I Contracted Myself


A monster I’ve never seen before, but it smells so good!

The monkey swallowed his saliva while taking out the telescope. He found this telescope in a school. At first, he didn't know what it was used for. After playing with it a few times, he discovered that the telescope could see things far away, so he started using the telescope. It became his treasure.


The monkey held the telescope to observe the monster, and then discovered that there were three people sitting on the monster's back.

At the first moment, his eyes fell on Zhang Shouzhong. He was shocked and murmured to himself: "It turns out that there are really such fat people, just like balloons."

He is so thin that when he inhales, he can clearly see his 'chops'. In the past, he had always been curious about how fat he could get, but now he can finally see it.

Then his eyes fell on the monster's back. Pieces of golden beef were being fried on a suspended iron plate. There was an iron pot suspended next to the iron plate. The beef in the pot was rolling, emitting bursts of steam. .


The monkey's stomach made a loud noise, and he felt hungrier at this moment.

"You can't go there. If you are with a monster, you must be a monster too!" He touched his belly and said to himself.

In the past few years, he had seen many existences that looked like humans but were actually monsters. The first time he was particularly excited, thinking he was seeing a companion, but just when he wanted to step forward, the monster swallowed a piece of concrete in one gulp. When he reached his stomach, he realized that although the monster looked like a human, it was actually turned into stone inside.

From then on, when he saw any creature that looked like a human being, he would be instinctively suspicious and vigilant, and would not approach or come into contact easily.

He wants to live well because his mother wants him to live well.

"I'm so hungry, I can't smell it anymore, or I'll go crazy." He felt more and more hungry, and finally stuffed his nose with a piece of cloth, retreated home and slept with his eyes closed.

As long as you fall asleep, you won't feel hungry.

This is the most useful method he has concluded in the past to combat hunger.

He closed his eyes and adjusted his breathing, trying to ignore the feeling of hunger as much as possible, but the scent became more and more obvious, and it even felt like it was right in front of his nose.

It smells so good.

I really want to eat it!

No, no, that's a monster and will die!

The monkey shook his head, covered his nose with both hands, closed his eyes harder and tried to sleep.


Even if he covers his nose, the scent can still penetrate into his nose and even come in from his mouth, as if there is a real piece of meat in front of him.


The monkey suddenly felt something was wrong. He was so far away. Why was the scent so close?

He felt a thump in his heart and carefully opened his eyes. A smiling face appeared in his eyes. This was one of the three monsters!

This guy was holding chopsticks in his hand. There was a piece of meat on the chopsticks. The piece of meat was only one centimeter away from him.

Dead, dead, dying!

The monkey felt a little scared, but more of a feeling of relief.

The next moment, he suddenly opened his mouth and ate the meat on the chopsticks.


The monkey's eyes widened suddenly, feeling that the whole world was exploding. The threat of the monster man around him, the pain of past survival, and the sadness of his mother's death were all driven away by the strong aroma of meat.

The smell of meat was like a level 12 tornado, which violently hit his body. He knelt on the ground and said, "Kill me, I'm satisfied!"


Wuming looked at the skinny boy in front of him and was speechless for a moment.

He turned his hand over and a bowl appeared in his palm. He held the bowl and asked, "Don't you want to eat some more?"

"I want it!" The monkey immediately pounced on the bowl in Wuming's hand.

Wuming handed the bowl to the monkey and watched him eating the meat with a smile. This guy ate it directly with his hands, crying while eating, looking pitiful.

Generally speaking, if you are hungry for a long time, you should not eat like this, as it is easy for something to happen.

But with Wuming by his side, even if the monkey dies on the spot because of eating the meat, he can resurrect it.

Of course, under normal circumstances, he can take action to cure the monkey just before it is about to die suddenly. There is no need to wait for the monkey to die suddenly before taking action.

"Is it tasty?"

After the monkey finished eating, Wuming asked with a smile.

The monkey put down the bowl, lowered his head and said: "Monster, kill me, I will not give in."

"I'm a human!" Wuming said with a smile.

The monkey immediately raised his head and looked at Wuming in disbelief. It took him a while before he got up and said at a loss: "Human? Are you a human? So I'm not the last human?"


Of course you are not the last human being, there are many humans. "Wu Ming smiled.

The monkey laughed happily, laughing but couldn't help but cry. If it weren't for the ability to see a person through the biological force field, Wuming would definitely mistake him for a crybaby.

When the monkey recovered, Wuming smiled and said, "We are getting ready to have lunch. Do you want to go over there and join us?"

"Wait!" Monkey stood up and said seriously as soon as he thought of something.

Wuming looked at him and saw that he bowed first and then stretched out his hand towards him.

Does this mean a handshake?

Wuming thought, but still stretched out his hand to shake hands with the monkey.

After shaking hands, Monkey immediately raised his head and kissed him with a pout. Wuming quickly stepped back and said, "What are you doing? Are you crazy?"

"This is etiquette, don't you know?" Monkey opened his eyes and said seriously.

Wuming was surprised: "There is such etiquette in this world!"

He really didn't know what etiquette in this world was like, mainly because Gong Xiang didn't say such a thing. After all, it was the end of the world, who still cared about etiquette?

"Look, it's written in the book!" Monkey immediately turned around and looked for it, and finally handed a tattered book to Wuming.

Wuming flipped through it and was a little speechless. This was a book that introduced the evolution of etiquette, the difference between Chinese and foreign etiquette, and there were indeed a few pictures of ancient people bowing, modern people shaking hands, and kissing.

Apparently Monkey connected several pictures together, and finally imagined what human etiquette looked like.

Wuming closed the book and said with a headache: "I can't explain it clearly for a while, let's go eat meat first and talk while eating."


The monkey nodded a little confused.

He felt that he should be right. There were pictures of bowing, shaking hands, and kissing in many books. If it wasn't etiquette, why would there be so many?

However, he was a little shaken when he saw Wuming seemed to know a lot of things.

Wuming grabbed his shoulders, and in an instant they returned to Qilin's back. Zhang Shouzhong frowned and said, "This kid stinks, Wuming, let him take a bath first!"

"It's not a big problem!" Wuming smiled and blew at the monkey.

The monkey immediately felt his body lighten, as if he had been washed, and even the clothes on his body turned back to their original color.

He smiled in surprise and said, "Oh, I remember, my clothes were originally blue!"

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