I Contracted Myself

【417】Fusion of Will

Instantly, the headlight on its chest lit up.

Not the kind of headlight that contains metaphorical meaning, but the real big headlight.

The fusion body and the fused object are not randomly fused, but similar to being disassembled and reassembled. This fusion body and the motorcycle are fused, and the motorcycle headlights are integrated into the chest.

It feels like the reactor in Iron Man's chest occupies the entire chest.

Then it roared, turned its body, chest facing the sky, back facing the ground, and the two wheels immediately turned.

Its motorcycle wheels are on the back, the front wheel protrudes from the front of the spine, and the rear wheel protrudes from the end of the coccyx.

After entering this form, its head is upside down, still roaring fiercely.

"What a weird feeling, take another look, it's still weird." Wuming said with a smile.

Zhang Shouzhong asked curiously: "The first seat is not a big problem, the second seat...what if he stands up?"

He was talking about the seat problem if this fusion body is used as a motorcycle properly.

The first person must sit on the abdomen of the fusion, and the second person can only sit...

"It's really a big problem." Wuming imagined it and nodded seriously.

At this time, the tires of the fusion made a shrill sound, and it burst into an extremely fast speed and drove towards the two people. Zhang Shouzhong took a step forward, his body suddenly swelled up, and then the super alloy armor covered his body, and his hands directly greeted the fusion head-on.


The fusion hit Zhang Shouzhong's arms like lightning.

"Don't say, this thing is quite powerful." Zhang Shouzhong grabbed the shoulders of the fusion with both hands and said with a smile.

Wuming rolled his eyes and complained: "It's obviously you who are too weak, get stronger quickly, otherwise, let alone catching up with me, you can't even see my footprints."

"Do you think everyone is the same as you?" Zhang Shouzhong complained back.

Then he exerted force and flipped it, and the fusion suddenly turned over, and its head hit the ground heavily.

He stepped forward, stepped on the neck of the fusion and pressed hard, and the fusion immediately stopped struggling. He took a breath and said, "In fact, everyone in the rescue team is working hard to become stronger, but you are flying into the sky like a rocket. How can we, who ride bicycles, catch up?"

There are really few members of the rescue team who are just waiting to die.

Everyone has self-esteem and does not want to live under the protection of Wuming forever. They all hope to share Wuming's worries and do what they can for Wuming.

But because the gap is getting bigger and bigger, everyone is also powerless.

"I know all this, but I have to keep moving forward. We have no way out, right?" Wuming smiled with narrowed eyes.

Zhang Shouzhong rolled his eyes, and then made various tools to study the fusion under his feet.

"In fact, you have done enough. It's okay to relax. I was just joking." Wuming walked forward and squatted down, watching Zhang Shouzhong working, and said with a smile.

Zhang Shouzhong naturally knew that Wuming was joking, but he just said something from his heart under the pretext of joking.

He didn't blame Wuming for not taking everyone with him when he became stronger. After all, Wuming arranged all of his old friends as realm masters, which was very considerate and could even be said to be the utmost of humanity.

He just hoped that Wuming could rely more on the old friends in the rescue team and not take everything on himself.

But he had no ability to realize this feeling, because Wuming's troubles were an insurmountable mountain for them. Apart from despair and helplessness, they could not help at all.

Ten minutes later, the fusion body was completely dissected by Zhang Shouzhong.


Zhang Shouzhong looked at the body of the fusion body and couldn't help muttering.

The body of this fusion body has many organs that have been fused with the organs of the motorcycle. Under normal circumstances, the parts of these motorcycles are enough to cook those organs.

But now, from the surface, these organs do not have such problems.

"Take a look at it with the bio-force field." Wuming said with a smile.

Zhang Shouzhong also knows the bio-force field. He immediately did what Wuming said, and then he was surprised to find that in the field of vision of the bio-force field, the bio-force field of the fusion body was very chaotic.

This kind of chaos is hard to describe. Zhang Shouzhong frowned and observed for a long time before he said, "Why is this?"

"Because there is another force affecting it." Wuming stretched out his hand and gently pinched the fusion body, and a red thin line was pulled out.

This thin line cannot be looked at closely.

Zhang Shouzhong observed it for a while, and then

he began to get goose bumps.

If this thin line is magnified a hundred times, you can see densely packed eyeballs. This is completely a line made up of eyeballs. Because the pupil color of the eyeballs is red, the thin line looks red.

"So the disasters of this world all come from the eyeball in the sky?" Zhang Shouzhong asked with some disappointment.

Wuming nodded and said, "Well, this is very clear at the beginning, but the fun is... why this power can make living things and dead things combine so perfectly."

In fact, the will rune of the Dark King can also achieve this effect, and the situation is similar.

But the will rune of the Dark King has a great chance to form this effect, and there are only a few phenomena such as fusion in ten million miles.

In this world, that big eyeball is fixed to allow living things to merge with dead things and living things.

It can be said that it is easier to understand the mystery of fusion by studying it than studying the will rune of the Lord of Darkness.

"Research carefully, sometimes what you think clearly is your own." Wuming threw the red thread to Zhang Shouzhong, stood up and said with a smile.

Although Zhang Shouzhong found the red line disgusting, he still caught it.

Next, the three of them continued on the road, Zhang Shouzhong was immersed in research, Wuming continued to read, and only Gong Xiang looked at the surrounding scenery, a little confused.

He actually regretted asking Wuming for help because he didn't know what kind of reward Wuming would receive in the end.

Because of the influence of the blood seeds, he was actually thinking about creating a safer and better future for his children, so he found Wuming at all costs.

As a result, Wuming came to this world and got rid of the bloody seeds immediately.

With the bloody seeds gone, Gong Xiang's IQ returned.

Suddenly, Wuming looked up at Gong Xiang and said, "You are a bit unpleasant now."

Gong Xiang's biological force field has changed. Compared to Gong Xiang's current biological force field, Wuming prefers Gong Xiang's biological force field before.

"I'm sorry, my lord."

Gong Xiang immediately realized that Wuming might have the ability to read minds, his face changed slightly, and he apologized decisively.

Now he doesn't have any life guarantee. The only thing he can trust is Wuming's character. Some thoughts really shouldn't and cannot be had.

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