I Contracted Myself

【415】From people and male pregnant women

Akita cabin.

Wuming held a reading party in the backyard.

He turned all the knowledge he bought from Xundao Pavilion into books and asked everyone to read with him.

Even though he came out of the Xundao Pavilion empty-handed, when all the knowledge appeared in the form of books, the entire backyard was full of books, more books than a medium-sized library.

And these books were not all, there were more books that could not be put down, so Wuming had to store them at Wuminghai's home.

If all those books were taken out, the largest library on earth would not have as many books as he has here.

As night fell, Wuming and others sat down, drinking tea and snacks while reading. Half an hour later, Dahuang fell asleep on a book.

An hour later, Zhang Shouzhong also fell asleep lying on his book.

Wuming glanced at the man and the dog, shook his head slightly, and then continued reading.

He did not look at knowledge about formations, but first looked at various information about the heavens and the world to understand the ecological conditions of different races in different worlds.

It turns out that humans are different from humans.

Even humans with exactly the same appearance may have different genes in different worlds.

Even children born from the union of humans from different worlds may be infertile. Such people, just like mules and ligers, are called "clan", "congren" and "cong" by practitioners in some worlds. beast'.

However, following people is not without its benefits. They tend to have longer lifespans and stronger cultivation talents. In some worlds, they will be regarded as geniuses. Female followers, especially, are sought after by many male practitioners.

Of course, everything in the universe is possible.

For example, a follower who cannot have offspring with a human can have offspring with a dragon instead. This kind of offspring is also called a follower. Then the follower inherits the dragon's talent of being able to 'Fake' all things, so he becomes a follower. Can strangely give birth to offspring.

Because of this, the relationship between followers and dragons has always been good. Followers who can travel in the world often have a dragon husband or wife.

Wuming couldn't help but take a breath when he saw this, feeling that his three views were exploded again. Sure enough, there are always countless situations in the world that he could not imagine.

Then he turned the page and continued reading.

Look at the eyes getting bigger.

Dragons are considered a powerful race in all the worlds. Unfortunately, because of the Transcendent, a large number of dragons died because of vests overnight, and the number of dragons was reduced by 80%.

The main reason is that dragons particularly like to use vests to pick up girls. Their aesthetics are completely different from humans. They can see beauty in any living creature.

To put it simply, they can make eye contact with any animal. From ants to whales, dragons may have impulses on any creature that can be 'fucked'.

This is also the fundamental reason why it seems that any animal in the world can say "I am a dragonborn".

Even the kobolds are related to the dragon clan, which shows how promiscuous the dragon clan is.

According to the records in the book, because too many dragons died in the Dragon Clan, many dragons inexplicably developed a sense of responsibility. They believed that they must shoulder the responsibility of making the Dragon Clan prosper, and began to sow crazily in the heavens and the world, so currently There are many living creatures in the world with some dragon blood flowing in their bodies.

This has led to a result, that is, the proliferation of half-dragon creatures.

Moreover, dragons are all lustful, so one can imagine the current trend in the spiritual world.

After Wuming finished reading, the image of a world full of perverts automatically appeared in his mind. This was too scary.

He continued to read, but because the content was too exciting, he ended up immersed in the book all night. It was not until early the next morning that it suddenly started to rain, and he reluctantly stopped.

"Okay, pack your things. Let's go to Gong Xiang's world and finish the mission first!" Wuming put away all the books and stood up.

Reading all night was like reading for a few minutes to him, without any physical or mental problems.

Zhang Shouzhong stood up and said, "Okay, I found that I feel the most comfortable when I fall asleep while reading."

After saying that, he turned back to the room.

Probably because of Gong Xiang, the world of Gong Xiang in Wuming's fantasy should be a piece of loess, and the whole world is in a desolate and lifeless state.

But when he was transported to Gong Xiang's world through the sub-crystal left by Gong Xiang, he found that he had made a mistake. This was a vibrant world.

He and Zhang Shou

The location that appears in the video is on the top floor of a high-rise building. You can see very far away from where you stand.

The surrounding buildings are all covered with vines and moss, and dense, tall trees grow around the building, even blocking the building in its own shadow.

In a park with a lake in the distance, there were a large number of animals swimming by the water. Suddenly a crocodile appeared in the water, frightening countless animals away and also frightening a dense number of birds.

It's like the world after humans disappear, seems more beautiful.

"Master Wuming, you are here!" Gong Xiang was sitting on the edge of the building, feeling the shadow behind him, and turned around and said.

Wuming nodded and said with a smile: "This place is so beautiful!"

"Well, maybe there are benefits to the disappearance of humans. At least the environment has become better." Gong Xiang agreed.

Then he gently stroked his abdomen. His abdomen was bulging, like a pregnant woman, but you could see a bloody seed at the top of the bulge. The seed was rooted in his flesh and blood, and it was obviously growing... He himself is parasitic as a mother.

"Is this your child?" Wuming asked.

Gong Xiang nodded and said, "Yes, my child, I can feel its heartbeat, it is innocent, I want to give birth to it."

"Let me see!" Wuming said with a smile.

Gong Xiang hesitated, but out of trust in Wuming, he nodded, got up from the edge of the building, jumped off the wall and walked to Wuming.

"How many months?" Wuming asked curiously.

Gong Xiang replied, "It's almost seven months. At first I was very worried and even thought about digging it out of my body, but because one of its roots was rooted in my heart, I never dared to do it, but slowly I began to feel it, it was so small, so cute, it was like an elf, I decided at that time, I want to give birth to it and let it inherit everything from me."

"Very good!"

Wuming's eyes gradually narrowed, and he smiled like a fox.

Without waiting for Gong Xiang to react, his biological force field instantly poured into Gong Xiang's body, and then Gong Xiang's eyes suddenly widened, and his eyes were full of bloodshot.

He screamed in grief and indignation: "No, sir, don't hurt my child!!!!"

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