I Contracted Myself

【450】The Pursuer

"Master, Mei Houdiao's body is in an extreme condition, and her internal organs have failed. She is expected to die in three minutes."

When Mei Houdiao's body was shrinking rapidly, Xiaoxi promptly alerted Wuming. Wuming looked up at Mei Houdiao, and the next moment he came out of the inner space of the gravel shell.

He stood beside Mei Houdiao, squatted down to check on her condition, and breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, the situation was not complicated. Mei Houdiao's body was not enough to support the powerful physique after the beast transformation, and the result was that the body's physical energy was exhausted during the beast transformation.

But in the beast state, he was equivalent to having several immune negative states of gain, so he didn't feel uncomfortable.

But when his physical energy was completely exhausted, his beast state collapsed directly. At the same time, because the previous exercise was too intense for him, his internal organs were all damaged to varying degrees. After the beast transformation was lifted, there was not enough energy supply, so he failed.

Wuming pierced Mei Houdiao's neck with his finger. After a while, Mei Houdiao's body was like a long drought and met with sweet rain. It was immediately moistened by a strong vitality. At the same time, Wuming activated several targeted healing abilities to quickly repair Mei Houdiao's internal organs.

One minute later, Mei Houdiao recovered directly, and was even healthier than before.

After all, Mei Houdiao himself is a middle-aged man. Because of work fatigue and other problems, his body has many minor problems that middle-aged people have. Now under Wuming's conditioning, his physical condition is no different from that of a healthy young man in his twenties.

"It seems that being too strong is not good." Wuming looked at the unconscious Mei Houdiao and said to himself.

The effect of the beast potion is too strong, and the result is that ordinary people can't bear the power of the medicine at all, and they will die soon after using it.

Wuming's goal is to make this world have a system that allows humans to fight against insects, and even suppress insects in turn. It is best to use insects as nutrients to build the cornerstone of the human extraordinary system, rather than treating humans as disposable consumables.

After making sure that Mei Houdiao would not die for the time being, he left some food and then returned to the inner space of the gravel shell to continue researching the potion.

Outside the planet, a space suddenly cracked.

Pillars formed by magic spells supported a road covered with talismans.

Fang Xingyue walked out of the crack, followed by six people. They all looked at the planet in front of them, and then looked to the other side. In the dark space, a piece of emerald green meteorite was rotating around the planet. From time to time, green powder fell from the meteorite and gradually fell into the atmosphere of the planet under the action of gravity.

"Boss meow, there is no breath of sacrifice to the gods meow!" Catwoman said at this time.

Fang Xingyue frowned and said, "Wuming's breath did disappear here in the end. Could it be a feint to the east and attack in the west?"

It took him a lot of time to find Wuming's direction. He searched several worlds in a row before finding this world. Because it was quite close to the location where Wuming's breath last appeared, the induction was much stronger. He could be sure that Wuming had appeared on this planet.

"Boss Fang, I say... Is there a possibility that Wuming is indeed saving the world?" A purple-haired lady behind Fang Xingyue said.

Fang Xingyue looked at the purple-haired lady and motioned her to continue.

Everyone in their team has their own responsibilities. As the leader of the team, Fang Xingyue is mainly responsible for communicating with the leaders of other forces, and also for formulating the direction of action and leading the team to make the right choice at critical moments.

Catwoman is a scout, and she is responsible for spying on the enemy, gathering information, and monitoring targets.

The purple-haired lady is named Su Mi. She is the perception, spirit, mind, and soul defense master in the team. She is a psychic herself, and has many magical abilities. She also has the strongest perception ability in the entire team.

"I have found traces of Wuming's actions. He has not left this world, but just hid." Su Mi smiled charmingly.

Fang Xingyue immediately asked, "Can you lock his location?"

"He finally appeared in this place." Su Mi raised her hand, and a beautiful purple energy surged out of her palm. The energy formed a screen, and the bedroom of the plum queen appeared on the screen.

Everyone looked at Mei Houdiao, and then Catwoman asked: "Sister Mimi, where is Wuming?"

"I don't know, and then he disappeared again, but this person has a strong aura belonging to Wuming, and it is estimated that he has a lot of connection with Wuming." Su Mi looked at Mei Houdiao in the picture, and then laughed.

Fang Xingyue thought for a while and said: "Since Wuming is hiding, we don't have to rush in, just monitor his every move here."

"This world is actually quite interesting." Su Mi put away the energy and looked at the green meteorite in the distance.

Bearded Hu Wei asked: "Interesting? What's interesting? It's just a tiny planet that is about to be destroyed by disaster."

In the eyes of practitioners, a planet is actually no different from a village.

Compared with the heavens and the worlds, a planet is really too small. Outside the planet where humans live, there is this vast universe, and outside the universe, there are countless worlds, and outside the world, there is an unimaginable void.

The planet where humans live is insignificant in front of all this!

"The life brought by that meteorite is a bit like a specialty of my world. Do you know polar worms?" Su Mi glanced at Hu Wei and then said slowly.

Fang Xingyue nodded and said: "I know, the polar bug is a bug that lives in places with extremely harsh environments. This bug is not only extremely aggressive, but its body is also an excellent medicinal material."

"Our world was once invaded by polar bugs. As a result, it was discovered that grinding polar bugs into powder can greatly stimulate human mental power. Gradually, we have a warlock system that flourishes in our world today. This world is very similar to my world. , but if they don’t have help, they may never have the chance to embark on the path of my world,” Su Mi said with emotion.

The world she was born in is rich in spiritual warlocks, psychic warlocks, and soul warlocks. It can be said that she is very good in these three aspects. Although she was almost completely negative because of the vest style later, if the vest style had not been banned, the world she was in would have been It may also lead to an extremely terrifying path.

At least, Su Mi sincerely thanked the transcendent person for banning the vest style, otherwise she might have become the vest of some strong people, and her heart would have been injected into the souls of those strong people.

"What does this have to do with us monitoring Wuming?" Catwoman asked blankly while Su Mi was sighing.

Su Mi glanced at Catwoman with a smile, reached out and touched Catwoman's head, looked at the distant planet and smiled: "Wuming seems to want to help humans in this world and create an extraordinary system suitable for humans in this world. "

Fang Xingyue, who was still smiling, frowned slightly when she heard Su Mi's words.

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