fell unconscious, he determined through the biological force field that Xiao Wei's life was not in danger.

As the captain of the rescue team, he is also a miracle doctor. He has treated eight million patients if not ten million. As long as the source is not exhausted or the injury is beyond his understanding, he can easily treat most diseases and injuries.

Even if he dies, as long as his soul is still there, he can use the Nameless Sea to resurrect the opponent.

However, because of the Nameless Sea, he has more insights into life and death. Under normal circumstances, he will not resurrect others unless he feels it is necessary to resurrect them.

Next, the fat man introduced himself. It turned out that he was the manager of this store. His name was Zhang Shoucheng. He was a body-training practitioner. However, because he was obsessed with technology, he unknowingly abandoned his practice and became what he is now. look.

"Zhang Shoucheng, you don't have a brother named Zhang Shouzhong, do you?" Wuming couldn't help but ask after hearing Zhang Shoucheng's words and looking at Zhang Shoucheng's plump face that was eighty percent similar to Zhang Shouzhong.

Zhang Shoucheng was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and said, "Sir, I have no brothers or sisters. You must have mistaken me for the wrong person."

"Oh, sorry, I just know a friend who looks very similar to you." Wuming then smiled apologetically.

Zhang Shoucheng nodded, but secretly thought that fat people all look the same, not all have round faces, but their facial features and head shape may be a little different.


Next, the conversation finally got to the point.

After learning that Wuming was here to buy technology products, Zhang Shoucheng immediately thought of Wuming's performance in the Shenzang Trial, and couldn't help but smile on his face and said: "Sir, you have come to the right place. Although our store is small, the products it sells are It is definitely one of the best in the entire Shenzang space, please follow me."

As he spoke, he walked to the display cabinet, and when Wuming came over, he introduced: "Sir, this is the latest model of atomic battleship. Just wear a ring, and the atoms in the air will arrange themselves as needed to form Various materials and vehicle forms, I will show you.”

As he spoke, he opened the display cabinet and took out a red gemstone ring.

He put on the ring easily and said: "It will automatically change its size according to the size of the user's finger. Anyone can wear it without any hindrance."

Then he took a deep breath and said, "Start."

The ruby ​​immediately flashed, and then a light screen popped up, with various vehicles to choose from.

Due to space constraints, he chose the form of a floating skateboard. A moment later, a black skateboard appeared in front of the two of them. He stepped on it and flew around the store's display cabinet, finally landing in front of Wuming.

"Is this really a technological product?" Wuming looked at the skateboard and felt that it was like magic.

Zhang Shoucheng smiled and said: "Sir, when technology is powerful to a certain extent, it is not weaker than any extraordinary power. In fact, the most advanced technology itself is a kind of extraordinary. The definition of extraordinary has never been unified in all the worlds. Some practitioners believe that those who control energy are extraordinary, some practitioners believe that being able to do things that transcend race is extraordinary, and some practitioners believe that being able to blow up a planet with one punch is extraordinary, so it is normal for adults to find it incredible. It’s the charm of top-notch extraordinary products.”

"Can you tell me the principle?"

Wuming stepped on the skateboard and pressed down hard. The skateboard went down like mercury, then split into two halves, and finally floated up again. The split parts merged into one. He couldn't help but look at Zhang Shoucheng and asked directly .

"Sir, although this thing is small, I'm afraid it would take three days and two nights to explain the principles behind it. If you are interested, you'd better go to Dao Pavilion and buy the relevant knowledge yourself." Zhang Shou

Cheng smiled bitterly.

Wuming nodded and did not embarrass the other party any more.

"Sir, take a look at this product again!" Zhang Shoucheng was secretly relieved when he saw that Wuming was no longer angry, so he smiled and started to introduce the next product.

Next, Wuming followed Zhang Shoucheng and looked at one technological product after another. He had to admit that technology was so powerful that it was so convenient.

"Are there any weapons?" Wuming felt that he had seen enough, and then asked.

Zhang Shoucheng shook his head and said, "Sorry, sir, our store does not sell technological weapons."

"Okay, then pack up all the products just now, three copies of each kind!" Wuming nodded and continued.

Zhang Shoucheng was stunned for a moment, then said with a smile: "Thank you, sir!"

In the Divine Tibetan Space, if you have strong strength, you can really live a very comfortable life, because there is no shortage of resources or money.

It is different for the weak. Even in the Shenzang space, it is not so easy to get along. Although the conditions are definitely better than the outside world, one's own talent and perseverance are still indispensable.

After buying things, Wuming walked out of the store, and then went to another store specializing in selling technological weapons products to buy a large number of weapons.

He even bought a mecha and prepared to make it into a shell for use.

"Huh, it's time to go back."

Wuming came out of the store, looked at his balance, and said with a smile.

He had to spend some time to digest the things he bought this time, especially the knowledge-related things. Not only did he have to let Xiaoxi record them, but he also had to study them seriously.

The main reason was that his luck was getting better and better, especially when he rescued Bai Yating, he met the Dark King.

Every time he met the Dark King, his luck would increase incredibly, but his luck would drop quickly before, but now he has unlimited luck, and when his luck increases, it will not drop, so his luck is terrible, and many strong people who can see luck will avoid him.

With this kind of luck, he felt that he would have to go to the Divine Treasure Trial sooner or later. If he encountered a level where he could not use his extraordinary power, his own knowledge would become particularly important.

In the past, he habitually relied on Xiaoxi, but now he dared not be lazy like this.

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