I Contracted Myself

【435】Original data

For a moment, Sheng Mingzhuo wanted to remind his mother to be careful about the invasion of outsiders.

For a moment, he felt resentful because of his 'mother''s cruelty, and even wanted to destroy the world.

In the chaotic thinking, his thinking was suddenly affected by some kind of power. This power did not control his thinking, but fixed his thinking on destroying the world.

He was like a demon, and all he could think about was the hope that the world would be destroyed.

So, he sacrificed everything he had, hoping to destroy the world!

When he recovered from his dazed state, it was already too late.

Sacrifice to gods?

By the river, Wuming looked up at the huge red crack in the sky, his expression a little solemn.

Fortunately, during this period of time, he studied various books purchased from the Divine Treasure Space. One of the books mentioned some of the most dangerous evil gods in the world.

Not a fake evil god like the Sweet Potato God, but a real evil god.

The Sweet Potato God is actually just a cultivator spreading a sect in the name of the ‘Sweet Potato God’. The ultimate goal is nothing more than to defraud other cultivators of the space crystals.

Once the Sweet Potato God's true identity is exposed, he will die without a burial place, whether in the divine hidden space or in the heavens and worlds.

The real evil gods are even more terrifying, because they are extremely famous in all the worlds. Once targeted by them, it is not just a matter of killing one or two people, but a matter of killing the whole world.

There is no doubt that the world of beasts is obviously being targeted by the evil god.

Wuming didn't know whether the Heavenly Beast World had been targeted a long time ago or happened to be targeted at this time, but obviously the evil god came at the right time. At this time, the Heavenly Beast World happened to be at its weakest moment due to the death of Saint Yal.

"The God of Sacrifice, also known as the God of Sacrifice, the Chicken God, and the God of Dawn, although it sounds very beautiful, is actually an evil god who specializes in attacking other worlds and then devouring other worlds to strengthen his own kingdom."

"It has destroyed countless worlds and has extremely terrifying power. I am afraid this world cannot be saved."

"You heard what I said. If you don't want to die, how about we make a deal?"

Wuming looked at the sky and told the details of the sacrifice to the gods with a smile, and also his purpose.

"What do you want?" Suddenly, an emotionless voice came from Wuming's ear.

This voice is neither male nor female, and it does not even resemble a human voice. It is like a sound mixed with the sounds of wind, rain, waves, vibrations of the earth's crust, thunder, and other natural sounds.

Wuming smiled and said: "I have no interest in ruling the world, but I like your island very much. Let's do this... you give me a copy of the data of this world, and I will fight against the gods with you!"

"Yes!" The consciousness of the beast world immediately agreed.

Obviously, the pressure on this world now is much greater than what Wuming sees, otherwise the consciousness of the world of beasts would not respond to Wuming proactively.

After reaching the deal, Wuming put away the fishing rod and teleported to Sheng Mingzhui the next moment.

Sheng Mingzhui opened his mouth wide and was filled with thunder syrup. From the corner of his eye, he saw Wuming. His expression was extremely complicated for a moment, including anger, hatred, unwillingness, but at the same time there was a trace of sadness.

Who would have thought that because of Sheng Yaer's small ambition, all of their four pillars of divine beasts would suffer great misfortune. Not only did they lose their lives, but the world of heavenly beasts also suffered.

Of course, St. Yar cannot be blamed for the invasion of the world of heavenly beasts by the gods. The blame can only be blamed on himself. If he did not hide the feather or study the feather, but simply destroyed it, maybe it would not have happened. Something like this happens.

"Sacrifice God, do you want to get out by yourself or do you want me to do it myself?" Wuming looked at Sheng Mingzhui and asked directly.

Sheng Mingzhui immediately felt that his forehead seemed to be split, and an eye grew out of his forehead.

The eyes scanned Wuming, and then Shengmingzhuan's abdomen split open, and a mouth appeared on Shengmingzhuan's abdomen, and he said: "Wuming, I know you, you are not related to this world, it's best not to care about it. Nosy!”

"What if I have to meddle in other people's business?" Wuming asked with a smile.

The priest said coldly: "You will regret this decision."

"Okay, then I'll wait and see, you must make me regret it!" Wuming reached out and ignored Lei Jian, grabbed Sheng Mingzhui's head and crushed it.

The terrifying biological force field immediately invaded Sheng Mingzhuan's whole body, and the power of the sacrifice to the gods was directly shattered under the huge biological force field.

In the deepest part of the backbone of Sheng Mingzhuan's body, Wuming found the feather that was used to sacrifice the gods. After destroying the feather, Sheng Mingzhuan suddenly fell limply to the ground, dead.

Wuming looked up at the crack in the sky and flew directly into the sky.

In fact, he was a little curious. The power of worshiping gods was a bit special. It seemed to have no effect on him, but it had a special attack effect on the world.

To put it simply, it is extremely powerful against the world, but for a practitioner like him, it is just average.

Of course, it is also possible that the other party had no intention of confronting him, but only wanted to invade and destroy the world of heavenly beasts, and then devour the remains of the world of heavenly beasts.

At the crack, a red energy was still spreading, and Wuming asked: "Is the sacrifice to the god just outside the space barrier?"

"It's still half a world away from me." Heavenly Beast World answered truthfully.

Wuming nodded and said with a smile: "Give me the reward first, I will solve it, and then I won't come back."


The world of beasts responded.

The next moment, a small ball of origin dripped from the space barrier and turned into a crystal ball and fell into Wuming's hand.

Wuming observed it carefully and confirmed that the thing was correct. He was satisfied and said, "Okay, then I'll go."

The data of the world is not pure data, but power that needs to be carried by the origin. Wuming only needs to get the data of the world of heavenly beasts, and he can replicate the entire world of heavenly beasts one-to-one in the nameless sea.

Of course, he would definitely not be so bored. He just wanted the floating continent of the world of heavenly beasts.

This continent is too beautiful. I don't know how the world of heavenly beasts cultivated this beautiful world. Anyway, if Wuming came to do it, it would probably be a continent, and then the continent would be full of flowers. There is no other routine.

Now that he has the data of the world of heavenly beasts, he can make more templates. In the future, if he collects more data from special worlds, maybe he can piece together a legendary paradise in the nameless sea.

Coming out of the crack of the world of heavenly beasts, Wuming immediately felt the erosion of the void on himself. The power of this erosion is far stronger than the void of the whistle universe.

He felt that he could only stay in the void for five seconds at most.

Without further ado, he immediately took out the nameless book and stuck his hand where he was writing. In an instant, everything stopped. His eyes widened slightly, and then he smiled.

As he expected, the nameless book never blocked the flow of time in the world, but his entire body.

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