I Contracted Myself


"What are you still doing? Run away!"

Wuming glanced at the man who was so frightened that he wet his pants, and felt angry.

The man reacted, hurriedly avoided Maomao Chu, and ran away from the side. After the man escaped, Wuming twisted his hands hard, and a hole was drilled into Mao Mao Chu's head.

The vitality of insects is very tenacious, even if they are hit by a sword in the head, they will still survive.

In fact, very few bugs are actually killed by humans at present. The vast majority of bugs only temporarily lose the ability to move after being chopped, and will recover again after a period of time.

Wuming pulled out the sword, and sure enough, many green threads appeared in the hole in the cat's head, and these green threads gradually began to repair the wound.

He gently picked up a tiny green thread with the tip of the sword. The green thread squirmed at the tip of the sword. After about a minute, it began to struggle violently, like an earthworm being pierced on a fishhook. Twisting appearance.

After waiting for a while, the green silk stopped moving.

Wuming showed surprise again, because although the green silk was motionless, it was not dead, but had entered a state similar to dormant suspended animation.

In this state, its temperature and moisture are rapidly lost, and finally it becomes completely mummified.

"The tenacity of vitality is simply terrifying." Wuming marveled in his heart.

With a shake of his hand, the mummified green thread on the tip of the sword fell on the edge of Maomaowu's brain. After a while, the green thread suddenly came to life. When intertwined with other green threads, the temperature and moisture They all got the support of the green silk and finally returned to their normal appearance.

"This is a small society!"

Wuming can be sure that each green thread is an independent individual, but they are gathered together to form the original bug.

Then they seem to have the ability to do scientific research and develop different models of bodies after 'laying eggs'.

This is a kind of intelligent life that is completely different from human cognition. Their technology is also completely different from humans. They have the ability to communicate and even have their own social structure.

So funny!

Wuming simply sat on the back of Mao MaoChong, took out a can of kerosene from the storage space and poured it on Mao MaoChong's head. Then he flicked the sword in his hand, and a spark immediately flew out from the sword body. It was just right. It landed on the head of Cat Cat Bug.


The flames burst into flames immediately.

According to the information provided by Okra, bugs have very high resistance to flames, and flames basically cannot burn bugs.

Wuming was curious as to how these green threads could resist the burning of the flames.

In a moment, he saw it.

After the Catworm's head was burned bald, a large number of green threads turned into mummies and appeared on the surface of the Catworm.

They have no ability to absorb heat, but they can quickly cool down through suspended animation. At this time, their bodies become fireproof and antifreeze materials, and no matter how the flame burns, they cannot be burned to death.

"So that's it."

Wuming suddenly realized that it would be really difficult for the flames to kill them.

Because the green threads are very, very, very small, and countless green threads are arranged together, it looks like the head of the cat bug has changed from flesh color to pale color, and there is basically no change in other aspects.

Wuming then tried lightning again, and then he found that the resistance of the green silk after turning into a mummy was very high, almost becoming an insulator.

Unwilling to give up, he took out various poisons, and finally used an extraordinary poison to kill the green thread on the head of the cat, and then the body he was sitting on collapsed.

A large number of green threads spread out and turned into mummies all over the ground.


Wuming stood up from the ground, a little speechless.

Is this considered unity?

Or a basin of loose sand?

Obviously, once they encounter damage that they cannot handle, their strategy is very simple, which is to scatter and feign death.

This is indeed an effective method. Most creatures will definitely not take action after seeing this scene. After all, the enemy is dead and scattered all over the ground, making it unpalatable to eat.

But this time they met Wuming, so they were unlucky.

Wuming immediately took out a huge glass bottle and collected all the green threads. This glass bottle could withstand his full blow. If these green threads could break the bottle and come out, then they would be considered powerful.

After collecting the green silk, Wuming sent the glass bottle to Bubble World No. 1 and asked Chen Weihua to study it to see if he could learn from the green silk's physical abilities to create better props or clothes.

Half an hour later, Chen Weihua contacted him and asked directly: "Where did you get these strange life forms, Wuming, it's great."

"Any new discoveries?" Wuming asked curiously. Chen Weihua immediately replied: "Their body structure is very beautiful. It just so happens that the viruses you sent before can be connected with them. I am about to try to turn them into a controllable group of organisms."

"What's the use?"

Wuming was still more concerned about whether these bugs were useful and what they could be used for.

"There are so many uses for it."

Chen Weihua said with a smile: "We can use them to create biological armor, and we can also use them to create barriers. Even some warehouses can use their suspended animation form to maintain low temperatures. As long as they can be completely controlled, they are the best tools."

"Sounds pretty good." Wuming smiled.

Although these bugs have obvious weaknesses, they can all be repaired slowly. Their essence is the most important.

That kind of suspended animation is really the same as being really dead. If they can't come back to life, Wuming would really think they are dead.

"Wuming, catch more, it seems there is a new discovery!" Chen Weihua suddenly turned around and looked behind, and said excitedly.

Wuming nodded and agreed: "Okay!"

This planet has nothing else, but bugs are all over the streets. With his ability, he can catch as many as he wants.

Next, he left the dead end directly. He didn't need to look for bugs. Soon a bug walked out of a house with blood in its mouth.

Wuming took a look at the cat corpse in its mouth, and the next moment he rushed directly to it.

This bug is a bit like a human, but it is very different from a human. The surface is completely green, and there is a tail behind its buttocks. The head looks like a bug, not a human head.

When it saw Wuming rushing towards it, it immediately opened its mouth, and the cat's body fell to the ground. The next moment it jumped up in a very weird posture and pounced directly on Wuming.


The sword flashed, and its head was directly cut off by Wuming.

It didn't see how Wuming drew the sword and cut off its head. After falling to the ground, its body quickly rushed to the head.

However, Wuming ejected a drop of venom at this time, and the venom fell on its body. In a moment, the body collapsed violently and turned into a large number of white filaments.

In fact, it is too easy to deal with insects if you know their weaknesses.

Wuming walked forward, took out a new glass bottle, and quickly put all the insects in it.

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