I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: Fox City [083] You will be a great person

At 3 pm, on the top of the dead volcano.

Zhang Ping came up from the crater holding little Seron. He looked at the mountains in the distance and couldn't help but let out a long howl.

"Friend Zhang Ping, it's best not to make too much noise in the wild, otherwise it's easy to attract powerful alien beasts, which is a very dangerous behavior." Next to Zhang Ping, a square gem floated, and Su Qingbo's voice came from the gem.

Zhang Ping nodded repeatedly and said, "Well, I know, it's mainly because I'm too happy today. Senior Su, Senior Ye, are you sure you want to follow me?"

"Hehe, after waking up, I feel that the days in the wild are too boring. It just so happens that I also want to do something for Mingzhu City." Ye Changchun's voice came from another square gem.

Su Qingbo said seriously, "Yes, Brother Ye and I both trust the character of friend Zhang Ping. Instead of fighting alone, it's better to act with you."

In fact, they made this decision after watching Zhang Ping's three orders to little Seron.

Be kind. (Limited kindness does not mean kindness to everyone.)

Grow up healthy. (The cells will not be diseased, and the body will not grow abnormally, but if it is affected by an external virus, it will still get sick.)

Don't be controlled by the beast.

Especially the last one, not being controlled by the beast, can be said to be crucial.

In the past, it is not that no one in Mingzhu City has thought about raising alien beasts.

In particular, many alien beasts are very cute and friendly when they are young. They look harmless to humans and animals, but when they grow up, they will quickly become bloodthirsty and cruel, and even attack their caregivers.

After countless bloody lessons, people finally understand that alien beasts will become more beastly when they grow up, and no matter how good the relationship is in childhood, it cannot overcome this beast.

From then on, when the awakened encounters an alien beast, there is only one choice left, that is, to kill.

Zhang Ping's order is equivalent to ensuring that little Seron will not be affected by the beast in his body when he grows up, and his temperament will not change drastically, and he will become a beast that eats raw meat and drinks blood again.

In the eyes of Ye Changchun and Su Qingbo, this is not an order at all but a blessing.

"Zhang Ping, you have the ability to control all living things, but you did not use it to satisfy your own selfish desires. Instead, you turned it into an ability to heal others. You will definitely become a great person in the future." Ye Changchun said seriously.

Su Qingbo agreed: "Yes, I think so too."

"Two seniors, please stop praising me. I feel embarrassed if you continue to praise me." Zhang Ping said shyly.

In his previous life, from childhood to adulthood, the elders' evaluation of him was that he was skinny and lazy, and he could not make a lot of money or get rich. They even worried that he would be too old to do the physical work of the search and rescue team in the future, and his livelihood would become a problem.

There really was no elder who praised him like Ye Changchun and Su Qingbo, although he felt that there should be elders who said it was a pity at his memorial service in his previous life, such as a good young man or a promising young man.

He walked slowly down the mountain, and two square gems floated beside him, and finally fell into his pocket to rest.

These two square gems are actually contract gems-storage contracts.

After contracting Little Seron, Zhang Ping had a feeling that the storage contract could store the summoned beasts he contracted.

Although this feeling came inexplicably, he had had this kind of whim feeling when he advanced before, so it was not unfamiliar.

Finally, after asking Su Qingbo to cooperate with the experiment, he confirmed that he did have such an ability.

This ability may have existed, but he did not have enough summoned beasts in the past, so this ability has never been activated. Now there are suddenly three more "summoned beasts", so the ability is automatically activated. (Actually, it is passive, and it is automatically activated when five summoned beasts are gathered: Zhang Ping, Su Jingyao, Ye Changchun, Su Qingbo, Little Seron.)

Summoned beasts can enter and exit the storage contract freely.

After entering the storage contract, the storage contract can be controlled to float freely within a ten-meter range of the summoner.

According to Su Qingbo, the feeling in the storage contract is very comfortable, and he and Ye Changchun did not want to come out after entering.

Zhang Ping and Little Seron both tried it, and Zhang Ping found that the feeling in the storage contract is similar to the pure-blood body in the female body.

However, he was a bit miserable after entering the storage contract. It might be because he was both a summoner and a summoned beast, so although he could enter the storage contract, he could not control the storage contract to float and move.

However, considering that the storage contract was extremely hard and almost indestructible, hiding in the storage contract could also be used as a means of saving life at critical moments.

"Little Seron, are you really not going back to the storage contract?" Zhang Ping jumped onto a stone, looked at the terrain around him, and then asked the little Seron in his arms.

Little Seron hesitated for a moment, and finally firmly expressed his willingness to accompany Zhang Ping.

In fact, it also likes the feeling of being in the storage contract, but it wants to be with Zhang Ping more.

"Okay, but if you encounter danger later, you should quickly hide in the storage contract, understand?" Zhang Ping stroked its little head and then warned.

The main reason was that his condition was not very good, and he could not guarantee that he could protect Little Seron.

He had just made six contract gems in a row, and his physical and mental strength were almost consumed.

If he hadn't eaten, and his main attributes were physical and mental strength, he would probably have been exhausted now.

"Zhang Ping, how about I come out and take you for a ride?" Ye Changchun's storage contract floated out of his pocket, and seeing Zhang Ping's cautious look along the way, he asked.

Zhang Ping shook his head and said, "Senior Ye, I have no problem, and this is also a kind of experience!"

This is his true thought. He has too many things he wants to do, and all of these things require strength without exception.

He wants to save Mingzhu City, he wants to know what the world looks like, he wants to see more and broader scenery, and he wants to live freely and unrestrainedly in this world.

But there are too many existences in this world that can threaten his life and death, so he must become stronger.

"Just know it in your heart. When you need me and Brother Su, these two old bones, to help, just call on me. Don't be polite." Seeing that Zhang Ping had made up his mind, Ye Changchun returned to Zhang Ping's pocket after speaking.

Zhang Ping nodded and said, "Well, I know. Thank you, Senior Ye. If it really comes to that, I will definitely not be polite!"

"Haha, that's good." Ye Changchun's voice came from his pocket.

Zhang Ping continued to go down the mountain. When he reached the foot of the mountain, he checked the location and then went into the woods.

Walking through the forest, his body quickly turned into a pure water body, and at the same time, the dark mist covered his body surface, forming the first layer of defense.

There was still some time before the sun went down, so he planned to slowly move towards the agreed meeting direction, and see if he could encounter a few mutant beasts with similar strength as him as training objects.

In case those black mountain bow-back ants caught up with him.

He would circle with the black mountain bow-back ants again. If they didn't catch up, he would meet up with Feng Laixian and the others in the evening and go directly to Base 08.

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