I Contracted Myself

【440】Reward amount

Akita cabin.

Zhang Shouzhong then asked: "Wu Ming, do you want to go find a sacrifice to the gods?"

"I won't go." Wuming replied.

Although he has a way to find the sacrifice god, he has no idea how strong the sacrifice god is. What if he teleports over and is slapped to death by the sacrifice god?

And he didn't deceive Fang Xingyue. He really had no clues related to the sacrifice to the gods, just an aura intercepted from the divine chicken.

He can use the Ten Thousand Degrees Search Array to directly use this breath as a guide to teleport around the God of Sacrifice, but this is meaningless, because if he really teleports there, he will definitely not be too far away from the God of Sacrifice. With an existence of the level of Sacrifice God, he Exposure is almost inevitable.

If he goes to fight head-on without knowing the enemy's strength, then he must be out of his mind.

Next, Wuming opened the Oracle Network and took a look. Although his reputation has not been completely reversed, more and more people on the fence have regained their senses. After all, Wuming has intervened, and it will not look good if they continue to be one-sided.

After all, everyone still has to look at their strength in the real world. If his speech on the Oracle Network is too bad and is remembered by Wuming, it will not look good if he actually interacts with Wuming in the future.

"Damn it, the reward for worshiping the gods is so exaggerated." Zhang Shouzhong said at this time.

Wuming smiled and said: "It's not a lot, I can collect the entire bounty in a few years."

"Your news must be out of date, see for yourself." Zhang Shouzhong threw the oracle stone to Wuming.

Wuming used his telekinesis to control the oracle stone in front of him. He was stunned when he saw the reward for offering sacrifices to the gods. He was surprised: "It has increased by that much?"

"Maybe the sacrifice to the gods has provoked someone else." Cheng Xuejie sat in front of Wuming and guessed.

Dahuang lay down next to Zhang Shouzhong and said: "It's not surprising. There are so many people who have offended the gods. It's better that it doesn't show up on its own. Once it is discovered, the reward in the sacred space will definitely be mentioned. After all, there were rewards for it in the past." People are getting richer and richer, and they can increase reward funds at any time.”

"I see, so the increase in the bounty is related to my post?" Wuming asked in surprise.

Dahuang nodded and said: "It must be related. Mr. Wuming, you are so famous. Your post will definitely be read by a large number of practitioners in a short time after it is posted. As long as a person who has a grudge against the sacrifice god sees it, the entire revenge group will be notified immediately. As a result, the reward for worshiping the gods has increased again."

"Does the sacrifice to the gods have an account in the Divine Tibetan Space?" Zhang Shouzhong asked.

Dahuang shook his head and said: "I don't know, but I tend to have it. After all, there are many worlds devoured by the gods. I guarantee that space crystals will be discovered in a certain world."

"So it knows that the reward has been increased." Cheng Xuejie said with a smile.

Wuming also laughed and said: "I guess it will be very frightened. Judging from Fang Xingyue's reaction, it is estimated that the sacrifice of gods has been very low-key in the world. If I hadn't accidentally encountered this incident, I'm afraid it would It’s really possible to secretly eat the world of beasts.”

But to be honest, Wuming felt a little moved when he saw the reward for offering sacrifices to the gods.

A treasure from the Divine Treasure Trial, plus a thousand-year reward of two hundred levels of resource towers, a core of the world, and a technique that has a one-in-a-ten thousand chance of transcendence.

This is an exaggeration.

It is worth mentioning that although the rewards from the Shenzo Trial are difficult to trade, they are actually not impossible to trade.

The capture of Rhubarb's collar was a form of trading. Once taken out of the Divine Treasure Trial, it could actually be used to plunder other people's Divine Treasure Trial rewards.

Similarly, many trialists have brought out various rewards in the past, and props similar to trading prizes are not unavailable.

As for the two-hundred-story resource tower reward in one thousand years, although Wuming was a little excited, it was actually not particularly attractive. At most, it only narrowed the financial gap between him and the old practitioners in the Shenzang space.

He doesn't particularly want the core of the world.

Although he has not yet seen the knowledge about the core of the world, Xiao Xi has recorded all the knowledge from the books he bought at Xundao Pavilion before, so he can give him the answer when he is confused.

The core of the world is actually a special material. It is not the core of the real world, but the core material used to build the Kingdom of God.

A god built using the core of the world will be extremely stable and have countless prototypes of world rules. The rules of the kingdom of god can be changed according to the thoughts of the main god.

The Kingdom of God created with the core of the world and the Kingdom of God created without the core of the world are completely two versions. The former is several blocks behind the latter.

However, Wuming does not practice the system related to the Kingdom of God, and naturally has no need for the core of the world, so this reward is not attractive to him.

Wuming was very moved by the final transcendental technique.

At least so far, he has not heard of any techniques that can make practitioners transcend, and he actually doesn't know if there are other realms after transcendence.

The main reason is that there are basically no divisions such as realms in the current practice world. Everyone determines the strength of each other based on how many levels they have.

Of course, the realm itself still exists, but this realm is for your own use and cannot be used by everyone.

For example, in cultivating immortals, both worlds have a foundation-building period, but after two practitioners in the foundation-building period enter the divine treasure space, one can reach the 20th floor in the resource tower, and the other can only reach the 10th floor. Although they both call themselves the foundation-building period , but strength is completely different.

So most practitioners can determine what realm they have reached based on the skills, and generally talk about their own level to the outside world.

The Transcendent can be said to be an extremely powerful warning that Wuming knows about. Although he doesn't know if it is the strongest, the realm he pursues for the time being is definitely transcendent.

He really wants this skill.

But he thought about what Ji Shen had done in the past, and finally gave up the idea. After all, Ji Shen must have some ability to survive under the watchful eyes of countless practitioners in the heavens and the worlds.

If he goes to the door and finds that he can't beat him, it will be bad.

In the next few days, Wuming stayed in the Akita hut honestly, on the one hand to monitor the direction of public opinion in the Oracle network, and on the other hand to eat and drink with everyone and relax.

In the past, he studied the data of the world of heavenly beasts and improved various formations. Although he didn't feel tired physically, his mind was very tired, so he didn't plan to make any big moves in the short term.

In other words: temporarily being a salted fish is just for better flopping in the future.

"Wuming, didn't you get another space crystal before? Why don't you bring Renmei in? With Renmei's strength, the resources will be doubled." Cheng Xuejie looked up at the sky while cleaning the backyard, then she looked at Wuming who was sitting on a recliner reading a book, and thought of Wuming's wife, so she couldn't help but say.

She had a good relationship with Lin Renmei, and she hadn't seen Lin Renmei for a long time.

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