I Contracted Myself

【449】Savior Agent

After confirming his idea, Wuming first communicated with Chen Weihua.

He hoped that Chen Weihua would lead the scientific researchers of the rescue team to find a way for ordinary people to develop animal medicine, because only by popularizing the method of refining medicine can a hundred flowers bloom and create a truly extraordinary civilization.

At the same time, he followed behind Mei Houdiao and continued to observe Mei Houdiao's situation.

After defeating the insects, Mei Houdiao was excited at first, then calmed down and began to feel uneasy, but the uneasy time was not long, because Mei Houdiao still had a wife and children.

Originally, there was no way, and everyone could only be trapped near the main station camp.

Once you leave the main station camp, the farther you go, the higher the danger level. Those survivors who insist on going home have already died under the mouth of insects.

But now the situation is different. He was turned into a monster by a mysterious man, but he has powerful power.

He can go home to find his wife and children, and he is also able to protect his wife and children.

But before that, there is one more thing to do!

Mei Houdiao clenched his fists, and a trace of murderous intent flashed in his eyes. Leng Song wanted to kill him, and this revenge must be avenged.

After becoming an orc, his five senses became particularly sharp. All the routes that the survivors ran through had a faint smell. Although a lot of it was blown away by the wind, some of it could be trained into a line.

He followed the line formed by the smell and soon saw a corpse lying on the riverside outside the main camp.

"Grandpa Chen!"

Mei Houdiao walked forward quickly and found that Grandpa Chen's fatal injury was a puncture wound in the chest.

This wound was obviously not caused by humans, which means that everyone encountered insects after running out. As a result, Grandpa Chen ran slowly and was directly pierced in the chest by the insects and died here.

However, the insects did not eat Grandpa Chen, but continued to chase the survivors.

Mei Houdiao immediately got up and ran forward, faster and faster. In a moment, he saw the second corpse, which was also pierced in the chest and died.

"Uncle Wang!"

Mei Houdiao sighed and continued to run forward.

The living are more important!

But the third corpse made his heart sink slightly. This time the fatal injury was not in the chest, but in the cervical vertebrae.

He looked at the corpse's feet, and anger surged in his heart.

Someone kicked the corpse, and the corpse fell to the ground and hurriedly got up, but was attacked halfway up, so this time the attack was not on the chest, but on the neck.

Apparently, in the process of escaping, the survivors began to use other survivors as cushions in order to escape.

Wuming appeared behind Mei Houdiao at this time and asked, "Are you angry?"

"It's you!"

Mei Houdiao immediately turned around and said nervously after seeing Wuming.

He then asked, "What did you do to me, why did I become a monster, and can I change back?"

"I can only answer one of these three questions." Wuming smiled and raised a finger, saying, "I used insects to develop a potion that can turn people into beastmen. For the time being, let's call it the beast potion, and you are my first test subject."

"Then can I change back?" Mei Houdiao asked.

Wuming shook his head, and Mei Houdiao's heart sank immediately. Then Wuming said: "I don't know, because this potion is quite special, I don't know whether it can temporarily or permanently transform people into beasts, or whether it can give people the ability to transform into beasts."


Mei Houdiao was a little angry, but he knew that he was not qualified to be angry.

If Wuming hadn't given him the beast potion, he would have been food for insects now, so how could he have the chance to be angry.

In theory, he should thank Wuming for saving him, but the most difficult thing for people to control is emotions, and he just felt a little angry.

In the confrontation between emotions and reason, reason prevailed in the end.

Mei Houdiao said: "Anyway, thank you for saving my life. Now I want to find my wife and son. Can I go?"

"Of course, you can do everything you want. I will observe your situation and determine whether you can take responsibility. By the way, keep this potion. If the beast transformation is over, you can use this potion to enter the beast state again. After all, in the current situation, appearance is not important, and strength is the foundation of survival." Wuming agreed with a smile.

In the moment just now, Wuming realized one thing. He didn't need to save the world personally every time. He could choose an agent from the survivors to save the world. What he had to do was to provide power and let the agent have the power to reorganize the world!

And there is an advantage to doing this, that is, he always hides behind the scenes, even if other practitioners want to target him, they can't find an opportunity.

The Gong Xiang incident gave him a new understanding of the heavens and the worlds, and now a flash of inspiration gave him a new idea about rescue.

"What responsibility?" Mei Houdiao took the potion and found that Wuming had disappeared as soon as he asked the question.

He took a look at the potion, took a deep breath, and continued to confirm whether other survivors were alive. However, in the end, he only found Leng Song's body. Leng Song's feet were broken by the steel rod, and he died after crawling a distance and being pierced in the head by a bug.

I don't know why, looking at Leng Song's body, his burning heart of revenge suddenly cooled down.

He sighed for a long time, and did not look for other survivors, but turned and walked in another direction. He wanted to confirm the situation of his wife and son.

When the disaster happened, he had talked to his wife and son on the phone, but that was a long time ago. Later, the communication was cut off and he lost contact with his wife and son.

After so much time, he knew that his wife and children must be in danger, but he always held a glimmer of hope in his heart until he saw it with his own eyes.

Not far behind Mei Houdiao, a grain of sand flew slowly. In the inner space of the sand, Wuming continued to study the insects.

He had ordered Xiaoxi to monitor Mei Houdiao's physical condition and continue to collect all the data after Mei Houdiao's beast transformation. Now all he had to do was to improve the medicine and see if the insect had any other uses.

About three hours later, Mei Houdiao killed all kinds of insects that blocked the way and finally returned to his home.

The house was already tattered and full of dust. The photos of their family of three were a little blurred because of moisture. Mei Houdiao took a deep breath and walked around the house, but did not find any bloodstains.

This was good news.

The absence of bloodstains meant that the mother and son might have moved to a safe place to hide.

Mei Houdiao comforted herself in her heart, then sat on her bed, subconsciously picked up the photo on the bedside table, and gently wiped away the dust with her fingers.

Suddenly, he felt a pain in his heart, and the whole person fell to the ground.

The hair on his body began to fade, and his muscles twitched wildly. The whole person seemed to shrink. How much his body expanded when he transformed into a beast, how much it shrank now.

At the same time, he trembled all over, his eyeballs rolled up, and he couldn't control himself.

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