I Contracted Myself

【421】Sun Sheng

Some time ago, the monkey found that the color of his clothes had changed, but he just couldn't remember what color his clothes were.

In the past, monkeys didn't actually care about the color of their clothes. Most of the time, they racked their brains and tried their best to survive. They had no time to think about or pay attention to the color of their clothes.

When he realized that the color of the clothes had changed, it had actually changed for a long time. Because it felt inconsistent with the past memory, he realized that the color of the clothes had changed.

"Okay, let's eat!" Wuming couldn't help but laugh as he watched the monkey dance happily.

This is a very small thing, but it can reflect many, many things.

Wuming handed the monkey a bowl and asked, "Can you use chopsticks?"

"Yes, mother taught me!" Monkey nodded.

Wuming gave him another pair of chopsticks and said with a smile, "Eat."

After saying that, he also started to eat lunch. Compared to the monkey who devoured it, he was actually just tasting it, but Gong Xiang actually stopped after eating two bowls.

Gong Xiang saw that the monkey was eating more than he was, and he was a little worried and said, "Master Wuming, he will be exhausted to death if he eats this way."

"Don't worry, I'm here." Wuming smiled.

He glanced at Gong Xiang, and then looked at the monkey. To be honest, although Gong Xiang looked clean and the monkey looked like a savage, their biological force fields were completely opposite.

The monkey's biological force field is a golden color. It is not the color of gold, but of golden wheat.

Wuming even felt as if a gust of wind was blowing and he could hear the sound of wheat ears hitting each other.

Creatures with this kind of biological force field are called "innocent hearts" in Taoism. In fact, the innocent hearts are not necessarily red, but can also be gold, blue, white...

An innocent heart needs purity!

Next, Wuming put down his bowl and chopsticks and said with a smile: "Gong Xiang, I'll give you a task."

"Sir, please speak." Gong Xiang guessed what Wuming wanted to say and immediately lowered his head and said.

Wuming smiled and said, "This little guy doesn't understand anything. You just don't have anything to do. Can you teach him?"

"Okay!" Gong Xiang nodded.

Wuming looked at the monkey with a smile and said, "Don't you want to learn something? Gong Xiang will teach you something next."

You, you can call him Mr. Gong Xiang, or you can call him Teacher Gong. "


The monkey nodded repeatedly as his mouth was full of meat.

He looked at Gong Xiang with interest, and Gong Xiang also looked at him. When the two looked at each other, Gong Xiang frowned slightly. He didn't like monkey eyes.

How could such eyes be possible in such a hopeless world?

"By the way, we won't stay here for too long. Do you want to stay here or come with us?" Wuming said at this time.

The monkey was stunned for a moment, then hesitant.

This is a place he is familiar with. He knows where he can find food and where dangers are hidden. Leaving means the unknown.

But he didn't want to be separated from Wuming and the others. The meat was delicious and Wuming was a good person. He wanted to go with Wuming.

"Don't worry, you can think about it slowly. If you want to come back in the end, I will send you back directly." Wuming saw that he couldn't make up his mind, so he smiled.

The monkey nodded, then thought of something again, and asked: "That..."

"You can call me Wuming." Wuming smiled.

The monkey asked: "Wu Ming, can I go back and get something?"

"Okay." Wuming nodded.

He put his hand on the monkey's shoulder, and the next moment the two of them appeared in the monkey's home again. The monkey immediately turned out a piece of bacon, then found a few pickled eggs, and finally a few books that only adults could read.

"Just keep these things. We are not short of food. You are not good at reading this kind of book at your age." Wuming didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

The monkey put it down reluctantly, then picked up the book again and said seriously: "But this one is very beautiful."

"Okay, let's go!" Wuming said helplessly.

The two of them returned to Qilin's back again, and Wuming said to Zhang Shouzhong: "I didn't expect him to be the same kind as you."

"Are we the same kind as me?" Zhang Shouzhong looked at the monkey in confusion.

Wuming whispered: "There are many Liu Bei's hidden in his house."


Zhang Shouzhong instantly understood what Wuming meant and looked at Wuming speechlessly.

Then he asked: "How old is this guy? Judging from his figure, he is ten years old?"

"Judging from the biological force field, he should be thirteen years old, but due to long-term malnutrition, he looks

A little on the small side, but definitely approaching puberty. "Wuming said with a smile.

Seeing Wuming whispering to the big fat man, the monkey carefully observed the big fat man. He felt that the big fat man weighed at least seven or eight of him, and was like a mountain.

If only he could grow that big.

He suddenly remembered something and said, "By the way, Wuming, my name is Sun Sheng, although my mother likes to call me monkey, skin monkey."

"Sun Sheng, what a good name." Wuming smiled.

From the name, he knew what kind of feelings Sun Sheng's mother had for Sun Sheng. She must be a very good mother.

Because Sun Sheng's biological force field is very warm, this warmth must also be attributed to his mother.

Next, Qilin continued to move forward, Wuming sat on the recliner and read a book. Gong Xiang also had something to do. He and Sun Sheng sat relatively back and lectured quietly.

Fortunately, Shenzang Space has many products to enhance memory, so Gong Xiang has a good memory and can easily recall the knowledge he had forgotten before, so he can answer Sun Sheng's endless questions fluently.

Wuming finished reading a page of the book, raised his head slightly and looked at Gong Xiang and Sun Sheng, with a smile in his eyes.

He was very curious about what kind of chemical reaction would happen when a person with an erratic mind met a pure heart. Was it Gong Xiang who influenced Sun Sheng, or was it Sun Sheng who influenced Gong Xiang in turn?

It was because of curiosity that he asked Gong Xiang to teach Sun Sheng.

The two sat together. From the perspective of the biological force field, Gong Xiang's side was a chaotic gray, while Sun Sheng's side was a dazzling gold.

This is a painting, Wuming thinks it is very beautiful.

Looking up when you are tired of reading can indeed ease the feeling of tiredness.

Wuming looked for a while and immersed himself in the book again. Gong Xiang found that Wuming looked over from time to time, thinking that Wuming valued Sun Sheng very much, so he taught Sun Sheng more seriously.

Gong Xiang looks rough on the outside, but he is actually a man who is good at scheming. A big part of the reason why he can survive is that he is good at running away and passing the buck.

What the superior likes, the subordinates will like even more.

Gong Xiang has long wanted to please Wuming, but Wuming is too strong and too scary, and may even have the ability to read minds, so he dare not act rashly.

Now that Wuming seems to think highly of Sun Sheng, he naturally has to teach him hard.

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