I Contracted Myself

【427】Four Pillars of Divine Beasts

Wuming watched the densely packed fusions appear in various ways, and some were even transported directly, falling from the sky like rain.

He said expressionlessly: "If the vest doesn't work, why can't it be used as cannon fodder? Then I must tell you, quantity is meaningless in front of me!"

In an instant, he appeared high in the sky, and then densely packed light spots centered on him fell like a torrential rain.

Any fusion body hit by a light point will be instantly destroyed. It is obvious that the power of the light point is extremely terrifying and does not match their size.

In ten seconds, the land was desolate, with not even a blade of grass left.

Wuming landed on Qilin's back, looked up at the sky, and said helplessly: "Fat man, you and Qilin should go back first."

"Okay!" Zhang Shouzhong nodded.

Although he won't die as long as Wuming survives, and it doesn't matter if he stays here and gets affected, but it's better not to die if he can.

In the blink of an eye, Qilin and Zhang Shouzhong turned into black liquid and entered Wuming's body. Wuming had no worries and shot two laser beams from his eyes across the sky.

Wherever his light touched, the red mist immediately dispersed, but the big eyes were no longer there.

"You're not going to run away, are you?"

Wuming murmured in his heart, and the next moment he flew into the sky. After he passed through the red mist, his big eyeballs were indeed gone.

Come on.

I originally thought that the other party would fight to the death with me, but in the end, they took the biological force field and ran away.

Wuming suddenly felt extremely unhappy and his thoughts were unclear.

Originally, this big-eyed man was the one who deserved to die. So many people in this world were killed by big-eyed men. Before he could seek justice from him, he ended up being tricked by him again.


Very unhappy.

Wuming closed his eyes, and the biological force field and telepathy were mixed together, instantly scanning everything around the planet, but the other party seemed to have left this world, and no one could be found.

"You really think you can run away?"

Wuming opened his eyes and said cruelly.

Under normal circumstances, he believes in being merciful and merciful, and will not do anything unless the other person is heinous.

Now those big eyes really pissed him off.

He took out a coin and said to himself: "If the other person is still in this world, it is heads, if the other person has left this world, it is tails!"

Then he tossed the coin, caught it and opened it to see that the coin was tails.

Sure enough, he had already run away.

He probably realized that Wuming was much stronger than him and couldn't beat him head-on, so he gave up at the last moment.

Wuming put away the coins and glanced at the planet behind him. Now this planet finally had real survivors.

He fell to the ground, found the space crystal on Gong Xiang's body, and said with a smile: "It's not a loss."

The next moment, he returned directly to the Nameless Sea.

The world of beasts.

Saint Yal suddenly opened his eyes, and a large number of lines behind him shrank back instantly.

His body is made up of countless red lines, each of which is made up of blood vessels and eyeballs. At a rough glance, his body looks like a strong red humanoid monster, but if you look closely, it looks like it is made up of densely packed eyeballs. monster.

As one of the four divine beasts in the world of heavenly beasts, he not only has extremely powerful power, but also has supreme power in this world. When he speaks, it is the way of heaven.

Returning to the world of beasts, he finally felt a little safe.

"Nameless, it's really scary!"

Saint Yal recalled the scene of Wuming Kai Wushuang and couldn't help but said to himself.

This time his losses were also great. First of all, he lost a piece of space crystal, which was a treasure he found with great difficulty when he invaded other worlds.

Although he still has one piece, if that piece is lost, he will not be able to use space crystals to raise Gu in the future.

At the same time, he also lost a world that produced soldiers. He didn't dare to go back to that world anyway. If Wuming left any backup in that world, he might be in trouble if he went back.

And his gain is not small, that is, the biological force field that everyone in the Divine Tibetan Space wants to know about!

Although Wuming exists, he cannot sell it at a high price, but he can still sell it.

Of course, Wuming must avoid Wuming, preferably in an area far away from Wuming's activities. By the time Wuming finds out, he will have already gone to a more distant area.

"It's neither a loss nor a gain!" St. Ya'er muttered to himself.

Even though he said this, he was actually not very happy, mainly because he had offended a strong man like Wuming.

Originally, he wanted to use the fusion body to consume Wuming Yibo. There were so many fusion bodies, and the strongest fusion body reached the level of the 80th level. There were many fusion bodies at the 70th level, even if it was It takes a few minutes to resolve.

If Wuming is entangled in the fusion body, he can move more

The fusion body used to consume Wuming, and finally Wuming was completely exhausted from the human sea tactics.

The results of it?

Wuming solved all the fusions in one wave.

Moreover, he felt the nameless terror, and the attack might already pose a threat to him.

If all the lights hit him, once all his eyes are blown out, he will die.

Because of this, he decisively decided to run away.

He had no reason to kill Wuming. No matter how much money he had, he had to spend his life. If he couldn't kill Wuming, he would have to sell the biological force field training method cheaper. There was no need to fight Wuming to death.

"Why do you feel uneasy?"

Saint Yal just sat down and couldn't help but get up, always feeling irritable.

He took a deep breath, and every line on his body expanded and then contracted. His body expanded directly from three meters to six meters, and then contracted back to three meters.

After calming down a little, he realized that Wuming might be a little angrier than he thought.

"The other party is a saint, and his state of mind is extremely high."

"Not good, once such a saint gets angry, it can't be so easy to let it go."

Sheng Yaer instantly analyzed the source of his inner uneasiness. This is like an honest person getting angry, which is often more destructive.

There is no doubt that Wuming is a good person, but once such a good person is really angry, he is often very scary, and it is not something that can be solved by saying a few nice words or avoiding him.

The world of heavenly beasts can protect him, will Wuming really find him?

Sheng Yaer walked back and forth in the room, rubbing his hands subconsciously. In the world of heavenly beasts, his strength is far superior to other worlds. Can he beat Wuming when he comes?

"Damn it!"

Sheng Yaer finally cursed in a low voice, and immediately flew out of the house and flew towards the location of another four-pillar beast.

The four pillar beasts are the embodiment of the heavenly way of this world, and each one represents a phenomenon.

Birth, aging, illness and death, Saint Yar is the symbol of illness, and there are three other beasts that symbolize birth, aging and death. For the sake of his own life, he decided to pay a certain price and ask the other three beasts to protect him a little. As long as he gets through this period of restlessness, he will be safe.

However, when he thought of the price he had to pay to ask the other three beasts to help, he felt very unhappy and thought he had made a loss.

He thought he was lucky before, but Wuming came and turned over his cards first.

Now it seems that this is completely bad luck.

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