I Contracted Myself

【428】Looking for help

Each of the four pillars has its own residence.

St. Yal himself lived in the palace of the sick swamp. Not only was the environment humid and hot, but there were also a large number of insects breeding there, which was the source of the disease.

St. Turon, which symbolizes "life", likes the sea of ​​flowers that are like spring all year round. Its body is completely composed of emerald green vines, and its appearance is like a huge moose, with flowers blooming on its body.

At this time, Saint Turon was lying in the sea of ​​flowers, letting the animals play on him. These little animals would even steal nectar from the flowers on his body, but he didn't care about the little thoughts of these little guys, but enjoyed it very much. A feeling of life all around.

But then the little animals on him suddenly dispersed, and he had no choice but to open his eyes and look at the sky in the distance.

"Saint Turon, I need your help!" Saint Yal descended from the sky and said directly.

Saint Turon said calmly: "I want one-tenth of your summer, which lasts for a million years. Is that okay?"

"Okay!" Saint Yal gritted his teeth and nodded.

They symbolize birth, old age, sickness and death, and also correspond to the four seasons. In the four seasons they correspond to, their strength will increase. In theory, as long as they live long enough and experience enough four seasons, their strength will increase infinitely.

St. Turon represents life, and the corresponding four seasons happen to be spring. Saint Yal represents illness, but the corresponding four seasons are not autumn and winter, but summer.

One-tenth of the summer, Saint Turon was traded, and the price was very reasonable.

After Saint Yal agreed, Saint Turon got up from the ground and teased: "What kind of enemies have you provoked outside? Why don't you want to practice well?"

"What do you know? It's precisely because you have to practice well that you can't stick to this small world. You don't even know how big the sky is outside. It's sad." Sheng Yal immediately retorted.

St. Turon was not angry. He looked up at the sky and said with a smile: "Isn't this sky big enough to accommodate you and me? Contentment is the norm. Look at the bees flying in the sea of ​​flowers. They only need a small A single flower can satisfy you, and life can be very vast, but only by being content can you always be happy.”

"Hmph, you were originally the strongest among us, but what about now?" Saint Yal said disdainfully.

Among the original four-pillar beasts, life was the first to be born. At that time, the world did not have the concepts of disease, aging, and death. St. Turun was very powerful and was loved by all the world.

He is indeed worthy of the world's love. Plants will be born wherever he walks, and countless animals will appear where he sleeps.

But precisely because there is only life and no death, the number of creatures in this world is increasing until it exceeds the upper limit that the world can bear.

Then, death came into being.

Animals fight in a crowded world, countless animals die, and these corpses finally piece together death.

Saint Yal and Saint Turon left the sea of ​​flowers and soon came to a desolate plain, where dead bones could be seen everywhere, and predators were carefully hidden everywhere, waiting for opportunities.

In the center of the plain, a monster made entirely of corpses lay dormant.

He is Saint Dadin, who symbolizes death. The general outline of his body is similar to that of a snake. Between the gaps and gaps of the body, there is coagulated blood. This black blood is like a network of markings. Make it look like a huge colorful snake.

"Saint Turon, Saint Yal, what do you want?"

Saint Dading felt the aura of Saint Turon and opened his eyes suddenly. His cold eyes looked at Saint Turon full of hostility.

When he was just born, he instinctively killed creatures, and finally angered Saint Turon, so Saint Turon beat it up. As the earliest Saint Turon, he had absolute suppression over him at that time. He was beaten so hard that he couldn't fight back, so he also hated Saint Turon.

This hatred has not been let go, so Saint Turon and Saint Dading will not meet under normal circumstances.

It is worth mentioning that the season represented by Saint Dading is not winter, but autumn.

At this time, Saint Turon did not speak, but just looked at Saint Yal. Saint Yal immediately explained his purpose. After hearing this, Saint Dadin sneered and said: "I think I can help. I want half the summer, and the time is the same as Saint Turon's." "

"Impossible, Saint Turon only asked for one-tenth of the summer, I can't possibly give you half!" Saint Yal's face suddenly darkened.

Sheng Dading said gloomily: "I see the stagnation of death in you. Without my help, you may be in big trouble this time!"

"Half is too much!"

Sheng Yal looked at Sheng Dading angrily, knowing that Sheng Dading was taking advantage of his danger to raise the price.

However, he is very aware of the ability of Saint Dading. Saint Dading does have the ability to foresee creatures that are about to die. If

Without uniting the power of the Four Pillar Divine Beasts, he might really be in trouble this time.

"Is being nameless so scary? Have I already had the help of Saint Turon, or am I still depressed?" Saint Yal stared at Saint Dading, feeling a little uneasy in his heart, but he didn't show any signs of uneasiness on the surface.

Seeing that Saint Yal had no intention of letting go, Shengdading said, "Then two tenths of the summer,"

"Saint Turon only has one-tenth of the summer in a million years. If I give you two-tenths, wouldn't it be unfair to Saint Turon?" Saint Yal simply took out Saint Turon and counter-offered again. road.

Instead, Sheng Tu Lun smiled and said: "It doesn't matter. If it's unfair, it's not fair. Whoever gets it will get more power after waiting a little longer. After all, the enemy is very strong. Sheng Da Ding has even seen your death energy."

"Okay, I agree!" Sheng Yaer looked at Sheng Tulun unhappily, and finally looked at Sheng Dading and agreed directly.

Sheng Dading smiled with satisfaction: "Smart choice, the enemy you provoked this time is very strong, and you will die without my help. In two-tenths of summer, you will soon find that what I want is not too much."

"Hmph, let's go, let's go find Shengming Zhui!" Sheng Yaer said unhappily.

Shengming Zhui is a mythical beast that symbolizes aging. His appearance is similar to a huge ball of wool, with countless hairs on his body. He usually stays in a dark valley, like an animal silently waiting for old age and death.

Many animals will leave the tribe when they realize that they are about to die, and then go to a corner where no one will disturb them to wait for death to come.

Shengming Zhui is very lonely. He is very similar to these animals. He hates the other three beasts of the Four Pillars to disturb him.

The three beasts quickly flew to the place where Shengming Zhui lived. Sheng Yaer went down in person. After entering the dark valley, he found that a cave had appeared in the valley.

This cave led underground. He entered the cave and walked down. He first smelled the unique smell of an aging animal. After a while, he suddenly stopped.

In front of him, a pair of turbid eyes slowly opened, and an old and hoarse voice sounded: "Sheng Yaer, what's the matter?"

"Shengming Zhui, I need your help. I can pay one-tenth of a million years of summer as a price!" Sheng Yaer said immediately.

This time he learned his lesson and directly stated his bargaining chips first, not giving Shengming Zhui a chance to bargain.

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