I Contracted Myself


Originally, Wuming wanted to continue the commemorative name of the rescue team and make the rescue team a symbol of hope in the world.

However, he later realized that most practitioners advocate freedom and prefer an unrestrained life.

If the website is named after the rescue team, it may be rejected by some powerful people.

Wuming does not care about false reputation. He pays more attention to whether he can actually help those worlds in disaster. As a result, after some consideration, he decided to name the website Rescuer.com.

Rescue team, rescuer.

Only one word difference, but they are two completely different existences.

The former exists in the form of a team or a force, while the latter can be a lone ranger or a teamwork.

Wuming did not handle this matter personally, but completely handed over the rescuer.com to Xiaoxi to create. Because the Oracle Network is more like a forum, this website was created in his fan section and finally posted directly on the homepage.

It took a week to build the website. There were a lot of programs to be written. Wuming even injected his contract power into it. The entire Wuming Sea was used as a guarantee. Once one party violated the contract, the result would be swallowed by the Wuming Sea.

To be honest, Wuming himself could hardly use the full potential of his body. Only through a harsh contract could the body function. But if he used his own power, there was no need to do so. After all, these powers would be his sooner or later. Why would he go to such lengths and lock himself up with chains?

Although he was now strong enough to look down on most of the life forms in the Shenzang Space, he was actually still a newborn baby. His hands and feet could not be coordinated, let alone fully controlling his body.

If his body was slow to develop, he might really control his body slowly like a baby, but the Wuming Sea was getting stronger. He was like a child who developed too fast and it was difficult to control this overly powerful body.

Because of this, he mobilized the power of the entire Wuming Sea through the power of the contract and added the oath system to the rescuer website.

Both the client and the rescuer need to agree to post or accept the task.

In this way, the helper cannot use the rescuer network to plot against some difficult enemies, and the rescuer cannot do whatever he wants in the world of the helper.

Because the backlash will be very terrible, enough to swallow their lives.

Wuming asked Zhang Shouzhong, Cheng Xuejie, Lin Renmei, and Dahuang to test it several times, and then officially released the website at noon one day.

After the website was released, dense posts began to appear on the website.

Xiaoxi has written a program to review the content of the helper. Trivial matters such as looking for things and begging online cannot be passed. Only those who really need to be saved in the world can post posts.

"There are so many helpers in the Shenzang space alone. Can you imagine what the situation is in the heavens and the worlds?" Zhang Shouzhong saw the posts constantly appearing, and couldn't help but sigh.

Wuming nodded heavily and said, "Yes, what we can do is really too small."

At this time, someone started a live broadcast on the live forum.

Wuming has also watched many live broadcasts and videos these days, and found that compared with the Earth, the online live broadcasts and videos in Shenzang Space are actually more extensive, bolder, and more unscrupulous.

Except for some super strong people, there is no one that the anchor dare not offend.

At this time, Wuming clicked on a room, and the title of the room was: "Wuming's rescuer website is online, let's take a look at the specific content."

In the picture, a golden-haired girl sat on a monster chair, and it looked like the girl was about to fall into the monster's mouth.

She clicked on the sub-screen of the Oracle Network and said while watching: "Hello, audience friends, I like to eat rainbow flash, and the website of the righteous Wuming is online. Let's see what good things there are."

As she said, she clicked on a help post and said in surprise: "Look, the world of this helper has been invaded by the hell plane. I hope someone can repel the hell plane. This is so difficult."

There are many versions of the hell plane, some are weak and some are strong, but generally speaking, the hell plane that has the ability to invade other worlds will not be weak, at least the challenge level will be above 150 floors.

Flash's level was only over 70, so it was impossible for her to participate in such a task.

She took a look at the reward and said in surprise: "This task can get one-tenth of the Transformation Wine. You only need to complete ten such tasks to get the Transformation Wine. It seems not difficult, although I can't do it."

Suddenly, a big mark appeared on the help post, which read: "This task has been accepted."

"Great, the task has been accepted immediately. It's worthy of being the website of Mr. Wuming." Flash said in surprise.

She continued to read other help posts and gradually saw the door. She analyzed: "I understand. Look at the upper right corner of the help post. There is a recommended level on it. This level is actually similar to the level of the resource tower. The rewards for tasks below level 50 are all kinds of strange abilities. After level 50 to level 100, you will have 1% of the Transformation Wine exchange qualification, and above level 150, you will have 10% of the Transformation Wine exchange qualification, and above level 200, you will have 1/2 of the Transformation Wine exchange qualification."

After finishing speaking in one breath, she picked up the cup and drank tons of water, then put the cup down and calculated: "I am now on the 75th floor. According to the prompt, my level is 76, which means I can accept those tasks of 1% Transformation Wine. I only need to do 100 such tasks to get the precious Transformation Wine?"

Some viewers complained: "Saving 100 worlds makes my scalp tingle. If I encounter a tough guy, I may even lose my life. I don't know if the effort and reward can be proportional. It's not worth it!"

An audience member named Forever Love Flash Girl also complained: "Flash girl, calm down, this task is not so easy to complete, and there are many people who don't like Wuming. They may attack the rescuer network and use the rescuers who accept the task to ruin Wuming's Tao heart."

"Isn't there a contract to guarantee it?" Flash asked unwillingly.

A viewer named Cheng Ye Guang Guang Bai Ye Guang Guang said disdainfully: "Who knows how strong the power of the contract is, and there are many props that can offset the damage of the contract, don't be so naive."

But at this moment, suddenly the entire Shenzang space shook slightly, and an indescribable breath of terror flashed by.

At this moment, all the practitioners were silent, everyone's scalp was numb, and they were at a loss.

PS: After writing this chapter last night, I suddenly caught a cold, had a fever and diarrhea, and the disease was fierce. At that time, San Sheng still gritted his teeth and didn't want to stop updating, but there was really no way, I'm very sorry.

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