I Contracted Myself

【434】Sacrifice to the gods

After reaching an agreement, Saint Turon immediately locked onto Wuming's position and said coldly: "Follow me!"

After saying that, he flew into the sky, and Sheng Dading and Sheng Mingzhui followed immediately behind.

But just as the three of them were flying into the air, they were suddenly frozen in the air, and Saint Turon showed an expression of disbelief, disbelief, sadness, and pain.

But Sheng Dading and Sheng Mingzhui were so frightened that they could no longer think.

The world of beasts takes action.

But the target was not Wuming, but their three biological sons!

At this time, they were unable to move, the origin in their bodies was being withdrawn by the world consciousness, and they were going to die.


Saint Turun, Saint Dading, and Saint Mingzhui all couldn't understand why their 'mother' didn't target Wuming, but instead took action against themselves.

But the world of heavenly beasts obviously had no intention of answering them. As their origins were extracted, they quickly became ordinary beasts. When the confinement of the world disappeared, they all fell from the sky.

They are about two thousand meters above the ground. In the past, this height was not high at all for them, but now it is the height of death for them.


The three divine beasts fell quickly and roared sadly almost in unison.


There was a huge and dull sound, and the three divine beasts hit the ground hard. The flesh and blood body lost the protection of the extraordinary power, and the result of the collision with the earth was only destruction.

Saint Turon's brain was half broken, and his remaining eyes looked at the sky sadly, his pupils gradually losing color.

Before he died, he had realized the reason why his 'mother' killed him. They should not seek revenge. When they decided to take revenge, it was actually equivalent to condemning themselves to death.

Not far away, with broken corpses scattered all over the ground, Saint Dading also realized the reason for his death. He wanted to provoke an existence that would bring danger to the world. That was to lead the world to a place of no return. Maybe they all misjudged The nameless power.

Only then did he react belatedly. Before, killing Wuming required the world's consciousness to deflect, but now that they have lost Saint Yal, why do they think they can beat Wuming?

Moreover, Saint Yal is dead, and the consciousness of the world will be damaged as a result. If they seek death again, that would be the truly stupidest decision.

Their eyes were all blinded by anger, and they really deserved to die. …


Wuming was sitting cross-legged and fishing by a clear river. When he felt the death of Saint Turun and Saint Dadin, he couldn't help but sigh that this world is cruel enough.

But what really made him say "interesting" was Sheng Mingzhuan.

Because both Saint Turun and Saint Dading were dead, really falling to death, but Saint Mingzhui was still alive.

This guy not only has the power of this world, but also seems to have other powers.

Smart people all know that eggs cannot be put in one basket. Sheng Mingzhuan may be such a smart guy. In fact, it can be seen from the conditions he proposed.

Both Saint Turun and Saint Dading just wanted to get a part of Xia Tian, ​​and only Saint Mingzhuo wanted to own a piece of space crystal.

"Now has he decided to take revenge on me? Or take revenge on the world?"

Wuming was thinking to himself, and suddenly felt a pulling sensation from the fishing rod. He immediately pulled hard... and the fish ran away.

He reluctantly added the bait again and threw the fishing rod into the water.


Must escape from this world!

Sheng Mingzhuo's body was smashed to pieces, but there was a special power in his body that protected him from death.

And this power comes from a chicken!

In fact, he didn't quite know what that chicken was. It suddenly appeared in front of him, and then left suddenly, leaving only a feather.

This chicken feather has magical power. Sheng Mingzhui has been comprehending this power since he obtained the chicken feather. Gradually, similar chicken feathers appeared on his body.

In order to cover up the chicken feathers on his body, he grew a lot of hair, turning himself into a bloated ball of wool.

Even when fighting, he would wrap himself up like a mummy to prevent others from seeing his feathers.

But now he can no longer control his hair, so all these chicken feathers are exposed.

At the same time, chicken feathers began to fill his body quickly after he lost his strength. Gradually, his movements became faster and faster. From a distance, he looked like a weirdo wearing a fluffy coat.

Yes, Sheng Mingzhui himself is a humanoid beast, and unlike Sheng Yal who deliberately maintains himself in human form, he is the one among the four pillars of beasts that was truly born in human form.


Suddenly, Sheng Mingzhui felt as if something was erupting inside his body, and he couldn't help but open his mouth, but he couldn't make a normal cry, but a series of rooster crows.

A red energy was surging, and the surging power exploded!

As he crowing, red cracks suddenly appeared in the sky, and then the sky changed color, and dense thunder and lightning fell from the sky, hitting him directly.

At first, Sheng Mingzhuo thought he was dead.

But the chicken feathers on his body emitted a layer of red light and directly resisted the thunder and lightning attack.

But this was not over yet. The thunder and lightning became more and more violent, gradually turning into thick thunder slurry and pouring down. The red light on his body became more and more intense. He was terrified in his heart, but he didn't know the reason.

He didn't know what was going on with the chicken feathers, whether he could block the attack of 'Mother', why there were cracks in the sky, and what his fate would be.

"Make a wish, sacrifice everything you have, make a wish!"

Suddenly, Shengming Zhui had an auditory hallucination in his consciousness, and a shrill voice sounded.

What? Sacrifice?


Shengming Zhui's face changed slightly, and the next moment he wanted to shout to remind 'Mother' to be careful of invaders.

Although 'Mother' abandoned him, he was the only one of the three beasts who did not hate 'Mother', because he reacted earlier than Shengtu Lun and Sheng Da Ding, and realized why the world consciousness wanted to kill them when he was about to fall to the ground.

There's something wrong with that chicken!

There's something wrong with these chicken feathers!

There's something wrong with him as a whole person. The chicken seemed to want to do something bad to the world of heavenly beasts through him.

But as soon as he opened his mouth, a huge amount of plasma poured into his mouth. His eyes widened, but he had no way out. He could only look at the sky with despair in his eyes.

The four pillar beasts rely too much on supernatural power.

This means that if they lose supernatural power, they will find it difficult to fully control their own thoughts.

For example, supernatural power is like a piece of ice, which allows creatures to calm down with the help of this ice, and even make their minds more flexible.

And losing this piece of ice means that the mind is unstable, the thinking is messy, it is easy to imagine, and even difficult to control oneself.

Now Shengming Zhui is in this situation. His body is caught between the collision of chicken feathers and world consciousness. The pain is indescribable, and his thinking becomes scattered and disordered.

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