I Contracted Myself

【439】Talking about the evil god

"I came here to offer sacrifice to the gods." Fang Xingyue replied.

Wuming asked him to sit down, and then replied: "I did see the divine chicken sent by the gods, but the gods themselves did not appear."

"I know that if the gods dare to appear openly, then he is not an evil god." Fang Xingyu smiled.

Wuming nodded, agreeing with Fang Xingyue's statement. In fact, he did not think that the gods dared to appear in person at that time. After all, there were too many wanted bounties on the gods, and too many big men were eyeing the heavens and the worlds, just wanting to take it down.

According to the books bought in Xundao Pavilion, Wuming knew that there were two kinds of evil gods, one was a practitioner who was identified as an evil god, and the other was a real evil god.

The gods were actually the former. They were actually practitioners of a certain kingdom of gods. Later, they obtained a broken practice and realized some taboo knowledge, so they continued to destroy other worlds and used countless worlds as nutrients to nourish their own kingdom of gods.

This behavior was naturally considered evil, so the god of sacrifice was identified as an evil god. Some practitioners whose hometowns were destroyed by the god of sacrifice united and issued a sky-high reward for the god of sacrifice. Gradually, the god of sacrifice became a rat crossing the street.

Another kind of evil god is the real evil god. They no longer have a normal self. They are completely chaotic and disorderly. Moreover, this kind of evil god is often a big boss. Because of the failure of breakthrough or contact with some power that they cannot bear, this is the change from normal to abnormal.

This kind of evil god is generally dealt with. Those who can be killed are killed, those who cannot be killed are sealed, and those who cannot be sealed can only be exiled.

Of course, there are even some terrifying existences that cannot be exiled, so they can only stay away from them.

If you can't afford to provoke them, can't you hide?

The book that Wuming read introduced two evil gods of this kind. Because of the existence of these two evil gods, there are two life forbidden areas in the heavens and all worlds.

The first is the human-moon forbidden area. The location of the forbidden area has been hidden. Practitioners who approach that area will be repatriated.

According to the records in the book, there is an evil god with a moon face in the Human-Moon Forbidden Zone. It is called the Human-Moon Evil God by the practitioners. Its head is very big, almost the same size as the moon, and its body is much smaller. It looks like someone has drawn a "big" character under the moon, which is very strange.

The Human-Moon Evil God is a type that cannot be killed. Countless practitioners have used countless means, but they have not been able to destroy its body. Moreover, if they are exposed to the moonlight of the Human-Moon Evil God for a long time, they will slowly be assimilated by the Human-Moon Evil God, and finally become a moon head like the Human-Moon Evil God.

Fortunately, the Human-Moon Evil God is not very aggressive, and even has no desire to move. It is like a corpse hanging in the air, always in that position, so it only needs to ban the entire area to solve the harm caused by the Human-Moon Evil God.

The second evil god is called the Demon Light Evil God.

According to the records, the predecessor of the Demon Light Evil God was the Holy Light Great Sage Lu Ai Luo Bi Ji, a respected elder who once guided the direction for countless confused practitioners and cultivated a large number of strong people.

On the day he accepted his last disciple and that disciple graduated, he went crazy.

A hole appeared in his chest, and then the hole emitted a golden warm light. He was the first target to be illuminated by the light, so his body was turned into a ball of light.

Light merged with light to form a ball of light.

Any target illuminated by the light ball would be transformed into light and absorbed by the light ball. There were also some practitioners who were lucky enough to cut off their limbs immediately after being illuminated by the light. As a result, they did not turn into light, but gradually became crazy and seemed to become fanatics of the ball of light.

These fanatics would capture creatures everywhere and send them to the position where the magic light could illuminate, so as to continuously strengthen the ball of light.

In the end, after the Holy Light Society paid a huge price and sacrificed countless Holy Light Messengers, the Magic Light Evil God was transferred to a specific area. Ninety-nine percent of the Holy Light Society's power was stationed on the periphery of this restricted area, forever guarding the Magic Light Evil God.

Let's get back to the point.

Next, Wuming and Fang Xingyue continued to talk about the news of the sacrifice to the gods. After some probing, Wuming finally knew Fang Xingyue's identity.

Fang Xingyue's cultivation direction is a mage, which does not mean that his profession is a mage.

He is a bounty hunter, and a bounty hunter with his own team. He attaches great importance to some information that Wuming has, and hopes to get more information about the sacrifice to the gods from Wuming. "Are there many bounty hunters like Fang Xingyue in the God's Hidden Space?" Wuming asked curiously.

Fang Xingyue nodded and said, "There are many, and most of them actually have other livelihoods. They only become bounty hunters at certain times. After all, everyone is a cultivator and has powerful power. Identity is not particularly important, unless it is an identity like a regional controller."

"Well, but I don't have more information about the sacrifice to the gods. After I killed the divine chicken, I returned directly to my original world and did not try to track the sacrifice to the gods in reverse." Wuming nodded and continued to speak truthfully.

Obviously Fang Xingyue suspected that he might have gone to track Ji Shen during his disappearance. After all, there are many people in the cultivation world who can calculate the position of their opponents by knowing some information about them.

Although Ji Shen's anti-reconnaissance ability is very strong, Wuming is the first in the Shenzang Trial. Who can guarantee that he has some tracking ability that surpasses the ordinary means of the cultivation world?

"Mr. Wuming, I am very sincere. If you can provide some information, I can give you 10% of the reward!" Fang Xingyue looked at Wuming seriously.

Wuming said helplessly: "Really, no, whether you believe it or not, I really don't know."

"Okay, excuse me!" Fang Xingyue sighed helplessly, and then said politely.

He got up and left the Akita hut. When he walked to the end of the street, several practitioners came up to him. One of the bird-headed people asked: "Boss Fang, did Wuming say anything?"

"No, maybe he really doesn't know anything." Fang Xingyue shook his head helplessly.

A big bearded man squinted and said: "It may also be that he wants to take all the rewards for himself!"

"Well, catwoman, you keep an eye on the Akita hut. I'll go to the world of heavenly beasts again, and maybe I can find some clues." Fang Xingyue nodded.

A petite and cute catwoman nodded and said: "I know, meow, I will keep an eye on Wuming's every move."

"No need to keep an eye on his every move. Once he leaves the Shenzang space, you will notify me immediately." Fang Xingyue said.

He didn't have a way to track the god of sacrifice, but he had a way to track Wuming. After Wuming left the God's Hidden Space, he would find a way to track Wuming.

Maybe Wuming was hunting the god of sacrifice, and he could take advantage of the situation.

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