I Contracted Myself

【442】New help seeker

As a dog, Dahuang may have the dog-licking attribute hidden in his genes.

After knowing that Lin Renmei reached the 210th floor of the resource tower, Dahuang directly became Lin Renmei's dog-licking, with an extremely humble attitude.

"Mr. Renmei, the juice you asked for is here."

Dahuang used telekinesis to control the juice, and after bringing it to Lin Renmei, he asked flatteringly: "Mr. Renmei, please try to see if the temperature is right. If the temperature is not right, I can change it immediately."

"Well, thank you." Lin Renmei nodded and said with a smile.

Dahuang immediately narrowed his eyes and smiled: "You're welcome. It is Dahuang's blessing to serve Mr. Renmei."

"Dahuang, I want a drink too." Zhang Shouzhong couldn't help but speak at this time.

Dahuang said unhappily: "You have hands and you want me, who has no hands, to squeeze juice for you? Do it yourself."


Zhang Shouzhong looked at Wuming speechlessly, and Wuming shrugged, indicating that he had no choice.

This dog doesn't care about other people's opinions at all. When it decides to lick someone, moral integrity doesn't exist at all.

In the next few days, Gouzi was not in the store every day. He had mastered many channels for processing resources. In addition to keeping some for himself, he could also exchange some resources for resource coins in a short time.

During the time he was away, Wuming and Zhang Shouzhong took turns to look after the store, while Lin Renmei and Cheng Xuejie made an appointment to go shopping to see what beautiful clothes and jewelry the stores in Shenzang Space had.

Two days later, Wuming sat behind the counter reading a book and looked after Dahuang.

At this time, Luo Xiang walked in a little embarrassed. He walked to the counter and whispered, "Mr. Wuming, good afternoon."

"Oh, good afternoon." Wuming looked up, nodded after seeing Luo Xiang, and then responded.

Luo Xiang rubbed his hands and said, "I met a friend. The world she lives in is in danger, so... can you help her?"

"You... let her in first!" Wuming pondered for a moment and said helplessly.

Luo Xiang nodded, and immediately went out of the store to pull in the girl hiding in the corner outside the store. The girl was wearing dirty clothes and had a dishevelled face. She didn't look like someone in the Shenzang space at all.

"Mr. Wu...Mr. Wuming...Hello!" The girl said with some stammering.

Wuming nodded and smiled, "Hello, don't be nervous, you can talk slowly if you have something to say. Anyway, I'm free now."

"Mr. Wuming is a good person, Xiaokui, don't worry, tell Mr. Wuming about the situation in your world, and Mr. Wuming will definitely make the right judgment." Luo Xiang said in a low voice.

The girl nodded and said, "Mr. Wuming, I... my name is Qiu Kui. My world has been invaded by a group of bugs. This kind of bug can lay eggs on all... all... all female animals, and then give birth to... give birth to terrible monsters. Many animals have become their food. Although we are all trying to resist the invasion of these monsters, Grandpa Qiutian, Dad, Uncle Lin, Mr. Wang... they died one after another in battle, and my mother was also captured by the monsters. Please, please save us!"

"What do those bugs look like?" Wuming's expression gradually became serious and he asked.

At least so far, he can be sure that Qiu Kui is not lying. As for whether it will be similar to Gong Xiang's situation, it is hard to say.

He doesn't like to make a presumption of guilt. Before he finds a problem, he would rather believe what Qiu Kui said.

Qiu Kui replied: "It... they all look different. I... I have records."

As she said that, she took out an old mobile phone, which looked a bit like the original version of a smart phone.

She quickly called up the photo, put it on the counter, and moved her finger in front of Wuming.

Wuming put the book on his thigh and picked up his phone to check. The bug in the photo was indeed a bug. It was not a cockroach or a mantis, but a long, fat bug.

Then he swiped to the second photo, which showed a half-human, half-bug monster. Its lower body was human, and its upper body was a soft bug. Because the bug had no spine, its upper body hung down behind it, with only two tentacles sticking out from the bottom, like two fangs.

Later, Qiu Kui took a lot of messy photos, all kinds of bugs, and the situation of humans in that world.

After watching them, Wuming couldn't be sure, these bugs really have the ability to destroy modern society?

Looking at the soft body, it was hard for him to imagine what kind of attack they could launch, and how to defend against modern weapons.

"Can you tell me how they fight?" Wuming returned the phone to Qiu Kui and asked.

Qiu Kui nodded and said, "At present... I... our leader divides the bugs into two types. One type... is... the original bug, which is the bug in the first photo. The second type is... mutant bugs. Because they lay... eggs in other creatures, and finally randomly produce various bugs with genes of these creatures... or atavistic creatures. I have also seen a bug that looks like a dinosaur, with only two tentacles left. I didn't dare to take a photo because I was too... too scared at the time."

Then she realized that she had not answered the question, and her face suddenly turned red. She held the phone tightly in her hand and gritted her teeth and said, "The primitive worms will spray out poisonous liquid, and the animal skin will be paralyzed when sprayed. The mutant worms have many ways of attack, each of which is different. Moreover, their skin is very tough, and bullets cannot penetrate their skin at all. If you want to kill them, you can only use cold weapons made of superalloys, but it is very dangerous to fight them in close combat. You may be paralyzed by them without knowing it."

Maybe because she was a little anxious, she didn't stutter this time.

"Don't you say that it only lays eggs on female creatures?" Wuming asked after hearing it.

Qiu Kui was stunned, blushed and nodded, "Yes, yes, I... I was wrong, men will be poisoned, and women... will lay eggs."

"It's just poisonous and can defend against bullet attacks, so it shouldn't destroy human civilization, right?" Wuming said, touching his chin after hearing it.

He really couldn't believe that such a weak creature could destroy human civilization.

You know, in addition to bullets, humans have more powerful weapons.

"Mr. Wuming, they are very fast and have strong self-healing ability. We have tried to use flame weapons and electric shock weapons to deal with insects, but the effect is not good. Even poison attacks are not very effective." Qiu Kui explained quickly.

Wuming listened and nodded and said: "This makes sense. If the number of invasions is large enough to destroy the order of human society in an instant, then these insects can indeed completely destroy human civilization."

He believed what Qiu Kui said, at least the situation in her world must be like this, but should he take action?

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