I Contracted Myself

【447】Internal strife

Abandoned bus terminal, buses blocked the entrances around, forming a temporary camp.

There are 25 survivors here, 16 men and only 9 women. Because the area near the terminal is vast and sparsely populated, as long as the bugs don't track it to the terminal, it's safe.

Mei Houdiao is the boss of the terminal camp. He is 43 years old and a bus driver. He was at the terminal ready to go out when the disaster happened.

At that time, there were about 80 staff members, passengers and passers-by at the terminal. After the initial chaos, some people worried about their families and insisted on leaving, and some people died in the process of searching for supplies. In the end, only 25 people are left.

At the beginning, Mei Houdiao was not the boss. Later, he went through many things and was gradually elected as the boss because of his character. Everyone believed in him.

However, during this period, Mei Houdiao felt more and more pressure. The bugs had completely occupied the city. The alliance army, which people had high hopes for, was retreating step by step, and rescue was far away.

In fact, although the survivors in the terminal camp didn't say it, they had no hope for rescue in their hearts.

Mei Houdiao was in great pain. He wanted to lead everyone to live together, and he tried his best to do his best, to maintain fairness and order.

But several of the survivors had begun to have other ideas.

"Old Mei, come here."

At this time, Leng Song walked into the office and whispered to Mei Houdiao.

Leng Song was a security guard at the main station before the disaster. It is said that he was a sports student at the sports school before he became a security guard. He was expelled because of fighting, and finally became a security guard at the main station through connections.

Obviously, Leng Song has other ideas now.

Mei Houdiao stood up and walked out of the office. The three young men and Leng Song leaned against the pillar and all looked at him.

"Tell me, what's the matter?" Mei Houdiao rolled up his sleeves and asked.

Leng Song smiled and said, "Actually, it's nothing, but... I think there are too many of us and the food is a little insufficient."

"Squirrel, talk nonsense with him, fuck him!" Suddenly, a fiery young man said directly.

After saying that, he pulled out a dagger and stabbed Mei Houdiao in the stomach. Mei Houdiao was already on guard and quickly stepped back, narrowly avoiding the dagger.

But then he felt a pain in his shoulder, and another young man held an iron pipe and showed a ferocious smile.

Leng Song did not move. He looked at Mei Houdiao who was beaten back by the two young men and continued, "Old Mei, I'm not saying anything bad about you. It's already this time. Why are you still using your hypocritical rules? Brother Chen, Wang Mazi, and Xiao Li all died outside in order to find food. The old people hiding in the main station can eat without doing anything. And those stinky bitches, what else can they do besides ah ah?

I don't like your rules, and they don't like them either!"

"Leng Song, I'm already leaning towards capable people in food distribution. Those old people sleep less and keep watch for us. When did they eat for free? And those girls, they also have work to do. Who washed your clothes? Did they become clean out of thin air?" Mei Houdiao kept retreating, avoiding the attacks of daggers and steel pipes, and couldn't help cursing.

Of course, he only thought that the young and strong were more important. Finding food required brave and careful people, so food was always given priority to these people. The old and women only had one meal left every day. Do they still have complaints?

"But we don't just want food, we want to fuck them!" The young man holding the steel pipe suddenly stopped swinging the steel pipe downwards, but thrust it forward fiercely, stabbing Mei Houdiao's abdomen directly.

Mei Houdiao trembled with pain, but between life and death, he still endured the pain and retreated, avoiding the dagger of another young man.

At the same time, he also understood the real purpose of Leng Song and his men. They wanted to set new rules and play with women!

The principles he insisted on became an obstacle for Leng Song and his men, and they were naturally targeted.

"Ah, what are you doing?"

Suddenly, a female voice screamed, and then said in horror.

However, this scream did not scare Leng Song and his men, but distracted Mei Houdiao for a while. Then he was hit by the steel pipe, and before he felt the pain, he was stabbed several times in the abdomen by the dagger.

When the knife stabbed in, his strength was drained away all at once, and he felt dizzy and finally fell heavily to the ground.

The young man holding the steel pipe hit Mei Houdiao's head again, and then looked up at the frightened woman.

Leng Song walked slowly to Mei Houdiao, put one foot on Mei Houdiao's head, and said to the woman who caught them in the act: "Come here."

"Help, Leng Song killed Uncle Mei!"

Unexpectedly, the woman took a step back, reacted and turned around and ran away immediately.

Leng Song's face suddenly changed, and he gritted his teeth and said: "Chase!"

But when they chased out, they ran into several middle-aged survivors who were running back not far away.

These people were Mei Houdiao's confidants. Leng Song saw that they were out looking for food, so he directly attacked Mei Houdiao.

Then, Leng Song's face changed, and he saw a bug suddenly drilled out from the ground, biting a survivor's neck directly, and then dragged him into the cave.

"Damn it, they brought the bug back." Leng Song cursed.

Then he turned around and ran without saying a word, and the other two did the same.

When the woman informed the people who remained in the main camp of the news that Mei Houdiao had been killed, everyone came out with weapons such as benches and crowbars. Before they could fight with Leng Song, they saw Leng Song and his men running not far away.

"You bunch of losers, why don't you run away? Those bastards have brought the bugs back!" Leng Song glanced at the women and couldn't help cursing.

He didn't mean to remind these people, but everyone was running, and those who ran behind were in danger.

And if those women could survive, they would have a little hope in the future, otherwise they would have to rely on their crafts to solve physiological problems every day.

Everyone ran away, and the bugs quickly killed the survivors who went out to find food. They drilled out of the ground, and their body structure was very strange. The upper body looked like a mole, but the lower body was a snake.

They entered the camp of the main station and began to search for prey by following the smell.

Mei Houdiao was not dead yet, but she was stabbed a few times and hit by two sticks. She was not far from death.

He vaguely saw a few bugs appearing not far away, and his heart was completely desperate. At the same time, he was completely awakened in his heart. Maybe the world has really changed.

"Sorry, sorry, I'm a step late."

Suddenly, a man's voice sounded, and Mei Houdiao even thought it was his own hallucination.

But then he felt a hand turning him over. Because of the tears, he could only vaguely see the other person's face seemed to be smiling.

"You are lucky, just give it a try." Wuming looked at Mei Houdiao and said.

He opened Mei Houdiao's mouth and poured the potion into her mouth. A bug suddenly attacked. He made a flying knife appear out of thin air, just like throwing a drink bottle into a trash can. The flying knife instantly pierced the bug's head. The poison on the flying knife immediately took effect, and the bug fell apart.

At the same time, Mei Houdiao's body began to change.

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