I Contracted Myself

【438】Don’t be angry, don’t be angry

A month later, Wuming logged into the Divine Treasure Space from the Nameless Sea after a long absence.

He showed up at the Akita hut and saw Zhang Shouzhong with sores on his mouth and tongue and looking angry. He couldn't help but ask: "Fat man, what's wrong recently? You eat too much barbecue?"

"It's okay, I'm just annoyed by those bullies on the Internet." Zhang Shouzhong shook his head.

Wuming smiled and said: "People can say whatever they like. Why are you angry? The life span of most practitioners is only tens of thousands of years, and the most amazing ones are only millions of years. What about you? To live forever, you must have the magnanimity of eternal life."

"See for yourself before you speak!" Zhang Shouzhong threw the oracle stone to Wuming.

Ten minutes later, Wuming gritted his teeth and pulled down. Finally, he silently closed the oracle network and said to himself: "Don't be angry, don't be angry, I'm not angry."


Cheng Xuejie placed a glass of juice in front of Wuming and looked at Wuming speechlessly.

"Thank you." Wuming placed the oracle stone beside the table angrily and said to Cheng Xuejie.

Cheng Xuejie nodded and said, "Well, if you're feeling angry, drink more."

"You know how irritating those dogs are, right? Eternal life must have the power of eternal life?" Zhang Shouzhong said with a smile while drinking juice.

Wuming sighed: "When did I play with girls' feelings? And when did I get an old sow pregnant? These guys are talking nonsense, don't they have to be responsible?"

"Nowadays, the posts on the Internet are true and false. For people who don't know you, there is no way to tell the truth. The so-called three people become a tiger. Under the brainwashing of a large amount of online information, they have probably changed from half-belief to full-blown doubt. I believe that a wild boar man even came out to accuse you of seducing his wife." Zhang Shouzhong sighed.

Wuming gritted his teeth and said, "No, I have to clarify. Fortunately, I have more evidence."

"Don't you care?" Zhang Shouzhong said amusedly.

Wuming said unhappily: "But I didn't expect it to be so outrageous. Look at those little pigs, their heads are 70% similar to mine. If I know who did it, I will kill him!"

He was talking about a post. The poster posted a video. There was an old sow lying in a pig pen. There were a group of piglets sucking milk next to the old sow. The heads of each piglet were actually the same as Nameless and similar.

The poster swore that this was definitely a good thing that Wuming did secretly!

The most disgusting thing is that this post is extremely popular, with a frighteningly high number of clicks and replies. It is roughly estimated that at least hundreds of billions of people have viewed it. I don’t know if anyone has downloaded the video and posted it to the world.

Can this be tolerated?

It's so outrageous that his mother opened the door for outrageous things. It's outrageous.

Wuming originally thought that everyone would just be indignant about Gong Xiang and call him a bad character, a villain and so on.

After all, he had also experienced the Internet era in his previous life, and he knew very well that netizens had no memory. When something more popular happened, no one would care about the previous events.

However, judging from the current development of the situation, he can only say that he was careless and he should come out as soon as possible to clarify the facts.

He first recorded a video, then packaged all the contents of the Gong Xiang incident, and finally posted it on the Internet. At the end of the video, he warned those who slandered him that it is best not to let them know who posted the post, otherwise they will You will definitely let the other person know what life is worse than death.

It has to be said that celebrities and sidekicks make different waves on the Internet.

Zhang Shouzhong posted a lot of posts that went unnoticed. Wuming's post went viral in just a few minutes.

Although some netizens are still making fun of the old sow man, more people still watch Wuming's video seriously.

A netizen named Qingyue Hailang replied: "The video can be faked. After all, it is just the words of an unknown family. Everyone can just watch."

Miraculous: "Hahahaha, the old sow man finally couldn't help but come out. Let's come together and let the pig killer avenge Gong Xiang."

Keobizhi: "It is estimated that he has destroyed the corpse and arranged everything, so he dared to post it. Even if we want to check now, we can only find the so-called evidence he wants us to see."

Jiang Qingyue: "From the entire video, the context of the incident is very clear. I do believe what Wuming said. However, I think it would be better for Wuming not to help anyone who asks for help in the future, so as to avoid a similar situation happening again. At that time, there really was I can't explain it clearly." Mu Xiyang: "The truth has been covered in dust. It's useless to say anything now."

Yuchu Banxia: "I believe Mr. Anonymous, don't pay attention to the previous content, the following is the most important point, the sacrifice to the gods has appeared again!"

Guest from the Other Side of the Star: "Fortunately, I'm not the only one who noticed the God of Sacrifice. I didn't expect that the God of Sacrifice who had disappeared for hundreds of years would appear again. To be honest... the possibility of this video being fake is very low. After all, if Mr. Anonymous was just trying to clarify himself, There is no need to involve the gods."

He Yushan: "I have gone to the Heavenly Beast World to investigate, and I have also communicated with the world consciousness of the Heavenly Beast World. Wuming did not lie, and Wuming saved the Heavenly Beast World. This is completely repaying evil with evil. I believe what Mr. Wuming said, who If you say bad things about Mr. Anonymous again, don’t blame me for being rude.”

Yi Zhanxue: "I went to Gong Xiang's world, and I did find many clues. I don't know if it was forged by Wuming, but I personally prefer that Wuming was wrongly accused."

Gradually, the direction of public opinion began to change.

Many people have their own ways to verify whether what Wuming said is true. Some bored powerful people even went to the world of heavenly beasts to have a "friendly" exchange with the world consciousness of the world of heavenly beasts.

In the face of more and more evidence, it is obvious that Wuming is wronged. At least most of the strong people already know it.

However, this further strengthened the idea of ​​these strong people not to help others. After all, helping others will cause trouble. Why bother?

Wuming saw that the post had been affirmed by many people, and smiled and closed the post. Seeing that the post of the old sow was still on the hot list, he clicked in directly and left a message: "Don't let me know who you are, otherwise you will be a pig for all your lives!"

After that, he closed the post and also closed the oracle network.

He looked up outside the Akita hut, and a man wearing glasses and a scholar's robe nodded, and then walked in slowly.

"Hello, Mr. Wuming, I am Fang Xingyue. As you can see, I am a mage." The man smiled slightly.

Wuming complained in his heart, I didn't realize you were a mage, but he remained calm and asked, "Hello, you came to see me...what's the matter?"

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