I Contracted Myself

【453】Act, act hard

In the past six months, he has been working hard on developing medicines and has not paid any attention to the outside world.

At first, Xiaoxi would count and tell Wuming how many people were monitoring him every day. Later, Wuming felt annoyed and asked Xiaoxi to record it himself and no longer report to him.

Unexpectedly, in just six months, the situation has developed to such an exaggerated level.

The problem is that Wuming really can't understand why this happened. Obviously, saving the world is not a new trend. In the past, some practitioners in the Shenzang Space went to save other worlds with a purpose, and recorded and posted them on the Oracle Network to attract attention.

Could it be that the Oracle Network has been blowing a retro wind again, and this kind of world-saving content has become popular again?

However, Wuming suddenly had a flash of inspiration in his mind and realized that this was an opportunity.

No matter what purpose these people came with, now that the attention is so high, he can actually take advantage of his attention to turn some ideas into plans, and finally convey them through these reporters who came inexplicably.

But just when he was about to implement his idea, he suddenly stopped again.

These reporters obviously gathered in this world because of the "Gong Xiang incident". Their purpose is to obtain evidence that he killed the person who asked for help.

Now he has not been caught by the other party, so the other party naturally has nothing to say.

But if he takes the initiative to contact these reporters now, then these reporters can distort the facts in a Spring and Autumn style, such as "Although this time we did not obtain evidence because Wuming discovered us, blah blah, but the paper cannot cover the fire, blah blah, Wuming will reveal his feet sooner or later, blah blah."

Can't take the initiative to contact these people.

Wuming immediately made a judgment. Although he didn't care about his reputation, it was at least a normal reputation. He couldn't stand the rumors about having children with an old sow.

"How can I let the reporters move themselves without taking the initiative?" Wuming began to think.

If a wave of salvation can be set off again, whether those practitioners are for show or other purposes, at least for many lives that need to be saved, this is a good thing.

It can't be said that doing good things with utilitarianism is problematic. For many desperate lives, even if the other party has bad intentions, as long as they can save lives, it is good.

Wuming knew very well that if there was no savior in the world like Luo Xiang's and Qiu Kui's, how desperate it would be.

When technology is advanced enough to allow the end product to fight against everyone, people can only live in darkness and despair, and the result of resistance is only death.

When the invaders are so powerful that human technology is completely helpless, humans will just be the food of the fish and have no choice but to escape.

Wuming is kind-hearted and can't stand tragedy, so he wants to save these worlds, even if he is weak, pitiful and easy to bully.

After a moment, he thought of an idea, that is, to say goodbye to Qiu Kui, a fair farewell!

Those reporters obviously did not come from the same force. When they realized that this matter was about to come to an end, someone would definitely jump out unwillingly.

Wuming wanted them to jump out by themselves so that it would be convenient to implement the plan.

"Do you really think I don't read the Oracle Network!"

Wuming closed the news about himself on the Oracle Network, complained, and left the inner space of the gravel shell the next moment.

Some reporters thought Wuming had left and were preparing to pack up and leave this world. From beginning to end, they didn't care about the fate of the humans on this planet. After all, these people were worthless to them.

Even if Wuming spent a little time and effort to develop the beast potion, it was actually a toy for the reporters present and had no value.

This potion was precious only to the people on this planet. It only gave these humans a starting point. Whether it could become a truly extraordinary world in the future depended on the subsequent development of the humans on this planet.

But just as they were about to leave, Wuming's aura suddenly appeared on this planet again.

"Wuming hasn't left yet!"

Xiong Ye paused, and the fat on his body trembled.

He immediately opened the oracle stone again, adjusted the distance of the video shooting, and saw the scene of Wuming saying goodbye to Qiu Kui in a moment.

Qiu Kui was not in the city of Mei Hou Diao. The humans in her city were still hiding from each other. Perhaps only when Mei Hou Diao's power spread to this place could she be truly safe.

However, Qiu Kui had known all this through the Oracle Stone, so after Wuming appeared, he excitedly bowed to Wuming to thank him.

When Qiu Kui took out the space crystal and wanted to give it to Wuming, Wuming refused Qiu Kui's space crystal. He looked at Qiu Kui and said, "Because of the appearance of the beast potion, I don't know whether this world will get better or worse in the end. I need you to watch this world. If one day this world does not become bright, I hope you can give it a bright future."

"Well, thank you, Lord Wuming!" Qiu Kui was moved to tears and nodded repeatedly.

Wuming then touched Qiu Kui's eyebrows and said, "In order to ensure your safety, I will leave a mark on you. If you are in danger of life, I will appear at the first time!"

Because this planet has been exposed to the eyes of countless practitioners, it is hard to guarantee that no one will have a crooked mind and seize Qiu Kui's space crystal, so we have to be on guard.

This is also the reason why Wuming wants to see Qiu Kui.

Next, Wuming was ready to leave. He took two steps back and wondered why the reporter hadn't appeared yet. Didn't he want to interview the first-hand news?

Aren’t all the reporters in the Shenzang Space so stupid?

Don't even dare to appear in front of him?

Even if he wanted to delay, he had no chance. If he didn't come, he would really leave, otherwise someone would definitely get suspicious.

But just when he was about to leave helplessly, a fat bear suddenly appeared in front of him, and the other party said nervously: "Master Wuming, I'm a reporter, don't shoot!"

"You are a reporter? How did you find this world?" Wuming immediately asked seriously, as if he was going to kill the other party if he disagreed.

Master Xiong quickly said: "I found this world through an old acquaintance. You can take a look at the Oracle Network first. In fact, all your actions are recorded."

"Oh, really? I'm busy with research during this period, and I really don't have time to go online." Wuming said readily.

He took out the Oracle Stone and opened the Oracle Network to take a look, then frowned and said: "Why are there so many reports, how many people are watching me? Don't you know that there is a price to pay for monitoring a strong man?"

"Master Wuming, I know you are a good person, but in fact I just have a few small questions to interview you." Master Xiong immediately showed a flattering smile and said naively.

This guy is good at being cute, and he has a good relationship with many powerful people through the cuteness. If he hadn't had a conflict with a big black dog, he wouldn't have fallen to being a reporter.

Wuming looked up at the sky. Many reporters ran away quickly, but some reporters stayed to see Wuming's reaction.

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