I Contracted Myself

【424】No one survived

Wuming frowned slightly as he looked at Gong Xiang's biological force field, and finally sighed softly.

He understood Gong Xiang's fear. Gong Xiang asked him for help because his mind was distorted by the Blood Seed. He thought that his actions were for the benefit of the Blood Seed, but in the end, the Blood Seed died faster.

But as soon as the bloody seed died, Gong Xiang, who was supposed to be damned, regained consciousness.

But his sobriety made him think a little too much. At the same time, although he tried his best to believe in Wuming, the suspicion in his heart still made him think in the wrong direction.

There is actually nothing wrong with any of this.

Comparing his feelings with his own, Wuming himself would sometimes worry about gains and losses, so he knew and understood Gong Xiang's thoughts.

It's just that now Gong Xiang's biological force field has not gotten better, but has gotten worse.

He is transforming into those survivors who look like carrion. This transformation cannot see any problems in the physical body. It is completely a change at the spiritual level, and the biological force field faithfully records all of this.

If this kind of mind were to cultivate immortality, it would be controlled by inner demons in a matter of minutes, and eventually it would completely degenerate.

Wuming didn't look at Gong Xiang anymore, but looked at Sun Sheng, and then he smiled. He really saw the right person.

Although the situation on Sun Sheng's side is more dangerous than that on Gong Xiang's side, Sun Sheng's biological force field is still golden. He is not afraid or shaken, but tries to avoid the attacks as much as possible and defeats those who appear. The tree man in front of me.

In fact, Sun Sheng's physical exertion was very high. Fortunately, he had eaten very much in the past few days and had reached the age of development, so he was able to grit his teeth and persevere.

If we really want to say who has it more difficult, Sun Sheng is far more difficult than Gong Xiang, but Sun Sheng is more accustomed to being at a disadvantage. Even if he is at a disadvantage, he will not think randomly, but work hard to find hope.

Gong Xiang is just the opposite. Although he can't defeat many fusions, when he really needs to fight, he is often the one with the advantage. Especially after getting the divine hidden space, he never fights without confidence. As a result, even now If there is little adversity, the mentality will collapse first.

It's like playing a game.

The team starts with 0 bars and 10 against the wind. Sun Sheng is the kind of amazing teammate who encourages his teammates, remains unwavering, and finds ways to comeback against the wind, while Gong Xiang is a bad teammate who gives up on himself and either starts to mess up, or simply goes back to the fountain and hangs up. .

"Both of them are coming

The limit has been reached, Wuming, do you want to save people? "Zhang Shouzhong looked at the two of them and asked.

The battle below was already full of dangers. Sun Sheng's physical strength was already low, and his throat was almost cut by the tree people several times. Gong Xiang was also moving, as if he wanted to get rid of the tree people's surroundings, and he didn't know what his plan was.

"Look again, and the thing above can't help but take action." Wuming said with a smile.

The eyes of some tree men gradually changed from green pupils and black whites to red pupils and black whites. Their speed slowly increased, like boiling frogs in warm water, gradually approaching Sun Sheng and Gong Xiang to death.

"Are you trying to see me take action?"

Wuming knew everything below very well, and couldn't help but chuckle to himself.

Obviously, that big eyeball is also afraid that Wuming is stronger than itself, and this is its test of Wuming.

Naturally, Wuming would not let him see through his true identity so easily. At this time, his biological force field was slowly injected into Sun Sheng's body, moistening things silently like rain and dew.


Suddenly, he looked at Sun Sheng in surprise.

Sun Sheng didn't realize that he had been strengthened by Wuming. He smashed a tree man with one punch, and then looked at his fist in surprise.

He thought he had become stronger through fighting, like an upgrade.

This discovery cheered him up, and then he avoided the attack of a tree man, kicked off the ground, and instantly crashed into the arms of a tree man.


With one punch, the tree man's body was torn apart.

Sun Sheng smiled broadly and twisted his waist to the right, just in time to avoid the sneak attack of a tree man. Then he kicked the tree man's body, spiraling in mid-air and crashing into another tree man in an instant.

It was still a punch, and the tree man shattered again. He continued to fly forward, adjusted his posture midway, hooked one foot around the neck of a tree man and pulled it with force. When he stopped, the tree man was also carried away with great force. A stagger.

Then he landed on the ground and looked back to punch. The tree man's head happened to come up and was blown away by his punch.


Wuming looked at Sun Sheng as if he had discovered a new world.

Just now, he just injected a biological force field into Sun Sheng to restore Sun Sheng's physical strength, and at the same time slightly strengthened Sun Sheng's five senses, hoping that he could save his life.

But Sun Sheng absorbed the biological force field

Finally, he seemed to understand something from the nameless biological force field.

Maybe even Sun Sheng himself didn't know that he had absorbed the nameless biological force field, but his body had reflected many things very honestly.

This fighting skill is definitely not what Sun Sheng can possess now.


This is the big surprise.

Wuming now felt like he was going to pick wild fruits in the wild, and unexpectedly encountered a thousand-year-old wild ginseng. He looked at Sun Sheng intently, watching him constantly shuttle among the tree people, constantly killing the tree people.

However, this state did not last long. After all, Sun Sheng's physical strength was limited, and so was his energy.

After his extraordinary performance, his strength and speed were declining. Seeing this, Wuming simply injected more biological force fields into him.

These biological force fields are nothing to Wuming, at best they are just a drop in the ocean, he can recover after a good sleep, but for Sun Sheng, they are too much.

Sun Sheng was like a drunk, the whole person fell into an excited state, directly opened the Wushuang among the tree people, and killed them indiscriminately.

"The phase seen by the God Worm has changed!"

Wuming discovered at this time that Sun Sheng's phase had changed.

Originally, Sun Sheng's phase was an image that looked like both a monkey and a human, furry and pitiful, probably like a tarsier.

And now Sun Sheng's phase has become a circle, the inside of the circle is golden, and in the golden light is a black and white eye.

Evil and mercy coexist, like a clear-cut chaos.

The power level of the God Worm is very high, and what it sees often points directly to the truth, even more accurate than the biological force field.

Because the bio-force field can indeed deceive people, such as complete ignorance of the mental state and the complete lurking of unknown forces. Without affecting the physical state, the bio-force field will not show the true state of the target.

But the God Worm is different. It is the compensation given to Wuming by the Transcendent. Its power far exceeds the level that Wuming can understand now. What it sees must be true.

"So that's it!"

Wuming narrowed his eyes. Through the image seen by the God Worm, he knew what was going on.

It turns out that there are no survivors in this world!

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