I Contracted Myself

【454】Plan Announcement

Wuming sensed the reporters who were escaping and couldn't help but sigh: "They say reporters run fast. People in the world don't bully me. Since you're all here, let's all come out!"

"Hello, Mr. Wuming, I am Chen Tiesheng, a reporter from Small Eyes Daily. May I ask why you want to save this world? Why would you waste your precious spiritual world to do such a thing?" The next second, a man appeared in front of Wuming. He asked very quickly.

Then Song Xue also appeared in front of Wuming in an instant and asked: "Wuming, how do you plan to treat your wife and children, although you and the old sow..."

"Get out!" Wuming kicked Song Xue away.

Next, more and more reporters surrounded the unknown group, asking all kinds of questions.

Song Xue, who was kicked to a tall building in the distance, patted the dust on her body, gritted her teeth and said, "He really has a guilty conscience!"

"You'd better stop irritating Wu Ming, or you'll die." Su Mi appeared next to Song Xue and said with a half-smile.

Song Xue said proudly: "At least I must have left a deep impression on him. When I slowly change my attitude in the future, he will fall into my hands sooner or later!"

"Is it just your ass?" Su Mi said amusedly.

Song Xue rolled her eyes, then looked at Wuming who was surrounded by reporters and asked seriously: "Do you think he has discovered us long ago?"

At first, she did not notice that there were so many reporters following her, but then more and more people came, and some incompetent reporters were exposed. It was then that she realized that she was not the only one who was spying on Wuming.

"I don't know." Su Mi shook her head.

Song Xue frowned and said: "You are a psychic, aren't you the most sensitive to emotions? Is Wuming acting, can't you feel it?"

"Do you think Wuming is a cat or a dog?" Su Mi rolled her eyes and couldn't help but complain.

Song Xue sighed: "After this time, I'm afraid it won't be that easy to track Wu Ming. It's a pity that I didn't catch him."

"Although I can't feel Wuming's emotions, one thing is for sure, that is, he is not a bad person." Su Mi said.

Suddenly, there was a huge noise in the distance. Song Xue's expression suddenly changed. She realized that she had missed the big news and flew back without saying a word.

Su Mi looked at Song Xue's back and shook her head helplessly. Provoking a strong man like this seemed to her like an ordinary person provoking a tiger. Sooner or later there would be big problems.

"Sister Mimi's meow, Boss Fang said to withdraw her meow!" At this time, a white cat appeared on the edge of the building, looking at Su Mi and said.

Su Mi nodded and said, "Okay, I wasted half a year in vain. Boss Fang should be quite angry, right?"

"Boss Fang's whole face is dark, but he said that the resource coins will still be sent to us as usual." Catwoman replied.

Su Mi smiled and said, "Field service level?"

"I don't know, Meow." Catwoman replied.

Su Mi glanced at Wuming who was surrounded in the distance, and said with a smile: "There are not many people who can make Boss Fang suffer a big loss. Let's go."

After saying that, she turned into a purple light and disappeared, and Catwoman also turned into a white light to catch up.

If Wuming knew what Su Mi was thinking, he would definitely feel that he was innocent. He was just saving the world seriously. Who knows what Fang Xingyue wanted to do by following him.

For Wuming, saving the world has never been an interesting thing, and sometimes it is extremely boring.

If it were not for countless human lives, he would never do such boring research.

After announcing his plan, Wuming walked away and left the world under the excited eyes of reporters, who started working one after another.

Ten minutes later, 40% of the practitioners in the Shenzang Space exploded!

Wuming will set up a website called the Rescue Team on the Oracle Network. Anyone can join this website and become a savior.

As long as you accept the website's tasks and complete the website's tasks, you can get nameless rewards.

The rewards are very rich, and the highest reward is the wine of transformation created by Dragon Snake Anti-Tian Gendou. This drink can allow the drinker to evolve to a higher level, which is enough to make countless middle-level practitioners excited and take action.

Suddenly, countless practitioners in the oracle network began to discuss it.

Outlaw gangster: "What do you think of the website that Wuming is about to establish? Will this be a mercenary group? If Wuming has selfish motives, this may be the basis of his power in the future!"

Ding Man on the first floor: "What do you think? With your own eyes, this live broadcast has proven Wuming's character. I believe him. Besides, many strong people can offer these rewards, but has any strong person ever done this?"

The sow maniac on the second floor should die: "The sow maniac is a scumbag. This is definitely a trap. Whoever believes in it will be in trouble."

Sobbing Lan on the third floor: "Don't let me know who is upstairs, slandering Mr. Wuming, you are dead!"

Yuewu Wenxiang on the fourth floor said: "Wuming may indeed have the idea of ​​establishing a force, but he has already stated his big goal. Even if he has selfish motives, what can he do with so many eyes watching? Personally, I prefer Wuming. If you want to do good deeds and save other people's world, you can stop being black and nameless, otherwise you will be counterattacked sooner or later."

Feng He, the violent tiger on the fifth floor: "Saving the world, I have done it before, but then a few idiots said it was just a show, so I gave up. This time Wuming inspired the passion in my heart. I want to save the world. I want to Be a brave man, I want to be a savior.”

Sixth floor, Shixue Ruoshuang: "Anyway, this is just a positive thing. I support Wuming's idea. There are too many selfish people in the cultivation world now, making the entire cultivation world a mess."

Seventh floor, Yan Jingyang: "I don't know when Wuming's website will be launched. Transformation wine... hehe, I'm a little greedy."


Akita hut.

Wuming sat on a recliner in the backyard, slowly looking at the comments online.

Fortunately, this time the positive comments accounted for more than 80%. Although some people still kept holding on to the rumors fabricated by the black fan, they were not as aggressive as before.

"Master Wuming, do you really want to take out the Transformation Wine to reward others?" Da Huang asked at this time.

Wuming nodded and said, "Well, anyway, there is as much Transformation Wine as you want, why not benefit others?"

Everyone can only drink Transformation Wine once. He and Da Huang have already drunk it, so he doesn't mind exchanging things he can't use. Although this may not be of much benefit to him, at least he is happy in his heart.

Even if there is one practitioner in the Shenzang Space who takes action, the number of people that can be saved is tens of millions.

This is not a small number, so his action can change the fate of countless people and give countless people a chance to survive.

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