I Contracted Myself

【425】The truth

A good hunter will put delicious bait in the trap and wait for the prey to come to him.

There may be many such traps. Hunters don't care what prey the traps are used on, but they will tirelessly prepare more traps and more delicious bait, and then lure the prey into the trap step by step, leading to death.

Wuming knew very well that the other party was not necessarily targeting him specifically. He entered this trap solely because he was easily targeted.

After Luo Xiang posted, it is estimated that many people can think of ways to target him. After all, a gentleman can bully someone. Once he knows the target's hobbies or weaknesses, he can attack them based on his hobbies and weaknesses.

Since he likes to help others, asking him for help is the easiest way, and it is also very effective.

However, Wuming felt a little red in the face and a little annoyed when he thought that he had previously posted a video to warn fans not to help those who asked for help, only to fall into the trap later.

He stopped sending the biological force field to Sun Sheng. Sun Sheng, who was originally killing everyone, suddenly stagnated, and then narrowly avoided the attack of a tree man, showing a look of confusion.

"Stop pretending."

At this time, Wuming supported his cheek with one hand, sat cross-legged on Qilin's back, looked at Sun Sheng and asked: "Can you tell me...are you just chasing the grass to kill the rabbit, or did you have a premeditated plan?"

To say that it was premeditated, this world was invaded by Big Eyeballs more than ten years ago. At that time, Wuming himself was still calling for rescues in the universe, so the other party should not know him.

But if the other party was just trying to catch rabbits, Wuming always felt that something was not right.

He thought about it carefully and realized that Sun Sheng was too interested in him, and it was difficult to fake his innocent heart, but inexplicably he felt that Sun Sheng felt familiar.

With Xiao Xi's help, Wuming instantly narrowed his eyes, with a dangerous light flashing in his eyes.

Nose, mouth, eyes, bones, muscles.

These parts of Sun Sheng overlap with Xia Hua, and his character is actually a replica of Xia Hua!

I have to say that this trap was so perfectly laid. First of all, it was Gong Xiang who asked for help. Wuming noticed that something was wrong with Gong Xiang in the Shenzang Space, but he couldn't say that there was anything wrong at the time.

After entering this world, he discovered that Gong Xiang was parasitized by blood seeds and his personality was actually distorted.

It was precisely because of this discovery that he became interested in

Gong Xiang's trust level increased instead. Sometimes it's so magical. People tend to believe what they see and the answers they come up with, instead of believing what others tell you.

If Gong Xiang asks for help and says that he is being parasitized by something, he will doubt Gong Xiang and will be wary of everything even after entering this world.

It can be said that the fact that Gong Xiang was parasitized by the bloody seeds did make him believe in Gong Xiang a little bit.

Then came Sun Sheng, who also planned everything. Instead of letting Sun Sheng appear in front of him, he wanted him to discover Sun Sheng and go find Sun Sheng himself.

Wuming came to the door by himself. At that time, he did not have any doubts about Sun Sheng, and because Sun Sheng was actually the boy's version of Xia Hua, he had a natural affection for Sun Sheng.

I have to say that the other party's setting of Sun Sheng as a male was really clever.

If Sun Sheng were a woman, Wuming would instantly realize that there was something wrong with Sun Sheng, who looked too much like Xia Hua.

But Sun Sheng was a male, which made Wuming not think about that at all.

Countless thoughts suddenly appeared in Wuming's mind, and then Xiaoxi quickly sorted them out, and the other party also had two flaws, one was the big eyeball in the sky.

In fact, the big eyeball in the sky has a very high level of concealment. Without the God Insect, Wuming would not be able to see it at all.

Perhaps he was confident in his hiding ability, so instead of hiding his big eyes, he hid them in the sky, but Wuming saw them.

The second is that he just sent the biological force field to Sun Sheng, and the other party felt it, so he couldn't help but study the biological force field. The result was Sun Sheng's phase change.

The other party is very hidden, but it can't hide it from the God's Insect.

At this time, Sun Sheng was dodging the tree man's attack in a panic, and said in panic: "Mr. Unknown? Are you talking to me?"

Wuming didn't say anything, but the next moment the heads of all the tree people around him exploded. Only Sun Sheng's head was protected by a red mist and was not crushed.

"No more acting?" Wuming asked calmly.

Sun Sheng looked at the red mist around him in disbelief, then his body trembled slightly, and two lines of tears flowed from the corners of his eyes. He looked at Wuming sadly and cried: "I'm sorry, Mr. Wuming, I don't know, I really don't know. Yes, I am……"

"I'm curious, how did you see through my vest?" Suddenly, Sun Sheng's face twisted slightly, and then his tone changed.

Wuming looked at the distorted and crying face, and suddenly understood the thoughts of the transcendent who banned the vest flow.

He let out a long sigh, and the anger in his heart dissipated. He looked at Sun Sheng with pity and asked, "Then should I call you Sun Sheng now or...any other name?"

"The name of this body is Sun Sheng. You should call me Sun Sheng." Sun Sheng replied.

When he spoke, his tone was sometimes cold and tearful, as if there was a conflict between two personalities.

"The traces of life cannot deceive people. Did Sun Sheng really exist?" Wuming gently tapped his knee with his hand and asked again.

Sun Sheng nodded and said: "It does exist, but the personality is very different. In order to attract you, I specially split half of the soul to wash it, and then filled in part of that Sun Sheng's memory, and then modified it little by little. You like it, do you think Sun Sheng is very good?"

As for that Sun Sheng, he is naturally dead.

Wuming knew the answer, so he didn't continue to ask Sun Sheng. He looked up at the big eyes in the sky and asked: "Now that you have experienced the biological force field, can you leave this world? It has no effect on you. It’s valuable, isn’t it?”


Sun Sheng was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly burst into exaggerated laughter. He laughed and started to cry again, his face was very distorted.

When he invaded the world, he directly transformed 90% of the creatures into monsters. In fact, on the one hand, it was to replenish cannon fodder minions, and on the other hand, it was to have a base that could continuously produce minions.

At the same time, he also tried his best to keep the ecology of this world intact. Many animals survived. Only humans were targeted by him, but while targeting them, he also released a few so-called "survivors".

He even put a small space on this planet for one of the 'lucky people' to pick it up.

Compared to the evil god's method of pulling people into the sect for brainwashing, he still prefers the feeling of letting a certain grasshopper work hard in the hidden space of God, and then harvest it after it becomes a little stronger.

In this way, all the resources obtained by Grasshopper's cultivation belong to him, and he can also watch a good show at the same time.

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