I Contracted Myself

【448】Teach a man to fish

Mei Houfeng's injuries were not serious, but the dagger's stabs did not hit his vital points. What really caused great harm to him was the two sticks of the young man holding the steel pipe.

Now he not only has a concussion but also has a cerebral hemorrhage. If there is no qualified doctor to provide first aid, he will definitely die.

However, after drinking the potion provided by Wuming, his body stopped bleeding, and white hair began to grow on the surface of his skin.

Those injuries healed in a very short time.

The next moment he felt that his body was hot. This temperature was a temperature he had never experienced before, but he did not feel uncomfortable, but felt comfortable.

"What's wrong with me?" He looked at Wuming and asked.

Wuming took out the mirror and said with a smile: "Of course... he turned into a monster."

In the mirror, Mei Houqiu's body swelled a lot, and his originally loose clothes were bursting. His face was covered with hair like a monkey, and even his teeth became sharp and sharp.

He now looks like the legendary Bigfoot Snowman.

At this time, Wuming stood up and said with a smile: "Okay, let's start your performance."

After saying that, he jumped directly to the top of the highest building of the terminal, and his body quickly entered the invisible state.

In fact, he has been paying attention to this group of survivors. Except for the plum queen withered, the remaining few are selfish, male thieves and female prostitutes.

Through the biological force field, Wuming knew that their inner activities were very rich, and that clinging to Mei Houwei was just using Mei Houwei's integrity to protect themselves, and they did not really identify with Mei Houwei.

The few survivors who lured the bugs to the terminus camp are the best example. Faced with life and death, they decisively chose to divert the trouble to the east, without caring what would happen to the people at the terminus.

Leng Song and the others were really villains, and those men, women, and old people who escaped were not good people. They relied on the protection of Plum Queen to survive. When the insects attacked, no one thought about Plum Queen, and they all ran away.

If Wuming is successful, he will save such a person. If he is not, forget it.

This is also what he thought after changing his concept of life and death.

If it were in the past, he wouldn't care who the person being rescued was, and would definitely rather be exposed than save someone, but now he has to risk exposing himself to save someone he doesn't like, so forget it.

Although he did not change his appearance at this time, and did not even use his extraordinary abilities completely, he was actually a specious existence in the eyes of outside creatures. As long as he did not use more than a certain limit of power, even beings of the same level as him would He may not be found.

This ability comes from Tianchanghu, but after evolving through the dragon-snake anti-tiangan fight, it has become more magical and unpredictable.

Wuming had forcibly extracted the abilities of many alienated beasts, because these abilities were very individual, either incompatible with him, or the contract conditions were complicated and troublesome, so he had no choice.

Later, he evolved into Menghe, who could use Menghe to digest various powers that could not be digested before, and finally he melted the abilities of countless alienated beasts into one furnace.

It's just that these capabilities are used to fill the database, and there is no chance of being put to use at ordinary times.

After Dragon Snake Anti-Tian Gendou upgraded all his super powers, these abilities were gradually used. However, Wuming would still use the abilities he was used to most of the time, and the other abilities were just supplementary.

In the end, these abilities only provide convenience and cannot make him stronger. With his current strength, it is really not that easy to upgrade to a level.

After all, you can easily defeat several of your past selves every time you advance to a level. The improvement in strength can be said to be earth-shaking.

This is like blowing up one planet with one punch and blowing up two planets with one punch. It sounds like there is just one more planet, but if you think about it carefully, you will know how big the difference is.

After hiding in Wuming, Mei Houqi finally realized the danger belatedly.

He got up from the ground. Except for the insect that was solved by Wuming, the remaining insects did not act rashly immediately, but surrounded him.

He didn't make a move, but he didn't step back either.

Wuming was squatting on the edge of the building. He was a little strange when he saw this scene. After he used the biological force field to understand the situation, he suddenly showed a dumbfounded expression.

Because Mei Houwith took the potion he refined, the smell of bugs on his body was too strong, which made the insects unable to determine whether Mei Houwith was an enemy or the same kind.

"What will the Queen of Plum Blossoms do?" Wuming looked at the Queen of Plum Blossoms curiously.

Now there is indeed a chance for Plum Queen Wither to blend into the bugs and leave safely, but Wuming feels that Plum Queen Wither will not choose this way.

Sure enough, the next moment Meihouqiu took action first.

He suddenly ran to the right with all his strength. In this direction stood a small bug. It should be a mutant bug born from a parasitic weasel or something like that.

When the weasel saw Mei Houbai running towards him, he immediately raised his hand and handed Mei Houbai a human head.

At this moment, Wuming understood the meaning of the weasel bug, which was to give you food and don't hit me.

However, Mei Houfa didn't understand. He kicked the weasel directly, then stomped on the weasel's head, and then he rushed towards a half-human, half-dog insect.

"You have no sense of fighting at all." Wuming couldn't help laughing.

Sure enough, the half-human, half-dog insect was easily dodged by the half-human, half-dog insect's direct attacks, and then the half-human, half-dog insect opened its mouth and bit the plume queen.

But this bite failed to break the plum blossom's withered skin.

Mei Houdiao frowned and immediately punched the half-human, half-dog worm on the head, which immediately caved in under the punch.

"My strength is so strong!"

She didn't feel anything from the stomping just now, but now this punch made Mei Houdiao realize that although she had become a monster, she had also become stronger.

Although it was uncomfortable to become a monster, becoming stronger allowed him to protect more people.

He couldn't tell what his mood was at the moment, so he simply devoted himself to beating the worm. Next, he punched the half-human, half-dog worm again and again, and the worm was finally knocked to the ground by him.

However, the remaining worms also identified him as an enemy, so they attacked him one after another.

Unfortunately, it was useless!

In this state, Mei Houdiao had thick skin, high defense, and great strength. The worms' attacks on him were not painful, and he was even immune to toxins.

However, his attacks could easily smash these worms, making them temporarily unable to move.

A few minutes later, all the bugs were defeated, leaving only Mei Houdiao standing, breathing heavily, feeling her blood boiling.

Wuming looked at this scene and suddenly thought of an idea. It is better to teach a man how to fish than to give him a fish. If a method to simplify the refining of potions can be found, this world can completely transform from non-supernatural civilization to supernatural civilization.

The humans in this world will be able to transform into various orcs to fight against bugs and become their own saviors!

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