I Contracted Myself

【422】Anonymous mini-game

This world needs to be saved, but what happens after the salvation?

When it comes to rescue work, Wuming always likes to plan ahead and take one step at a time.

When he discovered that Gong Xiang had a problem with his character, he already had an idea in his mind that he could not save a world and then leave it to be ruled by someone with a problem with his character.

On Luo Xiang's side, Wuming felt more at ease, but on Gong Xiang's side, Wuming was not at all at ease.

Maybe Gong Xiang thought that Qilin was running around casually, but in fact, the trajectory of Qilin's walking seemed random, but it was influenced by the unknown will, and it happened to meet Sun Sheng in the end.

Now that the two of them are arranged together, Wuming can be considered to have taken great pains for the future of this world.

If Gong Xiang's biological force field can be improved, then Wuming will let him continue to master the space crystal and become the ruler of this world.

But if Gong Xiang remains the same in the end, then Wuming may choose Sun Sheng to control the space crystal and let Sun Sheng rule the world.

Of course, it all depends on the final result.

After all, it is possible that Sun Sheng was influenced by Gong Xiang, and both of them were unqualified in the end.

Currently, there are 4,731 survivors on this planet, including 4,012 male survivors and 719 female survivors.

Most of the men are young and middle-aged, and there is only one elderly person over 60 years old, while most of the women are middle-aged. The number of elderly people is slightly more than that of men, with more than 30 people.

After Wuming arrived in this world, he actually covered the entire planet with a biological force field and observed every survivor.

Although Sun Sheng's physical fitness, potential, qualifications, etc. are not the best, his character is the best among all survivors.

The hearts of many survivors have been twisted. In Wuming's eyes, although they are still alive, their biological force fields smell like carrion.

This kind of survivor is called a human, but in fact it is no different from a beast.

Qilin continued to move forward. After leaving the city, they walked on the overgrown road at a neither fast nor slow speed. Occasionally they would encounter abandoned vehicles or human bones, and some animals would also encounter them unexpectedly. These animals often run away before they can take action.

A blink of an eye

Three days passed like this.

After studying, Gong Xiang began to teach Sun Sheng boxing. During the break, two people, one large and one small, stood on Qilin's back and continued to practice boxing.

"Lions will look for suitable prey for their offspring to practice hunting. The most important thing to avoid when learning boxing is rigidity. Gong Xiang, there just happened to be hundreds of millions of little things coming. I will let them in, and you and Sunsheng will go and play with them."

One day at noon, Wuming saw that Sun Sheng's boxing routine was already in good shape, so he said with a smile.

Gong Xiang was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said, "Yes, sir!"

"What? Do you want to fight?" Sun Sheng was stunned for a moment and then asked.

Wuming lay on the recliner, looked at Sun Sheng and said with a smile: "It's not a fight, it's a fight. If you don't kill them, they will kill you."

"Sir, Sun Sheng is young and weak. Is it too early to deal with the fusion body?" Gong Xiang couldn't help but ask after hearing this.

Even he can only deal with weaker fusions. There are many powerful fusions that he has to turn around and run away from when he sees them. There are even some fusions that if you are unlucky, you will die if you encounter them.

Just like the fusion body that implanted blood-colored seeds in his chest, he didn't even know how he was attacked.

If Wuming hadn't asked for help, he would have probably given up everything for the bloody seeds in a daze until the last drop of blood was squeezed out.

"Don't worry, it's not a fusion. If I have to say it, it should be regarded as a child of the fusion. It's a little stronger than ordinary beasts. You shouldn't have a big problem. As for Sun Sheng..." Wuming explained with a smile, and then looked at Sun. After thinking for a while, he took out a pair of fist blades and a pair of shoes, and introduced: "This fist blade is a high-frequency shock fist blade. It can easily cut through steel and is more than enough to deal with those sub-bodies. The shoes are anti-gravity power shoes, which can provide With the functions of slowing impact, improving jumping power, and temporarily bursting with speed, Sun Sheng should have no problem dealing with the sub-body.”

He controlled two pieces of equipment to float in front of Sun Sheng, who immediately put them on in surprise. He asked curiously: "Mr. Anonymous, how do you use this?"

"Let Gong Xiang teach you. The monster will appear in ten minutes. You go down!" Wuming said with a smile.

In an instant, Gong Xiang and Sun Sheng appeared at Qilin's feet. The two of them suddenly stared at each other. Gong Xiang reacted first and immediately said: "Come, let me teach you how to use these two pieces of equipment first."

Be prepared, get ready to fight! "

After a few minutes, Sun Sheng finally figured out how to use the fist blade and power shoes. He first performed the boxing skills taught by Gong Xiang, and then used the power shoes to jump around, jumping five meters high for a while, and then moving forward again. Jumped out a long distance.

"Okay, stop playing and get ready to fight." Gong Xiang said immediately after seeing that he had adapted to the equipment.

Sun Sheng nodded and returned to Gong Xiang with excitement on his face. He asked curiously: "Teacher Gong, are you afraid?"

"It's just a mere child, what's there to be afraid of?" Gong Xiang said calmly.

On the one hand, he does have the strength to deal with the children of the fusion body, and on the other hand, he wants to maintain face in front of Sun Sheng.

At this time, he took out an old pipe and held it in his mouth. He rubbed the pipe with his fingers. The tobacco in the pipe burned immediately, and a puff of smoke gradually floated out of the pipe.

The smoke formed fists around him, and he took out ten knives from the storage space, each holding a knife.

"Teacher Gong, is this your superpower?" Sun Sheng asked in surprise.

Sun Sheng was actually very sensible. He didn't ask much when Wuming teleported him before. The reason he asked now was because he was already familiar with Gong Xiang.

"My superpower is the smoke hand, but I can't produce smoke by myself, so I have to use props." Gong Xiang exhaled a puff of smoke and then explained.

In fact, he doesn't smoke. If the smoke is sucked into his mouth, it will be spit out, and it will not be sucked into the lungs at all.

He controlled the smoke arm to wave the knife in his hand, and said confidently: "Next, you will be behind me. If there are one or two sub-bodies that I don't take care of, you can make a move again. Remember, don't let the sub-bodies touch you. Many sub-bodies of fusion bodies have strange abilities, especially some sub-bodies with highly toxicity. If you touch them, you will die!"

"Well, I know." Sun Sheng nodded.

As the two were talking, there was a rustling sound in the bushes in the distance, and then a group of skinny creatures with bodies formed by entangled saplings appeared.

They looked a bit like Groot in Guardians of the Galaxy, but not as tall as Groot, and their bodies were thinner.

Before the two could react, densely packed tree people rushed out of the bushes and charged at the two at a very fast speed.

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