I Contracted Myself

【441】Quickly pass the level

"Yeah, I almost forgot about it."

Wuming closed the book and hit himself on the head.

The main reason is that after he obtained the data about the world of beasts, he immediately plunged into the endless ocean of knowledge. After finishing his work, he was very angry because his post was hacked on the Oracle network, and he forgot about it as soon as he went back and forth. .

He immediately returned to the Nameless Sea, and a few minutes later, he and Lin Renmei appeared in the backyard of Akita's hut.

Lin Renmei was wearing a battle suit made of the sea water of the Nameless Sea. The first thing she did when she came in was to observe her surroundings. After seeing Cheng Xuejie, she relaxed and said with a smile: "Senior, long time no see."

"It didn't take long." Cheng Xuejie complained.

Seeing Cheng Xuejie's youthful appearance, Lin Renmei couldn't help but smile, nodded and said, "Yeah, it didn't take long."

In fact, Cheng Xuejie was unwilling to meet them as she grew older. Lin Renmei knew that a long time had passed, but just looking at Cheng Xuejie's familiar appearance, she felt as if it had only been a while.

"There are always a lot of things that I can't keep even if I want to. It's really great that I can keep them now." She stepped forward and gave Cheng Xuejie a gentle hug, saying with emotion.

Cheng Xuejie's eyes suddenly became moist. Back then, she took Lin Renmei, who had just been released from prison, to familiarize herself with everything in modern society. Unknowingly, so many years had passed.

"Is the atmosphere a little too sensational?" Dahuang asked weakly to Zhang Shouzhong next to him.

Zhang Shouzhong rolled his eyes and complained: "You know you still say it?"

Everyone present had poor hearing, and Dahuang's words immediately ruined the atmosphere.

Lin Renmei let go of Cheng Xuejie, and the two of them couldn't help laughing. Then the atmosphere in the backyard became cheerful again.

The next day, Lin Renmei, accompanied by Wuming, went to the resource tower, preparing to challenge the resource tower.

The two stopped in front of the resource tower, and Wuming warned: "Don't be too strong, just do what you can."

"Don't worry, I'm measured." Lin Renmei smiled.

After she finished speaking, she entered the resource tower and appeared in the first level.

Wuming's first level was a Japanese-style room. That was because in his subconscious, a certain island country was an enemy. In the non-supernatural realm, only the people from that country were suitable to be enemies.

But Lin Renmei's first level was obviously different.

She appeared in a grassland in the first level, and then a translucent light curtain appeared in front of her, which read: Welcome new challengers, first level, Wuding Monkey*20, Elite Wuding Monkey*1, please prepare to fight.

After the light curtain dissipated, a group of monkeys appeared around her.

"The first level is a bit weak."

Lin Renmei glanced at the monkeys around her and thought to herself.

Then she lightly stomped her foot, and suddenly the ground shook violently. The earth was torn apart, a terrifying shock wave swept around, and all the monkeys screamed and died.

The first level is over.

Compared to Wu Ming, who wanted to test the strength of the first level, so he deliberately let himself go and fought with the monsters in the first level, Lin Renmei obviously had no such idea, she just wanted a quick victory.

Next, she struck swiftly and swiftly. When encountering monsters, she would either end the fight with one punch or simply use a biological force field to suppress them. Almost no monster could stay in her hand for more than a second.

In just a few minutes, she reached the 190th level.

One hundred and ninety-nine floors.

Lin Renmei looked at the swordsman appearing in front of her and finally became a little more serious.

The swordsman in front of her was wearing very ordinary linen clothes. He looked like a farmer working day and night, but the sword in his hand gave her an extremely dangerous feeling.

This feeling is hard to describe. It is completely different from the enemies in the Lashao universe.

"Sure enough, the world is broader!"

Lin Renmei's biological force field was placed on her body, but it was a pity that Wuming did not fight alongside her, otherwise her strength would have become stronger.

With the bond formed by the God Insect, she is at her strongest when fighting with Wuming. Now she is just like Wuming.

Suddenly, the swordsman moved.

He pulled out the long sword from the scabbard, and instantly it was like a cold white light flashed past. Using his left foot as xs., a terrifying sword light split the world.

Lin Renmei had already started to dodge when he struck, but it was as if she had been preparing for this sword for a long time. She had carefully considered the angle, position, etc. of her dodge. She could not dodge this sword at all.

After realizing that she couldn't dodge, she immediately gave up dodging, and when the world split in front of her, she punched out.


The earth exploded and the world collapsed. There was another layer of world outside the collapsed world, and this layer of world also collapsed immediately.

Layer after layer of the world was shattered into pieces due to the collision of their moves, and the countless fragments also showed scenes of thunderstorms, suns falling, and planets collapsing.

Lin Renmei wiped the bottom of her nose. She had a nosebleed.

In the attack just now, although she used offense instead of defense, her defense was too late after all, and the sword energy was too close to her.

"Obviously, your aura is not as strong as mine, and your body is far inferior to mine, but this attack can already hurt my body. You are very strong!" Lin Renmei said seriously as she looked at the swordsman standing motionless in the void.

In terms of overall strength, she is far superior to the swordsman, but when it comes to attack alone, this swordsman is stronger than her.

In this level, she had already dealt with the first enemy. This swordsman was the second enemy. The introduction said ‘Unknown Swordsman’, so she didn’t know where this swordsman came from.

But just as she was about to counterattack, the swordsman standing still in the void suddenly staggered, and then his body could no longer maintain balance and quickly fell from the void.


He actually fell to death.

Lin Renmei watched the nameless swordsman die like this, and for a moment she couldn’t accept it. She began to take it seriously. The enemy died first?

“What is this!”

Lin Renmei murmured unhappily, and the space around her immediately began to change.

The next enemy was not as amazing as the nameless swordsman. Although the overall strength was improved, it did not give her a sense of danger.

Finally, she resisted her impatience and didn’t want to continue until she reached the 210th floor.

After giving up, she walked out of the resource tower and said to Wuming: "It's so boring inside, and the opponents keep changing, it's easy to get tired."

"That's indeed a problem, but it's more likely that you're not a belligerent person." Wuming laughed.

He actually liked the resource tower very much, and was ready to challenge again after his level was upgraded. He was a little surprised that Lin Renmei was not interested.

He originally thought that Lin Renmei would like it.

The two returned to the Akita hut, and Da Huang immediately asked curiously: "Master Wuming, Master Renmei, you are back, which floor did Master Renmei reach?"

"Yes, which floor?" Wuming realized it later and asked.

Lin Renmei replied: "It's an integer, exactly 210 floors."

"210 floors!!!"

Da Huang shouted exaggeratedly.

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