I Contracted Myself

【433】Don’t dare to move

The world of beasts.

Wuming hit the barrier again, and instantly a large human-shaped pit was created by him.

It is worth mentioning that Wuming discovered that even if he reshaped his body, Saint Yal's order did not disappear, and he still could not close his eyes.

But this didn't bother him, he simply made his body without eyes!

How can you prevent a person who has no eyes from closing his eyes?

Although the method is very clumsy, it is really useful.

He entered the world of heavenly beasts and instantly found Saint Yal. At this time, Saint Yal had returned to his swamp and was about to contact several practitioners he knew to sell the biological force field cultivation method.

Wuming is dead. He is the only practitioner who knows the biological force field, so the space crystals he lost must be passed on to the customers!

"Who should I contact first?"

Saint Yal held the space crystal and thought about the suitable contact partner.

Those who are too strong cannot contact each other, lest the other party catches them. The divine hidden space is not the world of heavenly beasts, but there is no world consciousness to favor themselves.

Of course, those who are too weak cannot be contacted, because those who are too weak cannot afford the price, and they are all poor.

While he was thinking, he suddenly felt a little panicked. He frowned and said to himself: "Strange, why do I feel palpitations? No, the world is reminding me that I am in danger?"

But it's too late!

Suddenly, the entire temple exploded, and a man who looked exactly like Wuming, but without eyes, fell from the sky.


When Saint Yal saw Wuming, he immediately shouted in horror.

But before he could finish his words, Wuming's fist had already hit him. Then Wuming punched wildly, driving him directly into the ground. Then the entire ground began to dent, and the water in the entire swamp was absorbed by the fist collision. The shock wave evaporated.

"World, save me!"

Saint Yal was beaten so hard that he couldn't speak, so he could only scream in his heart.

The next moment, the world did react. After all, Saint Yal was part of the world, and the world of heavenly beasts without Saint Yal would no longer be complete.

Wuming suddenly felt something. An arm grew out of his back and moved downwards. The Nameless Book appeared under the arm, and a finger of his finger just happened to be stuck on the words of the Nameless Book.

Then the whole world came to a standstill, and even the consciousness of the world could no longer function.

Wuming smiled and said, "I suffered once, do you really think I will suffer again?"

The world was caught off guard when it pulled him off guard before, and now he was suppressed by a series of attacks and was unable to move. Even if he was prepared, the world couldn't pull it off even if he tried to pull it off.

How could a mere world be better than the big boss who created the Shenzang Trial?

Wuming is very aware of the gold content of the Shen Zang Trial. Any reward in the Shen Zang Trial has an extremely abnormal priority. To put it simply, it overrides many abilities.

Next, he punched Saint Yal crazily, and when he was tired, he simply summoned the Deep Sea Apostle, who continued to beat Saint Yal.

Normally he doesn't like to kill his enemies.

But Gong Xiang's world is so miserable. A good modern society has a population of at least several billion, and only a handful of people die in the end.

As long as he thinks about the situation in that world, Wuming will not have the slightest pity for Saint Yal.

Half an hour later, Wuming let the Deep Sea Apostle transform into a black windbreaker and put it on. Then he let go, and the Book of Nameless immediately started writing words crazily.

Time has returned to normal.

The densely packed eyeballs on Saint Yal's body suddenly exploded, and his body then turned into red mist and exploded.

"No, I will not die in this world!" Saint Yal's consciousness suddenly burst out with a strong desire to survive.

But then the red mist also exploded, and the space began to crack. A huge suction force came from the void, and the remaining red mist was instantly sucked out of the world. He screamed: "No!!!!"

Finally, the red mist was completely transformed into an eternal statue by the void, floating to a distance unknown to anyone.

Wuming stood in front of the crack and said after a while: "Okay, the grudge is over."

He looked up at the sky and said calmly: "If you want to continue, I can accompany you to the end!"

This world is conscious.

He knew this when he was sidetracked by this world.

Now that Saint Yal is dead, he has also earned a space crystal and a formation that is of great help to him. It is time to end it all.

The broken space slowly repaired itself, and finally the cracks completely disappeared.

Wuming watched all this calmly, waiting for the world's consciousness to reply. Although he could not wait, he wanted to see what the world's consciousness was like.

All right.

In fact, he just wants the other party to take action first. If the world consciousness is unhappy with him killing Saint-Yar and wants to deal with him, then he can blatantly move this continent away and let the world consciousness of this world know what cruelty is.

Do you really think you don’t have to pay for being biased?

However, the consciousness of this world did not take action again. It seemed that it had acquiesced in his existence and had no intention of targeting him at all.

Wuming waited for a long time, but saw that there was still no movement in the world consciousness, so he simply flew up and prepared to see the scenery in this world. He liked the scenery and the colors of this world very much.

Compared with the earth, this world is like a fairyland, and the animals are more lively and interesting.

The last time he came to this world was to seek justice for the people in Gong Xiang's world, so he just took a casual look at it. Now that justice has been achieved, he can completely relax.

Of course, it would be even better if the world consciousness of this world could not help but attack him.

Sea of ​​flowers.

Sheng Tulun was suddenly stunned, and then green tears flowed from his eyes. He sighed: "Sheng Yaer is dead!"

Although he did not like Sheng Yaer, he knew that Sheng Yaer's existence was conducive to the stability of the world.

At the same time, Sheng Yaer was also his younger brother.

In his heart, Sheng Dading, Sheng Yaer, and Sheng Mingzhui were actually his younger brothers and children of the world.

After countless years of companionship, although they would argue and even occasionally turn against each other, they never wanted to kill each other.

"Who killed Sheng Yaer?"

Sheng Tulun rose from the sea of ​​flowers, and gradually anger and murderous intent appeared in his eyes that should not have been there.

At the same time, a terrifying black gas erupted in the distance. Obviously, Sheng Dading also noticed the fall of Sheng Yaer.

One of them was in charge of life, and the other was in charge of death. They could sense the changes in Sheng Yaer's life state.

Sheng Tulun also immediately burst out his own power, a green light shot into the sky, and after a moment Shengming Zhui responded to his and Shengdading's call, and a yellow force shot into the sky.

Then the three beasts teleported to a mountain to meet.

Shengdading said gloomily: "Sheng Yaer is dead, I can already feel that summer is gone."

"Who killed him?" Shengming Zhui asked in a deep voice.

Sheng Tulun emitted a lot of dark green gas, suppressed his anger and said: "I feel the breath of Wuming, he is not dead yet, he sneak attacked Sheng Yaer!"

"Then let him be buried with him!"

Shengdading and Shengming Zhui said in unison.

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