I Contracted Myself

【446】Good news

In the next few days, Wuming wandered around the city, catching various forms of bugs.

He found that humans were severely harmed by bugs, but other animals were also harmed. Only various small insects were not harmed by bugs, perhaps because they were too small.

Wuming might even wonder if bugs were created by some insect enthusiast, with the purpose of making the earth ruled by insects from now on.

One day, after Wuming shot an insect in the distance with a poisoned bow and arrow, Chen Weihua contacted him again.

Wuming selected the link and then asked: "Sister Weihua, are there any major breakthroughs in research?"

"There is indeed good news." Chen Weihua sat on the office chair and said with a smile: "In addition to studying biological armor, another team discovered that they first put the bugs into an environment of minus two hundred degrees, and then placed the bugs at ten thousand In a high-temperature environment where cold and heat change too quickly, the insect's body will transform into wood. Grinding the insect in this state into powder can play a role in harmonizing all things. "

"Reconcile all things?" Wuming didn't understand.

Chen Weihua smiled slightly, picked up a red test tube on the table, and said, "Watch it."

She drank the potion, and the next moment scales appeared on her body, her eyes turned golden, and her pupils were flat and sharp.

"Oh, I understand. To put it simply, it can be used to transform?" Wuming said directly when he saw this scene.

Chen Weihua shook his head and said: "It's not that simple. Now I have the characteristics of a human, a fire snake, and an insect. My defense, fire control, healing, etc. have all been greatly improved. The stronger I am, the stronger I get by taking this potion." Strong, if you take this medicine with a physique like yours, it should be able to strengthen your strength by at least one-third."

"That's not bad." Wuming nodded, but had no intention of drinking these potions.

He thought for a while and asked: "So is the effect of this medicine permanent or is it time-limited?"

"Of course there is a time limit, otherwise how could I drink it? After drinking the potion, the effect will last for about fifteen minutes. When the insect powder in the potion is consumed, it will return to its original appearance. I have used the world to do this. I checked the permissions carefully and determined that there are no hidden dangers," Chen Weihua said.

Wuming listened and nodded: "That's a good potion. For most people, having such a potion can save their lives at critical moments."

"Wu Ming, I know you don't like external force, but this potion is very powerful. Although there are still some minor problems, if you continue to study it, the potion may be able to increase your strength several times. When it comes to a life-and-death fight, you It's best to bring one too," Chen Weihua advised.

Wuming smiled and said: "Then it depends on Sister Weihua whether you can develop such an awesome potion."

It's not that he doesn't like using them, but most of the medicines are ineffective on him. After all, his body is a nameless sea. Now this body is completely composed of biological force fields. It seems to be exactly the same as a human being, but at best it can only be regarded as nameless. A tongue extending from the sea.

Why can't Wuming's body be regarded as a vest? In fact, the answer is very simple. He is not pretending to be anyone. He has always appeared as Wuming. At the same time, his body has never disconnected from the Wuming Sea. It is just this kind of link. The relationship is within the body and cannot be seen by others.

It was like there was a passage in his belly, and the other end of the passage was the nameless sea.

For the above reasons, no practitioner would consider this to be Ma Jia style.

Afterwards, Wuming continued to capture bugs, and then handed the bugs to Chen Weihua, asking them to continue studying the bugs to see if they could make more discoveries.

It is worth mentioning that through research by Chen Weihua and others, they found that bugs are not carbon-based organisms. They are composed of a never-before-seen element. Chen Weihua calls this element silicon.

Because the element silicon is indeed somewhat similar to silicon, we simply use the old name of silicon.

Silicon-based life is very incredible, and its vitality is extremely tenacious. Even if they are cut in half, they can slowly heal. And just like earthworms, when cut in half, they will form two pieces.

Only grinding them thoroughly into powder can truly kill them.

Wuming doesn't kill insects every day. In addition to giving some insects to Chen Weihua and the others for research, he himself is also conducting research on this strange life.

However, his research direction is different from that of Chen Weihua and others. He studies this strange life from the perspective of biological force fields.

In the world of biological force fields, bugs are highly social creatures, but their perspective on the world and their way of thinking are contrary to people's three views.

But they also have emotions, and because of the existence of emotions, the underlying logic can also find similarities with humans.

For example, if there is a green silk and green silk falling in love, they will also hope that the next generation can parasitize in the body of a powerful creature, and finally get a powerful template.

This is no different from people wanting their children to be successful.

When Wuming grabs a green thread, another green thread will appear very sad.

Of course, Wuming could not sympathize with this thing. In the end, he ground the green silk into powder in front of his face, and then he fed the powder to the sad green silk very heartily.

The green silk mutated, from being thinner than a hair to being as thick as a hair, and its body length also grew from two-thirds of the length of an index finger to ten centimeters long.

It launched a crazy attack on Wuming, and then was ground into powder by Wuming.

He kept repeating this, killing the mutated green silk, feeding the non-mutated green silk, and then killing and repeating it. About a day later, a worm the size of a small snake appeared.

Other worms of this size are actually made up of countless green silks, each of which is an independent individual, just like ants cooperating with each other to maintain the operation of the body.

But this worm is different. It grew from a mutated green silk.

Wuming caught the worm with a biological force field. After some testing, he found that the worm's toughness increased by thousands of times, and its resistance to fire and cold also increased significantly. At the same time, it became very smart and begged for mercy when it realized that it could not fight Wuming.

Of course, Wuming would definitely not be able to bypass it. After some research, he killed it directly and ground it into powder.

He followed the method provided by Chen Weihua and directly used the blood of the alien beast as the material. After some refining, a concentrated green potion appeared.

"Theoretically, this thing should be hundreds of times more effective than the medicine developed by Sister Weihua, but I can't be 100% sure. Let's find someone to test it first." Wuming thought to himself while holding the medicine.

Coincidentally, his bio-force field has been locking onto a group of survivors, and there is one person among them that he is very interested in.

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