I Contracted Myself

【457】Exotic Firebird

At first, Qingshanzi put his hope in alchemy, hoping to refine an elixir that could improve the bones.

If this type of elixir were in the divine treasure space, there would be as many as possible, but they have never been found in this world. After all, each world has different plants and different materials. Some things are very important to this. It is sparse and ordinary to the world, but it is extremely precious to another world.

Qingshanzi tried countless materials, and even secretly made an outrageous elixir using human materials, but all failed without exception.

When he was greatly shocked and felt that his spiritual path was hopeless, he unexpectedly discovered that his air-eating firebird had become stronger.

A normal air-eating firebird has a lifespan of about 10 years. The air-eating firebirds he raised tend to have a shorter lifespan due to their intensive use of spiritual fire. The longer ones can live for five years, and the shorter ones can even be killed by him in three years. Play to death.

Of course, he actually cherishes the Air-Eating Fire Bird, and usually uses it in turns, but it just can't stop him from refining alchemy too frequently.

The main reason is that he needs a lot of materials to experiment, and the materials will not appear out of thin air, so he must make elixirs to exchange these resources with others. Over time, he has become a model alchemist in the world, refining elixirs almost every day.

For the Air-Eating Firebirds, this was like practicing Gu. All the Air-Eating Firebirds with poor qualifications died. The remaining Air-Eating Firebirds experienced waves of spiritual energy baptism, and finally a special one was born. Individuals not only have a higher utilization rate of spiritual energy, but also have a longer life span.

Qingshanzi later discovered that the Air-Eating Firebird No. 202 had been used for twenty years!

He realized that his lamp was dark, and he had not actually tested all the materials. At least the Air-Eating Firebird had not been used in alchemy yet.

Therefore, he began to acquire the Air-Eating Firebirds and began to use them to make elixirs. He wanted to study how the Air-Eating Firebirds could turn spiritual energy into spiritual fire, how to become stronger through this method, and how to extend their lifespan through this method.

After countless failures, he figured out a way to transplant the talent of the Air-Eating Firebird into his own body.

This is a very crazy method. You need to put the most qualified air-eating fire bird into the alchemy furnace at the same time as yourself, and then use a large amount of medicine as an aid to refine yourself and the air-eating fire bird into an 'alchemy'.

Because this method was obviously not possible for him alone, he invited his friend Bo Lizi, who was also an alchemist, to help.

Qingshanzi didn't know that Bolizi had always been malicious to him. Because of his model worker behavior, the interests of many alchemists were squeezed, and Bolizi was one of them.

It's just that Qingshanzi had no flaws in the past, and Bolizi was good at forbearing, so he didn't reveal any flaws.

Now Qingshanzi wants to refine himself into an elixir and asks him to control the fire. Isn't this asking for death?

And as an assistant, Bo Lizi also knows the entire elixir recipe. After refining Qingshanzi to death, this magical elixir recipe will belong to him!

Due to interests, jealousy, and past resentment, Bolizi did not put the ingredients in the order of the recipe, but randomly put them out.

Something unexpected happened.

Maybe even Bolizi didn't think about a problem. Although his order was wrong, the medicinal materials were still those medicinal materials.

So Qingshanzi died, but a strange bird was born who inherited everything from Qingshanzi.

The alchemy furnace was directly exploded by the mutated air-eating firebird. Before Bolizi woke up from his daydream, his body was exploded by the broken alchemy furnace fragments.

An air-eating firebird whose body is entirely composed of fire aura flies out of the alchemy furnace and uses the aura of this world as food to crazily reproduce a large number of its kind. These same kind can be integrated with its body at any time. The purpose of dispersion is to Capture spiritual energy.

In just a few years, the spiritual energy of this world has withered. At the same time, wherever the air-eating firebird passes, there will be severe drought, and many people will be roasted alive.

Human beings in this world now can only hide underground and feed on moss in caves. Even so, food is getting less and less, and human beings are about to perish.

What Chen Wei has to do now is to kill all the air-eating firebirds and return the world to normal.

As soon as he thought about it, a green sword appeared beside him, and at the same time, a beautiful woman in green clothes slowly appeared and gently held the blue sword.

"Zhu'er, you are the sword of spiritual bamboo. You are the most sensitive to the natural breath. Help me see where the fire is strongest!" Chen Wei said to the beauty in green.

This beautiful woman in green clothes was one of his swords. She was transformed from the spirit bamboo. Later, after getting to know him, she gradually developed feelings for him and was willing to never leave him.

Because Lingzhu transformed into another form, the sword she transformed into was named Lingzhu Sword, and her soul was the sword spirit.

Of course, she can also transform with the sword and do some indescribable things with Chen Wei.

"Brother Chen Wei, when the sun rises in the east, the fire is naturally the strongest in the east." Zhu'er hugged Chen Wei's arm and said sweetly.

Chen Wei told Zhu'er some of the settings of this world. Zhu'er frowned and said, "This kind of fire should be in the south. I feel that the south can no longer be called fire, but more like a kind of burnt air! "

"That's right, let's go and kill that bird and save the world!" Chen Weidun felt proud, holding Zhu'er's hand and smiling.

If there is no benefit, he will definitely not waste his precious practice time to save other people's world. After all, he is not an immortal existence and needs to spend a lot of time to prevent himself from being overtaken by death.

But this does not mean that he does not want to be a good person or do good deeds.

In fact, doing good things is a very self-satisfying thing, especially knowing that you are on the right path, your heart will become strong and tough.

Zhu'er smiled and nodded heavily: "Yeah!"

Beauty loves heroes. Is there any more heroic cause than saving the world?

At this moment, Chen Wei felt that his heart seemed to be sublimated. He felt the love that was about to overflow in Zhu'er's heart, and found that the power of the sword of love had become stronger again!

Perhaps, this is his real way of practicing.

South, isolated island.

A huge firebird about the same size as the isolated island was crawling on the island, and the red flames emitted terrifying high temperatures.

Magma continued to flow out of this isolated island, and a large amount of water vapor immediately emerged when it fell into the sea.

The surrounding sea was boiling, and the terrifying heat distorted the dark clouds in the sky, and the dark clouds continued to spread around like waves.

Farther away, heavy rain was pouring, endlessly.

Countless small firebirds flew from different locations, passed through the long rain curtain and returned to the firebird, injected their spiritual energy into the firebird's body, and then turned into a thin wisp of fire and quickly flew into the sky.

In this state, they no longer have the ability to pass through the rain curtain, so they can only leave from high altitude.

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