I Contracted Myself

【418】Tiger and Donkey

The rest of the journey was basically about killing the apostles of the deep sea, reading books, looking at the scenery, and seeing the world without a name.

In fact, there are still many beautiful things in this world, but it is a pity that he came too late, and those beautiful things have been destroyed by the fusion body.

Those beautiful feelings have disappeared with the passage of time.

Through the biological force field, Wuming can see many things that cannot be seen from an ordinary perspective. The mice hiding underground, the dandelions floating in the wind, and the cursing birds standing on the branches all record what they see in their lives. heard.

Coincidentally, some creatures witnessed the past, and Wuming also saw past stories through their biological force fields.

There are stories of father and son supporting each other, and in the end they both choose to sacrifice for each other. There are stories of sons resolutely closing the passage and dying together with the fusion body in order to save their mother. There are stories of police officers guarding unknown pregnant women and making heroic sacrifices.

Wuming walked through the ruins and got one story after another, and saw many moments that moved him. It was such shining people that inspired him from the past to the present, making him tirelessly persist in rescuing and insisting on extending help to those in need. A helping hand.

At night, there is a flame on Qilin's back.

Gong Xiang ate the food given by Wu Ming and couldn't help but ask: "Two adults, have you ever done anything you particularly regret?"

"There are some things I regret, but nothing I regret particularly...no, absolutely none!" Zhang Shouzhong stuffed a chicken wing into his mouth and replied.

They had actually had this kind of chat several times on the road.

After all, the fusion body can deal with the Deep Sea Apostles. They cannot study or research all the time on the road, and they still have to relax occasionally.

"A few." Wuming thought for a while and then replied.

Zhang Shouzhong was surprised and said: "Wu Ming, no way. You, a winner in life, have anything you particularly regret?"

"Of course, I couldn't save Chen Junting back then. In fact, if I had been braver at that time..." Wuming sighed as he recalled the first killing battle.

Zhang Shouzhong complained: "You were already very good at that time, but I wouldn't have dared to take action."

"..." Gong Xiang said he didn't understand.

Zhang Shouzhong then asked: "What else?"

"Forget it, I won't tell you the rest." Wuming shook his head.

Although Su Jingyao and Lin Renmei both knew that he was a time traveler, they

This secret should not be revealed.

Zhang Shouzhong is a big talker. If he knew, it would mean that the entire rescue team knew. Wuming would not tell him that there were several regrets that happened before the time travel.

"If you don't tell me, don't tell me. How are you going to deal with the big eyeball in the sky? I feel that as long as you kill the big eyeball in the sky, the fusion body on the ground may be solved." Zhang Shouzhong did not get to the bottom of it, but changed the subject and said directly asked.

Wuming looked up at the huge eyeball hanging high in the sky and smiled: "What do you think it should look like in its entirety?"

"I can't imagine it." Zhang Shouzhong looked up and finally shook his head.

Who knows what the tube behind the eyeball will be connected to. It may be connected to a planet, or it may be connected to some monster. There are too many possibilities.

"Let you see something good." Wuming suddenly smiled evilly.

Zhang Shouzhong immediately became vigilant and said cautiously: "What are you looking at? Let's talk about it first. Don't let me look at disgusting things, especially dense stuff. I have trypophobia!"

"Look!" Wuming took out a box from the Nameless Sea and handed it to Zhang Shouzhong.

Zhang Shouzhong didn't answer and said bluntly: "Open it first!"

"Then take a look."

Wuming smiled and opened the box. For a moment, a picture that could make people go crazy appeared in Zhang Shouzhong's eyes. He immediately covered his eyes and screamed: "Ah, my dog ​​eyes."

"Hahahahaha." Wuming immediately laughed proudly.

Gong Xiang wanted to see it curiously, but Wuming immediately closed the box and said with a smile, "You can't read it, or you will go crazy."

Inside the box are the red threads collected by the Deep Sea Apostle. The dense red threads are tangled together in the box. With Zhang Shouzhong's eyesight, looking at the box is like seeing countless dense eyeballs staring at him. The picture is absolutely sour.

Although Gong Xiang's eyesight is not as good as Zhang Shouzhong's, his endurance is also far inferior to Zhang Shouzhong's. If there is just a single red line, it shouldn't be a big problem, but the red lines gathered together are not something he can bear.

In fact, even if Zhang Shouzhong can't bear it, nothing will happen, because he is the world leader, and essentially he and Wuming are both prosperous and harmed, so when Zhang Shouzhong can't bear it, Wuming will still be there, and nothing will happen.

Precisely because he knew this, Wuming asked Zhang Shouzhong to look directly into the big eyes in the sky and look directly at the collected red lines.

It is a kind of exercise to keep in mind, which has only advantages and no disadvantages.

"This thing is a bit like an evil god. You should know about evil gods, right?" Seeing Gong Xiang's puzzled look, Wuming had no choice but to put away the box and explain.

Gong Xiang's expression suddenly changed, and he said in horror: "Sir, has my world been invaded by an evil god?"

"It's hard to say, but those big eyes do have the flavor of an evil god." Wuming looked up at the big eyes in the sky and said with a smile.

Gong Xiang's face turned a little pale, and he asked worriedly: "Can the Lord... deal with him?"

"We are already enemies, why do you still respect it so much?" After hearing Gong Xiang's questioning tone, Zhang Shouzhong rubbed his eyes and couldn't help complaining.

Wuming smiled and said, "You'll know only after you fight it. After all, the combat effectiveness of this thing may not be easy to judge by just looking at the level."


Gong Xiang's face turned even paler after hearing Wuming's answer.

He knew very well that once Wuming failed to defeat the evil god, he could just run away and leave this world, but what about him?

"Don't think too much. I didn't do it right away. I just wanted to see its quality first. I can wait for the time being. I should eat and drink when I should, and relax." Wuming smiled and comforted.

Gong Xiang immediately showed a stiff smile, and suddenly felt that he seemed to be happier during the time when he was mentally ill than now.

Sure enough, the more you know, the less happy you are.

While Gong Xiang was sighing, Zhang Shouzhong sent a voice message to Wuming and asked, "Is it really the evil god?"

"It's not confirmed yet, but it's really special, and I'm curious about its purpose in spreading these red lines. Don't worry, it's it that's passive now, not us." Wuming smiled and whispered.

He entered this world and saw the big eyeballs, and knew that this world was not invaded by any virus.

However, he really couldn't tell the origin of the big eyeball, so he had a plan in mind at that time. He didn't fight the big eyeball first, but first found trouble with those fusion bodies.

Since the other party came to this planet to spread the red line, it must have its purpose.

As long as Wuming kills the fusion body, he doesn't believe that the big eyeball will not be anxious. Once the big eyeball is anxious, he can figure out what kind of "donkey" the big eyeball is.

Maybe the other party thinks so, so now both sides are observing.

Maybe the two tigers are observing each other, or maybe one of them is a donkey in Guizhou and the other is a powerful tiger.

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