I Contracted Myself

【458】What a talent!

Above the clouds, a wisp of fire flew as fast as a red ribbon. Suddenly, a crystal sword struck and split the red ribbon into two.

But at this moment, the red ribbon divided into two sections accelerated violently, because not far from the crystal sword, Chen Wei stepped on a sword and was controlling the crystal sword.


Chen Wei thought to himself when he saw the anger flying towards him.

Obviously, this fire knew that he was the controller and attacked him as soon as he was attacked instead of fighting the crystal sword.

"Frost Crystal Sword, thousands of miles of frost!"

Chen Wei watched the fire coming, and suddenly made a seal with his fingers. The crystal sword instantly penetrated the clouds below, and then countless huge ice crystals pierced out from under the clouds. In an instant, the two fires were wiped out by the terrifying cold air.

"The practitioners in this world just don't have the means to restrain the Air-Eating Firebird. In fact, the Air-Eating Firebird...is nothing more than that!" Chen Wei thought to himself.

He just saw the heavy rain falling below the clouds, so he waited here specifically for the Air-Eating Firebird to return, and then used the water vapor below combined with the coldness of the Frost Crystal Sword to create a cold air that was enough to destroy the Air-Eating Firebird's fire energy, and easily destroyed it. The gas-eating flamingo.

Next, he continued to fly forward, getting faster and faster, and the dark clouds below became thicker and thicker, undulating like waves, with faint flashes of lightning.

Suddenly, a circle appeared in front!

There were dark clouds all around, but a big hole opened in the middle of the dark clouds. The red light penetrated from the hole, and you could still feel the amazing heat.

Chen Wei held the frost crystal sword in his hand, his face gradually becoming serious. He slowed down and flew to the edge of the cave entrance. Looking down from above, on the huge island, the huge air-eating firebird was slowly raising its head, and their eyes met.

Obviously, the big air-eating firebird can sense the life and death of the air-eating firebird it releases. When Chen Wei killed the small air-eating firebird, the big air-eating firebird already knew that the incoming person was evil.

"What a spiritual creature!"

Chen Wei's eyes suddenly lit up when he saw the big air-eating firebird.

But then he secretly sighed that it was a pity. If only the Air-eating Fire Bird was smarter, he could definitely train it into a sword type. It would definitely be a fire-type divine sword.

The problem is that the alien sword fairy is not a heretic. He cannot forcibly refine an unwilling creature into a sword species. Otherwise, it will be hindered by the sword species. Not only will it not become stronger, but it will be detrimental to future practice. .

At this time, he raised the frost crystal sword in his hand and said: "Firebird, your actions have endangered the life and death of the entire world. I, Chen Wei, will act on my behalf and kill you here!"


A golden light flashed in the eyes of the big air-eating firebird, and the next moment it immediately spread its wings and let out a sharp cry.

In an instant, the whole world seemed to be on fire, the water in the sea boiled more violently, a burst of fire rose into the sky, and all the surrounding dark clouds were blown away in an instant.

One person and one bird, one in the sky and one on the ground, the battle begins!

Chen Wei does not have the habit of not leaving his name behind when he does good deeds. He had already started the live broadcast on the way over.

The title of his live broadcast room is: [I accepted a mission on Mr. Unknown’s website and am saving the world]

Thanks to the unknown Dongfeng, there are still many viewers watching his live broadcast.

In the divine space, Wuming was sitting lazily on a recliner. He accidentally came across Chen Wei's live broadcast, so he clicked to enter the live broadcast room. Then his eyes narrowed slightly and he couldn't help but complain: "Fat man, come and watch. , this guy is worse than you!"

"Who is worse than me? Dahuang is the dog!" Zhang Shouzhong said dissatisfied.

Dahuang said proudly: "I am a dog, what's wrong? You want to be a dog but you can't."

"I don't get along with dogs, so stay away from me." Zhang Shouzhong said in disgust, then walked to Wuming and looked at the screen displayed on the oracle stone.

Then he frowned and said: "This guy looks ordinary, but that bird is a bit difficult to deal with. It burns the sky and boils the sea. It's just like the phoenix in mythology."

"His level is level 105, and that bird's level is level 55." Wuming said calmly.

Zhang Shouzhong was speechless when he heard this. The level difference between a person and a bird was so huge that there was no suspense at all. Unless the bird could take out a special item to crush the person, it would definitely lose.

"This guy is not a dog, but he is really stubborn in his work." Zhang Shouzhong couldn't help complaining.

However, it looked different in the live broadcast. The Firebird and Chen Wei fought back and forth, from the ground to the sky, and then Chen Wei was slapped into the sea by the Firebird's claw.

The entire sea that was still boiling was instantly frozen into ice by the Frost Crystal Sword. Chen Wei was lying on the ice, and the Air-Eating Firebird immediately dropped its claws from the sky.

Chen Wei raised the frost crystal sword in his hand to block. As soon as the two sides collided, a huge impact and heat wave came. Chen Wei immediately stepped back quickly. The surrounding ice melted and froze, and froze and melted again. Because of this The process goes too fast, and smoking ice appears.

There is a saying, this live broadcast is more exciting than watching a blockbuster movie.

If he hadn't known the strength gap between the two sides, Wuming would have been deceived by Chen Wei.

Chen Wei is no longer letting off steam, but is trying to fix the match. Only by letting go of a universe can he have such a scenario where he is evenly matched and even at a disadvantage.

"Good-looking, this Chen Wei is a talent!" Zhang Shouzhong commented.

Wuming nodded and said, "He does have a brain. I don't know how he will come back next."

Both of them took out snacks and drinks, and simply treated it as a blockbuster, chatting while watching. After all, the difference between Chen Wei's strength and that of the air-eating firebird was too great, and there was no danger at all.

In the picture, Chen Wei escaped from the ice surface into the deep sea, and then a terrifying cold air erupted from the deep sea. A huge ice cone pierced out from the ice surface and instantly pierced the air-eating firebird that was searching for Chen Wei in the air.

This attack seemed to have established the victory. The air-eating firebird immediately let out a wail, and a big hole was pierced in its chest by the ice cone.

However, the next moment, the sky turned red, and dense small air-eating firebirds came from all directions, and instantly all sank into the body of the big air-eating firebird. The original size of the air-eating firebird was about the same as the island. With the addition of these small air-eating firebirds, it instantly expanded three or four times.

The level of the air-eating firebird was upgraded, from level 55 to level 60, and there was still no suspense.

However, Chen Wei under the ice looked solemn, as if he was facing a life-and-death crisis. He gritted his teeth and said, "Zhu'er, Shuang'er, Ling'er, are you afraid?"

Three beautiful women appeared behind him, one hugged his waist with her face on his back, and the other two held his hands, saying in unison, "Brother Chen Wei, we are not afraid to save the world!"


Chen Wei seemed to have received some kind of buff, and his temperament suddenly became sharp.

PS: The condition has improved a lot, but I still have diarrhea. If there is no accident, I will try my best to keep updating.

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