I Contracted Myself


Next, Wuming couldn't resist the enthusiastic Lin Renmei and Cheng Xuejie, so he had to change into a set of close-fitting and ultra-thin clothes, and then acted as a model in the backyard to change into the clothes they bought.

The first set of clothes was a pure white ancient costume. After Wuming put it on, he looked at the two speechlessly. This dress didn't match his temperament at all.

"How should I put it, it's so strange." Cheng Xuejie looked at Wuming with a smile, and finally muttered.

Lin Renmei frowned and muttered to herself: "It shouldn't be like this, Wuming should be quite suitable."

"I feel like a bandit wearing the clothes of a sword fairy now." Wuming said speechlessly.

Zhang Shouzhong yawned at this time. When he saw Wuming, he was stunned at first, and then he couldn't help laughing. When he found that Lin Renmei looked at him unkindly, he immediately covered his mouth.

"Hair, it's hair!" He said in a low voice.

Wuming usually has short hair, and this set of clothes obviously needs long hair to look good.

Hearing this, Wuming immediately controlled his hair and changed his image to one with long flowing hair. As expected, he looked normal, like a handsome man from a costume drama.

"Hair has such a big impact." Cheng Xuejie was surprised.

It turns out that a person's temperament can really change because of the change of hairstyle.

"Continue to change into the next set." Lin Renmei smiled with satisfaction.

Wuming had no choice but to continue changing clothes, and change his hairstyle with the clothes he changed, doomsday style cockscomb head, mysterious style thin long curly hair, evil style side bangs half covering his face...

Under the chatter of Lin Renmei and Cheng Xuejie, Wuming finally lay on the ground and refused to continue. Being a model for them is much more difficult than saving the world.

"I remember, I still have a world to save, I'm leaving first, bye!"

Finally, Wuming couldn't stand the expectant eyes of Lin Renmei and Cheng Xuejie, so he immediately took out the sub-crystal and ran away.

In the bushes in the backyard, Catwoman saw Wuming suddenly disappear, her eyes lit up immediately, and she turned and left the Akita hut.

Earth planet.

The bustling city of the past has died, and countless bugs are chasing prey in its wreckage.

Several surviving residents are running wildly in the alley with canned food and drinking water in their hands, and several bugs of different shapes are chasing them.

Bugs are just the name humans give to these creatures, because when they first appeared, they were in the form of bugs, but later they laid eggs in various organisms, and gradually changed into various forms, but everyone still habitually calls them bugs.

Wuming appeared on the roof of a building. At this time, he was wearing sportswear, and his breath gradually emerged from nothing, like a drop of water silently blending into the sea.

This is an advanced use of the biological force field body, which can shield the prying of most creatures, so that when he sneaks into a certain world, he will not attract the attention of the strong in this world.

Now, he is no different from the humans on this planet. As long as he does not use too much power, he can hide it from other practitioners.

The bio-force field that was sometimes there and sometimes not spread out from him. This bio-force field was very weak, just like the bio-force field emitted by ordinary creatures, but the bio-force field emitted by ordinary creatures could not be controlled, while his bio-force field was actually controllable.

This was like the heat emitted from the creatures. Although it was weak and difficult to detect, it did exist and was constantly interacting with the environment.

"That's the bug. As expected, they all look...very individual."

Wuming walked to the edge of the building and looked down. The three survivors ran wildly from the alley, and then the bugs chased them.

The bug running in the front was probably bred from the body of a cat. Most of its body was cat, and only its feet looked like a bug, but its soft limbs did not make it slower, but made it run faster.

Behind the cat-cat bug was a mouse bug. Only its tail retained the characteristics of a bug. Wuming felt that its tail should be highly toxic, and ordinary creatures would probably be paralyzed if they touched it.

Wuming controlled the bio-force field to float towards the bugs, and at the same time he also ran, just following behind these bugs. When the bio-force field touched these bugs, he frowned slightly.

In fact, from the beginning, he felt that the bugs described by Qiu Kui were very similar to a fictional monster in a movie he watched on Earth. They also needed to parasitize, then absorb the genes of the mother, and then become more terrible monsters.

It's just that that kind of creature doesn't retain some soft limbs like bugs, so it looks more terrible.

But after Wuming used the bio-force field to contact the bugs, he found that the bugs were not monsters at all, but actually a kind of plant!

In fact, it's not quite accurate to say that they are plants. To be more precise, they are very similar to large slime mold complexes like Tai Sui.

However, they are not large slime mold complexes, but a very special green silk aggregate.

"No wonder bullets are useless and difficult to kill."

After understanding this creature, Wuming finally had a bottom line in his heart.


Shenzang Space

In an antique teahouse, Fang Xingyue listened to Catwoman's report and smiled: "Sure enough, Wuming couldn't help it."

"Is it possible that he really went to save the world?" The bearded man asked with some doubt.

Fang Xingyue smiled and said: "Do you believe it?"

"I don't believe it!" The bearded man shook his head.

Practitioners fight for their lives with the sky. It's good enough to take care of themselves. How many of them have the energy to take care of others?

Of course, small problems can be solved, but saving the world or fighting against some powerful beings every time is not enough.

"Get ready to go!"

Fang Xingyue finished her tea, stood up and said with a smile.

The matter of tracking Wuming should be done as soon as possible. It is best to hide in advance and wait for Wuming and Jishen to be defeated before they can deal with Jishen.

And then he can take a video and send it to the Oracle network to prove that he is Wuming's savior.

Wuming is a person who cherishes his reputation, otherwise he would not have specifically clarified the various rumors on the Internet. At that time, he does not believe that Wuming can do anything to him.

He can even step on Wuming to get to the top and regard himself as the savior of the first place in the Shenzang Trial.


"Help, help, don't kill me, please, let me go!"

A man ran into a dead end and turned around in despair. Seeing the cat-cat bug approaching and about the size of a calf, he begged for mercy with a horrified face.

However, the cat-and-cat bug obviously did not intend to let him go. It directly used its limbs to push and pounced on the man.


When the man closed his eyes and waited for death, there was a loud noise.

He quickly opened his eyes and saw the ferocious cat-and-cat bug lying on the ground unable to move. On its back squatted a man holding a sword with both hands. The sword just pierced the cat-and-cat bug's head.

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