I Contracted Myself

【426】The Divine Beast’s Plan

In fact, Gong Xiang was not the first lucky person, but the first lucky person was almost deceived by the Sweet Potato God, so he decisively pinched the first lucky person to death.

Then Gong Xiang 'accidentally discovered' the space crystal.

His original idea was to harvest Gong Xiang when he reached level 50, but an accident happened.

The Shenzang Trial started, and Wuming suddenly appeared. Practitioners throughout the Shenzang space were full of curiosity about how Wuming cheated in the sixth level.

Sun Sheng was also curious, but he had no idea at the time.

Until Luo Xiang's post appeared, he realized the opportunity. If Wuming could be tricked into the trap he set, even if Wuming was very powerful, he would not have no chance.

Now he was indeed halfway there.

The reason why it was half was because he had learned some of the mysteries of the biological force field through Sun Sheng's body, but he himself was also exposed.

But he didn't expect that he would be exposed and Wuming would still naively want to save the world.

This guy is indeed sick!

Sun Sheng himself despised Wu Ming, but the Sun Sheng he made up had a strong reaction because of Wu Ming's words.

It is worth mentioning that this Sun Sheng vest has been cultivated by him for more than ten years.

He had seen Wuming's various performances in the Shenzang Trial, especially the fact that Wuming seemed to have taught Xia Hua the biological force field, which made him realize that there was an opportunity to take advantage of it.

After realizing that there was a way to deceive Wuming, he used his own flesh and blood and part of his soul to fabricate a baby, and then built a planet similar to this world on another planet in another world.

The time flow rate in that world is dozens of times that of this world, so the baby grows up very quickly, and gradually becomes what it is now under his conscious or unconscious influence.

It can be said that in order to ensure that he could deceive Wuming, he even deceived himself this time, and the deception was quite complete, almost no different from split personality.

"You are me!"

At this time, Sun Sheng laughed and cried and growled, his face distorted even more intensely. Suddenly, a thin line fell from the sky, and it happened to be inserted on the top of Sun Sheng's head. In the blink of an eye, Sun Sheng's expression became calm.

After all, the personality of 'Sun Sheng' only lived for thirteen years, but he can

After living for hundreds of millions of years, even pure memory can drown Sun Sheng in an instant.

He slowly raised his hands, and the golden biological force field condensed little by little. He smiled: "It's such an inconspicuous power. Who would have thought that such an inconspicuous power can produce such a wonderful effect."

"Enough laughing, enough talking, then answer my question." Wuming looked at Sun Sheng with pity in his eyes and said lightly.

Sun Sheng lowered his hands and sighed: "Do you know? You should sell the biological force field cultivation method to Xundao Pavilion as soon as possible, and let Xundao Pavilion endorse it for you, specifically selling this magical power, instead of keeping it to yourself. "

"So?" Wuming asked a little disappointed.

Sun Sheng smiled and said: "Of course...it belongs to me!"

Since Wuming has not sold it, he can sell it to other forces. It is best to sign enough confidentiality treaties so that different forces cannot teach it to other forces. In this way, he can earn all the resources he needs in the future, even if Wealth is not the best in the Divine Treasure Space, but it is also one of the best.

However, this plan has a premise, that is, there is no other person who knows how to cultivate the biological force field!

Only through monopoly can you make big money. Any practitioner who has been to modern civilization knows this truth.

As soon as Sun Sheng finished speaking, a knife fell from the sky. Zhang Shouzhong said angrily: "It's just a biological force field. It seems like no one can do it!"


Sun Sheng was suddenly stunned and found that the knife was indeed controlled by a biological force field, and the biological force field did not belong to Wuming.

Then Wuming got up from Qilin's back, looked at Sun Sheng and said: "To tell you the truth, I know tens of millions of people who know biological force fields, and there are many more that I don't know. If you just In order to monopolize the cultivation method of biological force field, you really have to kill a lot of people."


Sun Sheng was dumbfounded and his mind went blank.

This feeling is probably like going through countless difficulties and finally getting a treasure, only to find out that everyone has such a 'treasure'.

All of a sudden, his fighting spirit disappeared.

Wuming smiled again and said, "Let me tell you another secret. As long as you can kill me, those who know the biological force field will die together. Isn't it interesting?"


Sun Sheng immediately realized that Wuming was playing tricks on him.

It was obvious that he was playing tricks on Wuming, but now Wuming was teasing him in turn, and he couldn't stand it anymore.

But as soon as he finished shouting, Wuming slapped him in the face. His body immediately spun in mid-air, and it took a while to stop. The power from the big eyes exploded, and a large amount of red mist immediately poured out of his body. .

But suddenly two laser beams flashed past, and a terrifying wave of fire instantly erupted on the distant horizon. Sun Sheng's body was split into two, and then started from the split place and spread all over his body.

Although Sun Sheng tried his best to prevent his body from collapsing, Wuming clearly showed no respect for martial arts this time and used his ultimate move without any hesitation. He could no longer save his body due to his carelessness.

He looked at Wuming angrily, but there was only one head left, and even the head was disappearing.

At the last moment, Sun Sheng seemed to return the control to ‘Sun Sheng’. His eyes were suddenly filled with sadness, and he looked at Wuming with a look as if he was saying sorry.

Wuming looked at Sun Sheng’s body disappearing, sighed slightly, looked up at the big eyeball, and said lightly: “Who are you looking down on? Do you really think you can beat me by controlling a vest?”

“Sir, save me!” Gong Xiang struggled to climb out of the pile of tree corpses at this time, looking at Wuming for help.

Wuming said nothing, and directly squeezed his hand slightly, and Gong Xiang’s head exploded immediately.

Sure enough, at this time, the big eyeball in the sky moved, and a large amount of red mist sprayed out from the huge pipe, and the whole sky turned red directly.

Wuming sensed it and smiled: “Just block the space?”

Then, the earth shook violently, and dense fusion bodies appeared. A fusion body composed entirely of trees, similar to the combination of a mantis and a stick insect, poked its head out from the horizon, and the golden pupils stared at Wuming closely.

Obviously, Big Eyes is not in a hurry to appear, but intends to use the cannon fodder of this world to consume Wuming first.

The power of most practitioners is not infinite, whether it is external or internal, it will consume their own power.

If it is to absorb spiritual energy, then the spiritual energy will be consumed and the strength will be greatly reduced. If it is to consume mental power, then the mental power will be consumed, and it may even be worse than normal people.

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