I Contracted Myself

[456] Deterrence and the Air-Eating Firebird

After a while, someone suddenly found that the rescuer website had released a message.

A practitioner clicked on the message and found it was still a video. He clicked on the video and saw a woman in the picture sneering and issuing a task. During the process of signing the contract, the other party took out a red cone and inserted it into her chest, and then signed the contract leisurely.

The practitioner understood.

The red cone should be some kind of prop that can avoid the punishment of the contract.

What does the rescuer website mean by releasing this video? It wants to tell the audience that the task is not 100% safe, so that those who want to be rescuers can open their eyes and take more precautions?

However, after signing the contract, the woman's face suddenly changed slightly, and she screamed: "God, save me!!!"

Then, the practitioner saw that the ground in the picture gradually turned black, and a large amount of black liquid gushed out from the ground. In an instant, the woman in the picture seemed to be trapped in a swamp. No matter how hard she struggled, she could not get rid of the black liquid.

Her body turned into a giant snake, which was tightly absorbed by the black liquid. She tried fire, lightning, strong wind, and all the means she could try in a short time, but there was no change.

In desperation, her "God" took action.

It was a powerful blue arm that instantly crossed the space and reached the sky above the giant snake, directly grabbing the body of the giant snake. When the practitioner saw this scene, he thought it would form a tug-of-war, but the next second the screen was all black.

The practitioner's pupils shrank instantly, realizing that this was the source of the terrifying and indescribable breath just now.

When the picture returned to normal, everything returned to calm, but this calmness itself meant countless uncalm contents, just like a deep spring, under the seemingly calm water surface, there is a possibility of horror.

After watching it, the picture was completely dark.

The practitioner's heart was difficult to calm down. He took a deep breath and immediately looked at what other practitioners had to say.

He understood part of it, and there were still many things he didn't understand, and he needed the big guys on the Internet who knew everything to explain it.

A few minutes later, there were finally posts related to the video.

The title of the post is: [There may be a transcendent behind the nameless! ]

This post was posted by a person named ‘Just understand’. He wrote in the post: “After watching the video, thinking of the terrifying aura that just flashed by, I believe many people understand what this means. Those who understand will understand, and I can’t explain it too clearly to those who don’t, after all, this matter involves too much.

In short, this power can affect the Shenzang space from the real world, and even shake the Shenzang space, which itself explains a lot of things. I believe those who understand know what I mean.”


The practitioner silently deleted the post, feeling that he had wasted a minute.

Then a post was quickly pushed up, and he immediately clicked in after seeing the title. Sure enough, this post had real stuff.

Tiger Fangs Sharp: "My God, the power of this contract is so great. I also issued a help task. This contract did exist before the release. The notary of the contract was Mr. Wuming, which means that Mr. Wuming's power may be stronger than we imagined.

And the black liquid, I believe that those who have seen the Shenzang Trial should remember that Mr. Wuming once used a similar ability, but later he used it less and less. Maybe this is Mr. Wuming's real power.

We all underestimated Mr. Wuming's strength. He is fully capable of continuing to pass the level. Twenty, thirty, forty, no one knows where Mr. Wuming's limit is.

The good news is that we don't have to worry about the rescuer network having a pitfall task!"

Next, the first floor gave several thumbs up, the second floor was applauding, and the third floor was laughing.


When countless people were shocked by the power of the rescuer's contract, many smart practitioners had already started to act, snatching tasks and starting to save the world.

Chen Wei is one of the practitioners who acted quickly. He majored in the external seeking method and his system is the alien sword fairy, which is a more evil system.

Alien Sword Immortal is not the name of this system, but it is named to distinguish it from the normal Sword Immortal system.

Normal Sword Immortals are all swords, and their lives are entrusted to them. If the sword is alive, the person will live, and if the sword dies, the person will die.

Alien Sword Immortals can refine other creatures into sword species, thus producing various strange flying swords. Although their power is slightly inferior to that of normal Sword Immortals, they have many more tricks than normal Sword Immortals.

Of course, refining other creatures into sword species requires the consent of the other party, and will not really kill the other party, otherwise the alien sword immortals would have been treated as evil demons long ago.

After Chen Wei accepted the task, he immediately teleported to the world in need of rescue through the Rescuer Network.

This step is completed by the contract. The helper needs to hand over the sub-crystal to the Rescuer Network, and the Rescuer Network will provide the teleportation service through the contract to send the rescuer over.

In a moment, Chen Wei came to the world of the helper.

This is a world with extraordinary power. Because of the existence of aura, humans can practice various magical martial arts, refine aura into true qi, and exert power beyond ordinary people.

Of course, the level of extraordinary power in this world is not high. Most practitioners only have a relatively long life span, which is about 300 to 400 years. Occasionally, there are old monsters who can live for 500 to 600 years.

But that's all.

According to the calculation method of Shenzang Space, the strength of these people is only about 30 levels, and the top ones do not exceed 39 levels.

Chen Wei has always been cautious, so as a rescuer for the first time, he deliberately chose such a low-difficulty world to give it a try first.

"Sure enough... the spiritual energy is already quite thin, and the air is filled with fire. It seems that the rescue message is not wrong." Chen Wei came to this world and was in a withered forest. He moved his nose and smelled the air. That smell of everything burning.

The end of this world is very strange, originating from a strange beast called the Air-Eating Firebird.

The Air-Eating Firebird itself is not a powerful alien beast, but a small alien beast that is about the size of a sparrow and feeds on spiritual energy.

They require very little spiritual energy, and after obtaining spiritual energy, they can generate a kind of spiritual fire.

This kind of spiritual fire is the favorite fire of alchemists in this world, so the air-eating fire bird has been a prop bird that warriors have been competing to capture since ancient times to build a good relationship with alchemists.

There is an alchemist named Qing Shanzi. He is not very talented in cultivation, but he is extremely talented in alchemy. At a young age, he has become one of the best alchemists in the world. Naturally, countless warriors have sent him a lot of energy in order to have a good relationship with him. Firebird.

Qingshanzi is not a person who is willing to be ordinary. Alchemy may be too easy for him, so he feels that there is no challenge. He wants to become a powerful warrior!

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