I Contracted Myself


The efficiency of the Deep Sea Apostle is very high. It does not mean that it will kill wherever Wuming goes.

The actual situation is that it takes Wuming's location as the center point, expands the search range circle after circle, and kills various fusions almost like a carpet.

Basically, no fusion body is its enemy. Even a fusion body the size of a thirty or forty-story high-rise building cannot stop its punch that tears apart the space.

Cleaning up the fusion body at this speed would definitely make Big Eyeball more anxious.

In the next few days, the journey was lackluster, but Wuming enjoyed reading the book and was shocked by the unique talents of many races.

Human beings are really not unique among the countless creatures in the universe. There are too many races that are naturally stronger than humans, have better qualifications than humans, and even have higher understanding than humans.

It can be said that compared with these races, humans are simply garbage.

These races put forward a theory: the theory of early-born advantage.

To put it simply, these races believe that the reason why they are inferior to humans is because the human race was born early in the world.

Because all the worlds have the will left behind by the death of human sages, these wills are invisible but have magical bonuses to human beings, so human beings have always had the advantage.

No one knows whether this theory is correct or not.

However, many foreign races agree with this statement, and even think bitterly that if their ancestors were born so early, they would definitely be one of the best races in the world.

"Interesting, it turns out there is still such a saying."

After Wuming read the entire text, he couldn't help but smile.

He turned to the second page, and then frowned. Sure enough, everything has a good side and a bad side.

Because of the popularity of the theory of "Early-born First Mover Advantage", there was another rumor circulating among alien races for a while, that is, cannibalism can increase the heritage of the race.

Although there are very few alien races who believe this statement, and they are often races with low IQs, it has also caused very bad consequences. Human beings in several worlds have been attacked by these alien races, and have even been eaten to extinction.

This is not a problem of two people, but a problem of two worlds.

You can imagine how cruel that was.

Wuming took a long time to exhale, and murmured to himself in a low voice: "Those who are not of my race must have different minds."

Even intelligent races are not necessarily civilized, and may even be more intelligent than beasts

More cruel and vicious.

He closed the book and looked up at the sun. Unknowingly, it was almost noon again.

"What should I eat for lunch?"

In an instant, his mentality was adjusted. What he saw in the book was forgotten, and he began to think about what to eat for lunch.

He looked at Zhang Shouzhong and asked, "Is there anything you want to eat?"

"I'm not hungry, you can eat." Zhang Shouzhong replied.

He doesn't need to eat at all. He usually eats just to satisfy his appetite.

Now that I have something to do, I can naturally put food aside.

Wuming looked at Gong Xiang, and Gong Xiang replied: "Sir, I can do whatever I want."

"Then let's have beef for lunch. Sister Weihua just happened to bring me some alienated beef." Wuming nodded and continued.

There is a huge farm in Bubble World No. 1, which is divided into countless areas and breeds many alienated beasts. Under the management of Chen Weihua, the farm can produce a large amount of meat every year.

Most of the meat is sold or exchanged for other resources in various bubble worlds, and the best part is retained and becomes food for a few people such as Wuming.

Today, Chen Weihua contacted Wuming and delivered fresh top-quality alienated beef. So Wuming was planning to eat beef and asked Zhang Shouzhong and Gong Xiang just to see if they wanted other food.

Monkey is not a monkey, but a person named Monkey.

In fact, the monkey has a real name. His name is Sun Sheng, but this name has not been used for a long time. Even the mother who gave him this name usually calls him monkey.

Because she hopes that he can be as eccentric and flexible as a monkey, so that he can live longer in this bad world.

The monkey did not disappoint his mother. After his mother passed away four years ago, he survived in this strange forest as flexibly as a monkey.

He once heard his mother say that in the past, humans lived in cities, and everyone could live happily without worrying about monster attacks, no need to worry about running out of food, no need to worry about drinking water, and no need to worry about falling asleep and not seeing the sun the next day.

Because of his mother's words, he was full of curiosity and longing for the past years, so he found many books about the past in various ruins while surviving.

Especially books with illustrations are his favorite reading materials.

At this time, he was lying in his small 'home'

, holding a book in his hand and reading. Although his mother had taught him how to read, due to various reasons, he was unable to continue after only teaching twenty words.

When he read books, he only made guesses, and no one told him whether he was right or not. Therefore, the past society in his imagination was specious, like ancient times and foreign countries. Looking at the pictures in the illustrations, the past world became even more special. .

That is a world that normal people cannot imagine.

When people meet, they bow first, then shake hands, and finally kiss each other.

People will domesticate an animal called "social animal" to work for them. Humans can enjoy themselves happily, but social animals need to be responsible for heavy work, and even work six days a week, from 9 am to 9 pm every day.

Although there was no fusion at that time, humans also had many diseases. For example, there was a disease that would turn people into a monster called "capitalist". It is said that the heart of the capitalist is black, which is different from that of humans.

In addition, once you become a capitalist, you will be hung on the street lamp, but the monkey does not understand why this is?

Are people afraid that the capitalist disease will be transmitted to others?

The monkey has never seen anyone with the capitalist disease, so he does not understand why everyone does this, it is too cruel.

If you are sick, you should lie in bed well. When he is sick, he just lies in bed and sleeps, and the disease will heal by itself.

In fact, what makes the monkey yearn for the past the most is that people have a lot of delicious food to choose from, but it is said that eating too much will make you fat.

The monkey actually doubts whether this is true or not. Humans can still gain weight. He has never seen a fat person.

There were also fish-flavored tofu, sweet and sour spareribs, cherry meat, pan-fried hairtail, braised pork, and salt-baked chicken. He remembered all the food his mother had mentioned when he was a child. He wanted to know what these foods tasted like, so much so that his mother was still subconsciously mumbling the names of the dishes when she died of illness.

Suddenly, his nose moved and his saliva flowed out instinctively.

He sucked the saliva into his mouth, wiped his mouth, immediately threw the book aside, turned over and climbed out carefully.

It is worth mentioning that his home is in the middle of a 20-story building. There happened to be a toilet wall collapsed at this location, and there were a lot of vines entangled on the wall. There was also a tree not far away for protection, so he transformed this toilet into his home.

He climbed to the edge and looked down. In the distance, a huge black monster was walking towards him.

It was a monster he had never seen before.

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